Attempt to make Lasagna Empanada
I tried to make Empanada recently...

...Making them according to recipie...10-12 cm in diameter...

...they are supposed to be made pretty soon after the dough is made...

...I took some lasanga, and added som extra cheese...

...almost done...

...then fold them...

...add some egg on top for color and crispiness...

...they smelled like european pirogs...

...I happen to know people who work/own the brand "gorbys piroger" which is the most famous swedish pirog...maybe I should introducemy lasanga empanada...

...Voila...pretty ok...a little small compare to the empanadas I tried last week...

...filled ok according to my colombian friend...
Wont reach the standard of Nga'ay Ho, which are the best...but still...