Weekend events in october
I went picking mushrooms recently...

...plenty of different kinds...I should improve my identifying skills...

...also these ones...orange colour...

...white colour...

..I often see this one...

...some slimy one...

...often growing on a stump

..some brown one...

...gray underneath...

...also stump growing...

...at alot of pine trees...

...later I went to an asian resturant with Mr Yu...

...Mr Yu wanted to take pics...

...pretty bridge...

I also saw some cool mug with Darth Vader..

...and with a Batman logo...

,,,Mr Yu also spilled mushrooms in the city...

I had a lot of them to dry...

...different kinds...

...I tried to separate them for faster drying...

I also made some new pumpkin...a really smal one...

...and one very big...looking like Jack the pumpkin king...

...later I also picked autumn apples...

I guess they are proper to store inhouse....
Friday happenings on a random 2020 day
I tried buns with cheese and Vegemite today...

They were very good...

It was my ustralian friend Mr Robert who made them...

I also saw some deers walking around in the gardens in Gothenburg city...
More autumn events at the west coast
I picked rose hips recently

...there are many kinds of them...and they are said to be rich on vitamins...

...I boiled them to make some soup...

I also repaired some pants...

Autumn colours on the trees...

...autumn sunset...

...I headed to a turkish restaurnant...

...and had some meat of bone...
More autumn events in Alingsås
I chilled with my indian friends recently..

...blurry pic showing one of them exersiceing...

...we also got some friend fish...

...and played cards...

...I also made a new bonfire...

...and joined a friend to this burger place "shit pommes frites"...

...where I got a pretty good burger (long waiting..but Igot a free drink as a compensation)...

...later we headed for a short visit to lights in alingsås...

..Oliver didnt think it was that good this year...I agree...I like when its more sound and light interaction...

...some figure skaters...

...Oliver brought his "good camera" for some good pics...

...some tree that switched colours...

...to green from blue and pink...

...Oliver tyring to catch the colours..

Some fontains in the river...

Some light balls near a church...

Some kids were playing on the balls while Oliver tried to take the photo...

...this one had most sounds...but alot of people walking around...so Oliver passed this one...

Figure skaters were turning around..and since they were rather 2 dimensional they could disapear if snapped at the wrong moment...

...many people like this one the most...

...some blue and green waterfall...

A blurry pic of Oliver...
Some evening happenings in Gothenburg...
I went to a recently opened Max burger place recently at hisingen...

...it was pretty crowded..stil rather corona safe...

...I also tried a BBQ place...

...and went for a meeting with people in an organisation...

...and later went up a hill with a coworker...

...Oliver wanted to take pics...

...over gothenburg...

...waiting some half hour for the sunset...

...he has a better camera than I, up here...

..with alot of settings...

This random guy came and sat beside us...maybe cus I was playing "sunset music" on my bluetooth speaker...

...almost there...

...I use to enjoy the sunset when driving combat boat back in the days...

Oliver still fixing the camera for night view...

...but not many people here tonight...

...still a red sky..however...with clouds it would be more colourful...

...Oliver said that my music might have affected the blurryness of the pics...

Even if the sun is down...the sky is still light for quite some time...

"Oliver, put your hands up in the air":..

"Love n Peace sign"...

...then more focus on the photo taking

...later we visited a BBQ place...

...I had the red turkish drink Shalgam...

We shared some platter...

...later I passed a beer brewing place...I might buy some equipment here later...

...I also made it to the bike kitchen...

...and to max with Andreas from Wilhelmina...

...he is very funny...
Mushroom picking and some garden work at Lövekulle
I went picking mushroom recently

...with some relatives and friends...

I found some russle...mostly pretty spicy flavour...

and the normal funnel chanterelle...

...my favorite mushroom place...

...not many animals out nowadays...in the hunting season...

...some nice creek...

...3-4 bags of mushrroms...

...on this warm autumn day...
10th of october event
I started to make some pumpkin art some week ago...

...where I also wanted to take care of the eatable parts...

...I made a classic pumpkin head...

...and made a pumpkin soup...

...it was ok...

...I also made a big bonfire...

...the pumpkin was lighted, and put at anearby road...

...I also made some chestnut in the over...

...and I saw some flower blooming....spring before winter...

I also went for a birthday party...

...with the locals in alingsås...

...it was fun...

...we tried strawberry baileys...
...2020 continues...
A revisit to the barn; burger bar
I had lunch in the barn some time ago...

...I went with Oliver who takes alot of pictures...(like me)...

...nice light installation...

I had some special burger...of some kind...the patty here is pretty good...

...a little red inside...making it more juicy...

...I also had triple fika in the afternoon...

...and enjoyed some Blue label as well...
Some evening events with the guys
I went to some burger place recently...

...it was good...

...and after that I went to another burger place...

...and chilled at 2a lång with some locals...

I also treated Daniel with some cheese bun...he is funny...

...we went to the bar "down under"...where I tried some australian beer...

...it reminds me of when I was inaustraia...back in the days...

Some opera house build with swedish bricks...

...and a typical Oz sign...

I also tried an epensice Omnipollo beer...(triple porter or something)...

They also had a colourful drawing...

We ended with a burger at BK...
A birthday bash in älvängen
I joined a birthday bash recently...

...at älvängshallen...

...people here keep viking distance...

...many kinds chilled around...

...ad they had a train cake...

...it was also the cinnamon bun day...

...I also joined to some taiwanese place...

...it was a nice sunset...around 18.30....

...I got some cake in the night aswell...

...and some tapoika...

It was an interesting day...
Chillin around with Mr E n Mr K
I went to mossens pizzeria recently

...apparently one of the best kebab pizzerias in gothenburg...

..I also passed by an ice cream store...that use to be "ölandsglass"..but they changed their name some decade ago...

....thye had many flavours...

...i had some chocolate and coconut (apparently they also had beer icecream...but one had to order it separately, and MOQ was 20 liter...like 1200 sek)...


...later we went ot Mr Ks place...

and we had some coffee and beer...

...he has some special funnel to get maximum taste...

...and also some cookie...

...Later we went to 2a lång, where I had some beer from a swedish group..."the hives"...HPA..

...I also had some danish dish...

...later on we went to "down under"...an australian bar...I like this place...reminds me of my trip to australia...

...later on we went to Lagerhuset...Karl was very funny..

...they didnt have too many options beerwise....

...then we went to kungsbaren, and later on to have a kebab..

...kedar got the wrong dish..but reclaied a falafel..

...next stop B.K...Mr K was on a diet... (Mr Eden Force joined up shortly as well)...

...he also had a cinnamon bun...

...and later on he got some feeling and we headed for a kebab again...

But I wanted to give the meatballs and mashed potato a chance...2020 continues...
A moon festival gathering
I was on a moon festival gathering some time ago...

...and had some cakes at a suburb of gothenburg...

...alot of hotpot...

...I also brought some taiwanese spirit...

...and had 9 cakes (bout bought 10...apparantly the cake store lost 1 cake)...

I also tried some green drink...it was ok...filled with fruit...
A visit to super rullband in gothenburg
Autun is coming to town

I recently collected different kind of pallet flowers...just for fun...

I also passed by super rullband, where many chinese people are hanging out...

...I had some mix of chinese food...

I was there with Min, and we later on went to Bee bar...

...they had a candle on the wall...which gave christmas vibes...

...the colours on the trees gave autumn vibes...
Random events at end of september 2020
I went to a turkish resturant recently

I had some wraps...

I also went to a local icecream store...lejonet björnen

it was good...but not that many people in this autumn time...

I also went to a thai restaurant called Moon Thai...with funny interiors...

...and they were also joking about thai tourist culture...

...and displaying their prices in bath as well...

I had some juice drink...

...oliver took many pics...

...And i had some spicy chicken...

...more photo taking from oliver...

...and i also passed by the bke kichen with Min...

...and studied about hops...

...and gothenburg pubs in scotland...

...later on I alse went to some arabic rsturant at hisingen...
...year 2020 continues...
BBQ and indian hangout in Alingsås
I went BBQig recently

They didnt have flinta steak at the local supermarket anymore...they said that is "sumemr food"...so I had to do my own marinade...

...I also troed some expensive and luxurious chocolate...my dad liked it too...(but i think he likes anything)...

Later I headed to Jaimons hangout...and Daniel had a pretty chill pose...drinking and playing and testing...

Funny Daniel...
Local events in Gothenburg Autumn 2020
I had some chicken stew recently...

...alot of cheese...

...I also passed by a Ramen bar (called Asian express)...it was spicy. just like it use to be in asia...

...i also had a sundae at Mcdonalds....

...and passed by the bike kitchen...

...My firned also had a vacuum cleaning robot...and an app with a map of his house...pretty cool...

...later on I tried som elocal beer...

...still living by my beer app untappd...

I later on visited 2a lång..and haket...where i found this nice art...
Late night with Eberth and with Min
I paid a visit to Eberth place recently...

...had some beer and cheese...

Eberth opened a sparkling wine...

I also saw jupiter and Saturn and Mars at the night...

I also tried a grill at Backaplan later on...pretty nice...they had some waterpipe smoking inside aswell...
Mushrooms and persian food
I had mushrooms recently

Since I got big mshrooms, they last for quite some time...

I also tried some persian grill

And I had some lamb scewers...(it came from the local street market)...

I also tried some stout I never tried before, which i logged on my untappd app