Live today
A message to some people out there...

It contradicts with my old quote "learn from the past, dream about the future, but live today"...but it aims for people who are pondering and need to move forward...
Another favorite qoute:
As Lao Tzu said: “The best fighter is never angry.”
Funny clip of winter 2018:
Confusing MRT
I went on the MRT recently...

Even if it was in the said no MRT will arrive...typical industrialized country problem...luckily the MRT arrived after 3 minutes...
A quick visit to a mexican restaurant
I visited a taco restaurant recently

I been here before...not sure if they have any mexican owner...

I had tacos and quesadillas...and some nice cinnamon drink..."horchata"...very nice...
A 1 day trip to Danlin
I paid a 1 day trip to danlin recently

Passing Nanzi on the way there...

...and some nice sceneries...

typical pingdong environment...

...probably beetle nut trees...

When I arrived to Chaozhou Geai picked me up...

we stopped by a nearby 7-11 to buy stuff...

and some time later we went for a scooter ride...

The goal was to visit coffee stores...and we found once nearby Danlin...

Laiyi coffee...

They had some coffee plants there...pretty cool...

The coffee I had was just from the area...

Colourful coffee bar...

And the would b a cool bar here too if they wanted...

I got the same coffee in 2 cups...

Later on we went to a graveyard nearby...

And further up the mountain we passed by more aboriginal villages...

...Puljeti seems like the name...

We were pretty close to Beidawu...where I have been before...
The view from here was fantastic...

Also nice roads up here...

Taking pics while driving...(we are in the south of taiwan; thus the safety equipment we are using)...

We could see Kaohsiung from here...

At some mountain top we found this coffee place...

Geai took many pics from up here...

Their menu was in chinese...

I used my 200ntd and 20ntd to in the old times...

Higher up: greater view...

I got coffee from Beidawu...finally...

And some coffee from a local coffee farm...

I had an interesting cup...

After a while we headed back towards Danlin...

Geai looking like some rapper/gangster...or something...

As usual the roads here have aboriginal patterns...

When we got to Danlin we could see the sunset...

We made a short visit to the hanging bridge...and crossed it...just for fun...

Once back in Danlin, we had some beer...

We also had some whisky that a french guy brought earlier the same year...

...we also had BBQ at a nearby house...

And alot of food...

Later we moved to another location and drank more...

Some people did some arm wrestling...

In early morning I headed back up north...2019 continues...
Xiaoliuqui beer
I got beer from Xiaoliuqui from a friend recently...

...pretty cool...if i go there again I should buy more...
A visit to taipei fish market
I paid a visit to taipei fish market

They have alot of fish and seafood

and huge crabs... was my first time here...

...some crabs were from japan...according to some people

IT was some restaurants that were in thea area, all selling fish...

Some dished were pretty expensive...but crabs are expensive here...even in Hsinchu I found a crad for almost 1000ntd...

Once the customer picked...the crab peices are put on some was an interesting visit...
International coffee at carrefour
I found coffee from many countries at carrefour...

I didnt have time to try the difference...maybe next time...
A trip to Taidong 2019 (part 2)
A visit to my faovitie museum in Taiwan...but not for entering the museum, rather check the fontains outside...

...passing a maze first...

...many locals were checking it out...pretty cool...

The fontain area was pretty big...

Full of locals...

I also found statues inspired by my favorite island in the world...

Bojun were taking pics...

...Pose in taidong...

I might make similar statues some time...

...some huge stone...similar but higher than some i raised at lilla bornö...once upon a time...

...act of balance...

Taidong by evening...

...later on I had some local food at Bojun place...

Later on I borrowed a bike an cyclled to taidong downtown...

I bought some sugar apples...

...and at a local place had a japanese beer...

Looked like this...

Later on I headed to the even more central parts...

Many people were there...

Some Amis-place....they have many aboriginal places here...bedtime soon...

In the morning I headed downtoen again...

Passed some shopping street first...

...and a recently opened hotel...which use to be an abandonned building...

We also had some milk tea...

...we wanted to try a new burgerbar...but it was closed...even second time we passed by...

...Buhan and Bujun checking some other lunch place...

..a pretty nice place...

Continued the chaise for a lunch place...

...finally ended up at some japanese place...

...japanese decoration...

Omg...they had a 4.5kilo dish, which is free if you finish withing 30 minutes...

I had what Bojun recommended...some white soup with noodles...

...after lunch we kept walking in taidong...

I was then cycling after the boys to some famous mochi place...

...many people were queuwing up...

They had some paper certificate...

...speed up the bike after the scooter...

A peaceful ride in taidong...

After the ride, I picked up my stuff and we hit the scooter again...

Train back to Taipei...

...nice view of my favorinte part of taiwan...2019 continues...