A hike at Beidawu mountain
I went to hsinchu some days ago to get to the south of taiwan...

Its the 3rd time this week i go there....for the purpose of fixing a car...

I waited at Hsinchu train station...

And there Cory met me up...

Not sure why but cory always loves to drive in the night...to some moutain and, without sleep carry heavy luggage...in order to reach the peak the following morning...more or less exactly the opposite to what I use to do when I hike alone...

This is the car we rented...

Cory had some stickers on his walll-

From different parts of the workd...

Not sure why...

Omg...some "sky of happiness"...funny words in taiwan...

We didnt have any GPS...so it was a littel confusing...

But cory had some map...to show us...

The volume control in teh car was also broken....

This was the map...on his cellphone...freeway 3 to pingdong, then raod 186 or 185...

Some local aboriginals (Paiwan) in pingdong...they are so

The road uphill was pretty bad...

We could see Beidawu nearby...

Hmm...typical taiwanese mountain road...

With nice view...

And some coffee farm...

Cory was checking the road...

Finally it said that we couldnt drive further...

So we parked near another car...high up in the mountians...

Some waterfalls...far away...

And the road was blocked...

Due to some land slide...

Not sure what this wire was for..

Many loclas did this hike in 1 day...I got stressed since I also prefer doing it in 1 day...expecially I prefer to sleep before I start walking...(since me and cory drove during the night)...

Backpack on...

And on we go...

Coty found some crystals...

Pretty nice...

The path was like an old ranger road initially...

Following some grid...

We had signt to come to the trail entrance...

Every now and then, we got this signs...

Ths view was partly nice...

Some old parking lot...

And some final path to the trail entrance...

Down there is Pingdong...

Cory resting...

Finally at the trail entrance...

It use to be scooters andmabye cars up here...

Many trails...one leadadin to some ancient aboriginal road...and another to the Beidawu mountain...

Some one dropped their car keys here...

No ranger insight...usually you are suppose to sign a paper...

I wanna go to thos paiwan house one day...

Some forrest toilet...

And some city sandwish...

This is the poace in taiwan where we were...

On Pingdong county...

With many animals nearby...

Even this wild cat...I hope to see one of these...

18-19 degrees...

Wops...watch your step...

Every now and then..they had a pole in the ground with GPS marks....

The road was steep...not that much focus on safety...

But still a nice trail...

So far like 1500 meters above sea level...it was walking in the djungle since southern taiwan has tropical climate...

And it was not that much up hill yet...

But some rivers to cross...

Luckily they prepared some bridges...

And many waterfalls in sight down in the valley...

Omg...stairs...it reminded me of yushan...

Maybe out there they have some bears and wild cats...

Omg...strange sign...

"14 endemic species" in this area...

We started at 5-6 something...I hoped to be at the peak by lunch..but cory wanted to set up the tents first...we were still keeping a good phase...

The peak covered in clouds...

Some rest area at some ridge...

And some yellow spots...

"1870M" above sea level...

Still a small path...


The path took many shapes...

And clouds stated to come near...

And it got steep after a while...

But not that good view...

In the winter they have some ocean of clouds to be seen from here...

Some small ridge again...

And many big trees...

They also had a cabin after some 5km...with tap water...

And places for tents..

And a house...

This area was buiot 1944...it seems like the japanese people really liked to explore the island...I can recall that also xueshan was explored by the japanese...

Also the aboriginals walked here since many many years ago...

Omg...a high altitude toilet...

And some sofisticated flush system...

It seemed to be fully booked...thus we brought our tents....even if most people we meet aimed for a 1 day hike...

Litter..in the forrest...hmm...

Some big tree again...I heard about some 1000 year old tree here...some where...so i kept my eyes open for it...

Another big tree...

And another...but I was told that the "1000 year old tree" had a fence protecting it...

The path had many logs that blocked...

It was confusing for people with backpack...

They also had some web of ropes to hinder people from taking the wrong way...

Even f the peak is just 3089, many people go here...since its the southest 3000+ peak in taiwan...thus the raod conditions were ok, and I never seen this many people before on the trail...

It was slippery sometimes...

More crystals...

Omg...finally a tree with fence...

Yep...the "1000 year old tree"...

I also brought my chocolate from sweden (ikea bought)...

Some random tai...who came from the cabin...

"6K"...more than half...

Now we passed some river/creek area...

Very wet and many fallen trees...

But it was ok...

Omg...a small flower...

Another ranger...

He was picking litter on the trail...they have many volunteers in taiwan at the hiking trails...thats good since 25 million people, on a small island can cause a lot of damage...

Not far ow...

Just some steep area again...

On the edge...

Some locals passing by...

Here...is our tent spot...at some monstery, put here by the japanese to honor some victims in war...however the local aborinials did not like it (een if the monument was to honor them)...

I wanna be a member of this clan...

I wonder how they got the material up here...

Some bird jumping around...maybe some endemic species...

People put coins on the monument...

We put up our tents here...

Cory had a waer proof tent...

Futher up hill they also had some temple...

Also made by the japanese...

at 3029, we slept at...

Still very warm...

time for supper...

Cory likes to prepare food...not sure why...when I hike alone, I always bring some take-away food...to save time...

But this is not bad...

Ok...15-16 something...time for bed...

We blocked the path...but we assumed no one would pass by by now...

In the early morning, some local guy passed by...I saw his flash light...and we joined him to the peak...

It was 5-10 degrees...a perfect mountian climbing temperature...since i always get super wamr when climbing mountains...

The advantage by reaching the top by morning is that the sunrise makes the cloud go away...

And the view is better...

We could see both the west and east coast from here...

The guy in blue was used to climb mountains in taiwan....he seem to done most of them...

He and cory has quite some talk...sharing experiences...

At east, the sun was reflecting the water...

Far away we can see Yushan and some other dozen 3000+ peaks...

The random tai guy showed us arround...on the peak...

"di yi"=the first...is a local classification o the view...this is a "good view" moutain since it has visibility in 3 directions and no other mountain blocking the view...

Ti was pretty wet outside...

And we were heading down...

Still nice wearther...

On the bamboo...

Fixing the equipment...

Some people were very slow...I can really feel that I done my military service...regarding routine to pack...i was done in 5 mins...while the other tent chose to pack inside the tent, causeing a 50 min delay...

Omg...some buddha flags...

Some last rest at the temple...

Cory at the temple....

Say cheese...

Same way down...

With a better view..since now we actually could see the valley...

Down there somewhere...

Omg muhrooms...

And rivers...

Someone prepared this one...nice...

I found a poncho...and decided to return it to the cabin...

The path was nice after a while...

I often went ahead before the others..and got some quality time by myself...then its nice to have chocolate left over...

I also found some place where the rangers store some signs...up in some bushes...

And far down the slope...

When we came down below 2000 meters...it was pretty foggy...

Same ridge as before...

Omg...could this be a Stag beetle? I looked all over sweden for one...but it required taiwan fo see one...not sure if its a real one though...(maybe a look-alike)...

Steep edge...

And slope...

And stairs again...

Wow...30 meters down...I better not lose focus while walking...

Not its not far to the car...

More parts with high risk for landslides...

Some wierd pole in the middle of nowhere...

A foggy part...it was pretty slippery by now...

Hurray, the trail entrance...now its just 3km left to the car...

Some old men, I think 1 was a ranger...

They had a military belt that we use to have in sweden...

I wonder why the have styrofoam on the conctrete blocks on the road...

Finally...tropical temperature...and the parking lot...

We saw 2 cars here when we came..and now a dozen....seems like sundays are more popular hiking days...

Cory colected stones for the ride down...

On the bumpy road...

He collected them in the car...

And picked new ones as we found them....

"flat stones hunt with cory"...

There is one...

Later we had good use for them...

It seemed like scooter is the way to come here...I might use scooter next time I climb a mountain...

Cory was a good guide to show me where to drive..and to place stones at the worse parts...

Some jeep...I guess thats the perfect road car here...

After some 30 minutes we reached some aboriginal village...

Cool...aboriginal art...

Since we didnt ahve any GPS..this guy showed us the way down...in a maze of small roads...

Pretty nice...

I still hd an M&M left from the hike...which i finished quickly in the car...

Omg the south of taiwan, where ppl never use helpets on scooters...


Omg...not sure if they see it as a recommendation or decoration...

We later went on the freeway...cory suddenlt told me to turnarond.... :S...

Its not easy with all the chinese characters...

But since we are on the west coast now, the moutains should be on our right hand side...thus we had to turn around again... (we were right fomr the beginning), its strange how hard it is to enter the freeway since its high above ground one needs to find an entrance point...

Strange cliffs north of nantou...or somewhere...

Omg..chickens...probably illegal to have them that many in these small cages in europe...

IT was a nice sunset...

We stopped at a local place in nantou for some dinner...

I had some local steak...

Omg...when in taipei i found many people having their bikes in the mrt...so convenient...