Not lose face - culture
Its interesting how some people act in a "not lose face" culture...I often pay with coins. Any many people just make up that the 20NT coin is "old", but the 200nt bill is new. It is a fact that they are made 2001, when taiwan was 90 years old.
I heard that people make things up, cus they lose their face if they cant motivate their theory or behavior...
I heard that people make things up, cus they lose their face if they cant motivate their theory or behavior...
Class for tais:
Visit to some bars in sourthern taipei
I met a german globe trotter recently, who has been backpackgin the world for 1.5 years...and more to come maybe...

We has been surfing in the filippines for some time and is now visiting taiwan for some weeks before heading to hongkong and laos...

I also made it to a great sky view place in banqiao...

They have an all u can eat restaurant...and a sky bar...

Both indoor...for food...and outdoor for drinks...

They also had their own beer...but it was made in taoyuan...

Some view over the city...i gues we could see yangming mountain in the background if it was daylight...

I had 2 kinds of local beer...

I also tried a taco...but it wasnt really a was more oversalted korean meat in nacho shells...

The outdoor area reminded me of burj khalifa with the lightning...but not as big and massive...

Im not sure why the beer label had a coconut wasnt flavoured at all...but had some IPA touch...
Geochacing along the riverside in taipei
I went geocaching recently...

...and I broght my favorite beer...

I also passed by Guandu...

And later on arrived to danshui...where it almost looks like in gothenburg...

I also made a brief stop at a local beer bar...

Dingmalr craft beer...

And some local kebab place...

They have a double set of the same menu...i wonder why...maybe to make it look like its more to offer...
A night out with Johnny n Roy
I was out some nights ago ang met some old NCTU friends and new friends

I also met a Rukai aboriginal friend...pretty cool...
A quick farewell of Gerlinghoff
I met Daniel Gerlinghoff taipei

He was chillin with some friends and later he met up with me

He looks a little like my cousin...
We were talking bout his recent trip aournd the island by bike...

He also gave me an owl...bought near sun moon lake...nice!...
Royal wedding in Danlin (last days)
We were all dressed up for a ceremony in a nearby citi in danlin...some days in the wedding week...

Heading to the area...

We also saw some locals burning fire cute...

Pretty smokey afterwards...

In the horizon we saw the royals again...

They had some singing going on on the stage...

I liked these buns with coconut on it...(we started to eat pretty soon in the ceremony)...

Uday was taking with some people, I think he wanted to go to Kenting...

Some kids were performing on the stage...

We also become good friends with a chubby kid from the neighbour village...we also met him shortly the day before...

We also got to say bai to the newly wed...

And we ended up at some local house....but we were not allowed to eat their food...we just sat and talked...

The chubby kid was also playing around...

...later we ended up eating in danlin instead...

Eating and drinking...
...and drinking...

We also tried some purpulse stuff..maybe taro...?

After a night full of events we ended up at a near by breakfast place...

Geai was acting the waiter...

We got some hotpot stuff...

A slow lunch...

We later on headed to a nearby house for more eating...

...and drinking...

Funny pic...

Many youg people discussing...

We also got some rise roll with pig fat...pretty good...

Some locals were fighting...pretty strange...

I was observing some local art during the fight event....

Me and bubba was chllin around looking at local people

Some kids in the cute...

One of the guys brought a bottle of vodka...pretty funny...they wanted to shot...

More dirnking...

Uday posing from danlin looking at the nearby village...

Some ppl collected sticks if they were to be attacked...but it ended with negotiation...

Some night discussion...

And more mingleing on the street...

People started to drop by one...

And morning started to appear...

Later, the foreigners and some youngsters were still awake...

And the older started to wake up...

Last night pose...

...or this is the last one...

...a poser who fell asleep...2018 continues...
A royal wedding in Danlin
I went to Danlin recently

I brough one of my favorite beers...yilan maitian

Many familiar faces were there......(seen behingd a millet wine i bought in jiaoxi some month ago)...

The funny Try me guys...

This girl got pretty drunk after a while...and so did others...we ended up dancing and playing music for some time...

After some hour sleep we prepared for some wedding ceremony...

All dressed up...

Some other people from other villages were also there...

And many people drinking millet wine...(to the left are donations from the other village ii think)...mostly symbolic stuff...

Geai got a sword...I alo wanted one...but its only for some people in this ceremony to wear...

...I might make a sword like this when I get home...

Bubba also dressed up...

...left handed...

Later we wend to a wedding lunch...

The bride was carried in on a chair...

We were at out "foreinger table" eating and drinking...

Later uday dropped by...

We were also asked to drink with other tables...

...and suddenly thre was some dance performance...

Many people were there...this is a 4 day event...this was the second day...

The royalties had pretty exclusicve dresses...

Bubba was drinking with locals...his chiense is pretty good...

Later we headed back to the house...

On the way I spottd this special almost amis...but not really....

Geai enjoying the view from danlin...

...back to the house for more drinking...

...and music playing...

...omg, my friend got a golden ring..very exclusive..but is it real?

hmm...some stamp not sure about the system in sweden we have a "cat foot" for items like this...

...people drinking...

...others were singing karaoke...

...the killed some pig for this event...s we had alot of meat...

...poor bubba...he picked Ice Ice baby, i told him i can help in the chorus..but on the rap session it was hard...

He did a pretty good job anyway...

Back to the house...for some drinking...

Some amis people were there...

...all dressed up again...

We went togetehr to the village nearby...

They had some preparation for a new dancing ceremonty...

Many cute people in dresses...

The royalties...

We also wanted to take pics with the royalties...

Later on we went for some more eating and drinking (mainly beer and millet wine)...

This millet wine was very good...

...later on we went back to the house for more drinking...

And the bride dropped by...

We aso had some tofu...2018 continues...
Geocaching in Taipei
I went geocaching in taipei recently...

And tried some strange drink inbetween...

They have nice areas for cycling near the riverside...

"happy winner"...interesting company name...

I ended up drying some local beer form Bali, my friend Joel knows the owner...its not far form Mamasui, where i took the beer brewing course some years ago...
Riverside bike tour in the sunset
I recently went on a river side bike tour near songshan...

I join my friend Chun, who use to live in this area...

Later we headed to a near by night market...

And some pastery that ahd some michellin star...I was told...

...very famous..

...I also tried some other pasteries without stars...

This one was like a french petit chou, but sweeter and with butter...

I also made it up to elephant mountain...

...and had some local 7-11 stuff...

I also found some ubrger bars..but never entered....

"Yolo" a common message nowadays...

I also used ubike to go to some culture park...

This park had local beer from Hsinchu...

I tried 2 kind...tasted pretty normal "taiwan local beer"...
Some small events in northern taiwan
I went geocaching some days ago...

It is fun...nowadays they give some souvenirs....i guess to encourage people to do more geocaching...

Some log sheet...

I later headed to Ximen for a cinnamon drink...

I ended at an australian place...with some local kebab...
A hike to yangmin shan
I made a trip to yangmin mountain recently...

Omg, bu tI observed that taxis charge extra to use their trunk for luggage...i guess if i was in this taxi i wil leave everything on my lap...

I also observed some breakdancers in ximen...

...and had some 4 cheese burger at AK12...

With some all u can drink offer at G2 paradise...

...Later we headed to yangming mountain...

...kristoffer was there...he had some experience...

Some first peak...

We also saw this sign...that not to walk withit te rope...or is it "only to walk within the rope"?

Heading to next peak...

We could see the city from this smaller peak...

We headed to bayan hotspring...

OMG...some enter this path....

We walk maybe some other day...

We walked on some water system...

Daniel played with the ditch...

After some time we got closer to the bayan hotspring...

...many people were there...

Kris was impressed of the path with hot water...

After some hotspring bath we were heading back to taipei...

Kris made some read stone pic...

After some bus waiting, we decied to get a cab to civilsation...not sure why the bus werent according to schedule...

We headed to Barhai...and had some local beer...

...and some fried rice...
Kris will short hair...

After this we passed by a colombian place...

And we ate some was friend recommended since he is from colombia...
A latino carneval near Yuanshan have some info about aboriginal language...epic...

Atalay...or people say in chinese...

They also shared some culture...

I later went to an all you can eat...and drink...

They had 3 kind of wine...

...and alot of meat and fish...

I later went to a carneval for latino countries in taiwan...and passed by a stand where they were selling some kind of kebab...

They had s stage where people performed...

I also tried some coffee some somewhere...

...many restaurants were sell their stuff...

...some peruean drinks...

Sergio was there...

...and some other NCTU friends...

....they had alot of dancers...

And DJ Cola was there...from peru...

Many foreigners were there...

And later on some party appeared closer to the clug "triangle" that was some 5 minutes away...

Many people were dancing...

Patric was there...talking to some girl...

I later got some pizza...

...and one more...2018 continues...