Drawing session
I was chilling with kids recently...

Baby sitting activites: making drawings...it was fun...
A visit to a pizzeria in Alingsås
I paid a visit to VED recently...which is a local pizzeria in Alingsås...

...pretty hot outside...but nice temp inside...

...a various of flavours...

...these two pizzas were what the waitress recomended...

...I shared with a friend...(i told him I will pay for his pizza if he went home to sleep some days ago when he had a fright with a friend in common)...should b the last time I pay for a friend not to fight another friend...(funny behaviour)...
...I found the pizzas meat flavour rather heavy...

...I also got to try two other flavours...

...and I had some tea with basil leaves...

...it was nice...but I might been spoiled with the gourmet pizzas from Gothenburg in recent weeks...
More chill at the west coast
I went to some BBQ with some friends family recently.

...also passing by the local beach...

..my friends father had a local water fall...pretty cool...

...and paintings of elephants...

...plenty of key chains...

...toy cars...

...and also a raditional charcoal grill...

...it was pretty good...including potatoe chips on the plate...

...and some danes dessert with two different flavours of toppings...

Also some other bun...with coffee...sugar high...
Some Taiwanese restaurant visit in Gothenburg
I went to some taiwanese restaurant recenty...

...the owner is from Taoyuan...

...they have different kind of asian dishes...

...later on I went to a bubble tea store near Järntorget...

...they had some digital queing system...

...and plenty of flavours...

...like in many asian tea stores...

...they also had some wooden swords...just like in san marino...

...I had two differnt kind of tea...coconut and original bubble tea...

...like traditional "yeguo nai cha"...but with lichi flavour...

...I had to pop it upen my self...

...and was told that I had to finish it within 30 minutes...(else i think the flavour ould be different)...It was good...
Pizzeria and ice cream tour in Gothenburg
I saw some sky art recently...

...in Gothenburg...some airplane draw a heart...

...I went to a pizzeria called Oizo which an aunt recommended to me...

...it was pretty long waiting time (1.5h)...

...we got a number...

...interesting kitchen...sour dough...no wooden fire...

...seems like 1 oven...like in many of the other professional gourmet pizzerias...

...this one had a lot of cheese...

...and this one was pretty popular the staff told me...

...this place has limited opening hours...so I was lucky to match it...

...after Oizo....I headed to a local ice cream store...

..I had some popular flavours (the staff told me)...

...and Oizo, a friend recommended this pizzeria "piccolo"...so we continued to here to try it out...

...Mr K was picking the pizza...

...we shared it...

...Mr K took a pic of me posing and taking a pic...

they do have something looking like a wooden fire...or alteast stone bottom oven...

...later on I headed to the ocean side...and saw a nice motorcycle...

...and a sword...I seen this before...I think it is to open sparkling wine bottles...
2021 continues...
Cheese and art
I recently had some cheese lunch...it was good...

...fried cheese with cheese and jam...

...I also saw some japanese art...it is pretty cool...(based on some anime filme)...
Summer events at the west coast
I went to some local store recnetly...

I also picked blackberries...

...and had some raw beef...my friend promotes raw red meat...it is a little controversial from a historical perspective...

...I also had some fish and ships...

...and watched some movies (tried to find some indian movie with subtitiles...)...
2021 continues...
Making a stump tiger
I found a stump recently,,,

...I thought if I should make a wooden castle...but it was rather high...

...so I ended up making a human shaped animal...

...I guess it needs some more finish...

...this was my first stump creation...I made some decade ago...

Attempt to make Lasagna Empanada
I tried to make Empanada recently...

...Making them according to recipie...10-12 cm in diameter...

...they are supposed to be made pretty soon after the dough is made...

...I took some lasanga, and added som extra cheese...

...almost done...

...then fold them...

...add some egg on top for color and crispiness...

...they smelled like european pirogs...

...I happen to know people who work/own the brand "gorbys piroger" which is the most famous swedish pirog...maybe I should introducemy lasanga empanada...

...Voila...pretty ok...a little small compare to the empanadas I tried last week...

...filled ok according to my colombian friend...
Wont reach the standard of Nga'ay Ho, which are the best...but still...
Pizza events at the west coast
I had some pizza without cheese some days ago...chilling with a friend...

..less fat but same amount of fat..I got to finish this pizza...pretty nice...

...I also found some digital bible studies...

...I also went to some indian friends...eating with my hand...hot hot hot...

...it is fun...indian music, food and atmosphere...

...I also brough some water melon (dumpstered)...it was nice..

...later I made some mini pizzas as well...with Tipo 0 and Tipo 00...

With salty and strong cheese...pretty nice...
A visit to Simba (Ethiopian restaurant)
I passed by Simba som days ago...

...Simba makes me think of Kenya...

...african interiors...

Blur pic of the menu...

...I had an african beer...

...som wooden faces on the wall...

...my predish was alligator meat...recomended by the staff..(a little pricy)...

...I ate it before...in vietnam...(or crocodile)...

...interesting bowls of some grass...

...they did not have the kenyan beer...so I had some guiness from nigeria...

...it was ok...pretty similar to guiness....i think...

main course...cark pic...multiple dishes...

...one of the few African restaurants in Gothenburg...

...more wooden decorations...

...and djembe drums...i bought one outside Barcelona...

...some street art outside the restaurant...

...old blocks of gothenburg...

...ond of the hills close to the oldest part Gothenburg...more central than Kungshöjd I think...

I also went geocaching with Mr K it was fun...
2021 continues...
A visit to Mins place and a buffet place in Gothenburg city
I grinded my own coffee recently...this time not from taiwan...but some coffee beans I dumpstered...

...maybe the grinder at my parents house is better...

I also had some chinese food at Mins place...

I also went to Roberts Coffee...

...I had some 3-4 times before I headed for the dessert...

They usually have 4 flavours of ice cream available...
Japanese bar, Steam punk bar and gay club
I went to a japanese resturant recently...

It was fusion I guess...

...Takame...was its name...

...and the chopsticks had similar pattern to the indigenous people of orchid island in taiwan:

...I had some sushi...

...we later on went to some candy store...

...omg; same korean candies I tried in taiwan (I think)...(I ended up buying one of the reeses butter cup cakes at the bottom right on the pic...

...next stop was a steampunk bar at vasastan...

...I had some coconut drink...but no steam...(the ohter steak punk bar is slightly more generous with interiors and steam)...

...my friend had steam...

...a friend ordered a non-alcoholic cider..but got a 4.5%...

...later we headed to Gretas...I got a special drink (Negroni)...

...It was the most fancy drink they ever served anyone..the bartender told me...

...due to covid restrictions we had to stay close to our table...if dancing...

...but some people didnt follow the restrictions...

...also the fans were not on...it became pretty hot on the dancefloor area...

...I think some of the staff were pretty insecure...keep asking us to move...and propsed a place in a corder...luckily some more serie oriendet guy helped us with a dancefloor spot (since my friend wanted to dance the alcohole away)...
2021 coninues...
A multiple event day
I joined some people to an indian restaurant recently

...it was called The Elephant...

...it was ok food, including sallad refill...

...ater we headed to a place called Aberdeen...(as in Hongkong Aberdeen)...

...I had a Tuborg...

...it was fun...

...and later i passed by Dubbel Dubbel for some baozi...

...and Max for some Browine and icecream...

...and some empanada <3

...it was argentinan...trying to help Siku with some local investgation

...they also had other local stuff...

...later i went by Cheers in gothenburg...where i had a falcon...

...and a langos...it was a little salty...

...later on I tried a local beer...

...we also passed by Stranger stranger...

...very dark. but much more rowded than last time...

...tried some drink they recommended...

...ended up to be a peach drink?...

...they also had a icon system...

...it was interesting...

...later we went to the kebab place the döner factory...

...Mr K put pepper in his ayran...

...i had a kebab roll (as the staff recomended)...

...also a visit to Mr E was paid...

...I followed a friend to the tram later on...

...omg...many people at Gretas this night...
A visit to Werners bistro
I paid a quick visit to Werners bistor recently...

people singing and there was some beach theme...

...i wanted a hamburger tower...but they didnt have until september...so I got a normal burger...

...later on also a Mcdonalds icecream...(mudslide)...

...and some beer I might alredy tried before...

...omg "ehosk sorg" tag...at 2a lång...
Strange times
Something happened to me, and I dont know what it is. Time for a personal inventory?
- Increase training
- Increase relax times
- Improve diet
- ...maybe Jordan B Peterson or Micael Dahlén knows...or Kay Pollak
More events in alingsås
I made some more pizza recently...

...trying to use napoli style...

...and also used herbs from the garden...

...and a lot of cheese...

...I also had blue berries...

...omg a lizzard without legs...

...I also saw jupiter and saturn...but now satrun is far more to the right of jupiter...compare to last year...

...more dough...

...Omg; i also foudn a taiwan beer glass in the little town for Alingsås...maybe my friend Kelly or Stefan, who both lived in taiwan before donated it...

I was also invited to a japanese event at a local ice cream store...with wasabie and mucha icecream...

Monday summer chill
I droe my brother to the airport recently...at 04.50...

...cus he got vaccination, no quarantine was required upon arrival back to Switzerland

...i love the airport

...I also went for some beef noodles...

...and some beer...

...showing friends a steampunk bar...

the bar tender did a non alcoholic drink...

I had a TIPA...without my beer app, I have to store all beers....
Random events in aingsås
I was chilling in Alingsås recently...

...watching Sameblod to start with...

...puting out my coffee plant in the sun later...

..in spected some juniper berries later..they smelled like Gin...

...I also passed by a park... with some friends...and chilled around:

...they went for a swim...we also went for some "hitta ut"...which is fun...

...and some walk in in alingsås city...

...many boats out on the lake...

...I also got some more herbs...

...and inspected my old wooden castle...it was fun...might adust it later...
Some random events at Öijared and Nääs
I passed by Öijared golf court recently...

...to inspect the architecture...

...and enjoy their salad buffet...

...and some swedish dish...

...enjoying the interiors...

..a lot of stones...

...omg, my relative: and his wife a princess of sweden was here too, some time ago...

...i also went by a local brewery in nääs...

it was nice....
Later on I also tried stand up paddle...with a devastating result that a "water prrof bag" was not that water proof and all my phones ended up getting water damaged...it was an interesting challange...
Pizza flour purchase and pizzeria visit at the west coast
I started to re-investigate pizza dough recently...(as I made pizza weekly dugint my student time some decade ago)...

..."Tipo "0"...

...Tipo "00"...

"Tipo "00"... not of the pizza had any "W"-value on them...which has to be 280-330 to be really perfect pizza dough...

I also spotted a guy, who I recognized walking barefoot in night at public grass fields...I bought a news paper form him, and also asked why he walkled barefoot...he said "I likethe feeling"...
I am also a bif fan of barefoot walking..since I ran a barefoot marathon before..and also walked barefoot at campus in taiwan for some years...

I passed by a pizzeria called Paradiset

it was kind of in some hipster blocks in gothenburg...but pretty far from the city center...

...the pizza was good...

...later on I tried some drinks too...

Drink name: Bijou

Drink name: Sidecar

Drink name: Kaffe Karlsson...
2021 continues...
A visit to two pizza places
I visited the pizzeria "Walk in the park" recently...

...with a lot of green interiors...

...it was said to be good...

we got forks...

...they had some bake paper underneath...

...I also had a bloody mary (i took from my friend who thought it was to spicy)...

...later on a visit to brewers beer bar was paid...they also had pizza...

...bars nowadays close late (maybe after midnight)...due to change in corona restrutions...

I was also sipping folköl until after midnight with my friend...just for fun...wamr summer nights...
Sunlight on earth
The 8th of july, at 11.15, swedish time, 99% of the popultion has sunlight...

...that is nice...
Brännboll, hitta ut and face mask testing
I went to askimsbadet for some business recently and for brännboll

it was windy...and i had issues playing and still having a can of beer in my hand...

...i tried some local burger as well...

...I also tried this new app made by O-ringen,,,like orientering...

I later went with

...some poles...not sure if i am allowed to show the letter...but anyway...

Using a map, that can be found in the local library i was told...or onthe app...

...I also found blueberries...a lot...but maybe not ready be be picked yet...

I also visited an old friend...a 12 year old cat...

...watching what food from the sea to eat...seems like the ocean has a lot of food to share...

Facemask of the day was christmas (thx Siku <3 )
A quick visit to neo asian resturant
I passed by a neo asian resturant recently...

...it was a buffet...so im not sure if the quality was optimal...

...it reminded me of the mongolian bbq that use to be near packhuskajen in gothenburg but more quantity...

Or like chings palace near brunnsparken...with different dessert...
Garden work, burger and chinese food
I did some garden work recently...

...my coffee plant is very big now (even though not in a garden)...

...some wild strawberries...

...the hops grows...but I want other kids like simcoe, amarillo, mosaic and swedish ones...

this is probably the same as the one that grew the most...(i also have a citrus, but it havnt grown this year)...

I alter on had a hamburger...

...and a pizza...

...I also had some chinese food...

...chincen and vegetables...

...and ended with some dessert with red beans in the middle...