Pizza flour purchase and pizzeria visit at the west coast
I started to re-investigate pizza dough recently...(as I made pizza weekly dugint my student time some decade ago)...

..."Tipo "0"...

...Tipo "00"...

"Tipo "00"... not of the pizza had any "W"-value on them...which has to be 280-330 to be really perfect pizza dough...

I also spotted a guy, who I recognized walking barefoot in night at public grass fields...I bought a news paper form him, and also asked why he walkled barefoot...he said "I likethe feeling"...
I am also a bif fan of barefoot walking..since I ran a barefoot marathon before..and also walked barefoot at campus in taiwan for some years...

I passed by a pizzeria called Paradiset

it was kind of in some hipster blocks in gothenburg...but pretty far from the city center...

...the pizza was good...

...later on I tried some drinks too...

Drink name: Bijou

Drink name: Sidecar

Drink name: Kaffe Karlsson...
2021 continues...