Royal wedding in Danlin (last days)
We were all dressed up for a ceremony in a nearby citi in danlin...some days in the wedding week...

Heading to the area...

We also saw some locals burning fire cute...

Pretty smokey afterwards...

In the horizon we saw the royals again...

They had some singing going on on the stage...

I liked these buns with coconut on it...(we started to eat pretty soon in the ceremony)...

Uday was taking with some people, I think he wanted to go to Kenting...

Some kids were performing on the stage...

We also become good friends with a chubby kid from the neighbour village...we also met him shortly the day before...

We also got to say bai to the newly wed...

And we ended up at some local house....but we were not allowed to eat their food...we just sat and talked...

The chubby kid was also playing around...

...later we ended up eating in danlin instead...

Eating and drinking...
...and drinking...

We also tried some purpulse stuff..maybe taro...?

After a night full of events we ended up at a near by breakfast place...

Geai was acting the waiter...

We got some hotpot stuff...

A slow lunch...

We later on headed to a nearby house for more eating...

...and drinking...

Funny pic...

Many youg people discussing...

We also got some rise roll with pig fat...pretty good...

Some locals were fighting...pretty strange...

I was observing some local art during the fight event....

Me and bubba was chllin around looking at local people

Some kids in the cute...

One of the guys brought a bottle of vodka...pretty funny...they wanted to shot...

More dirnking...

Uday posing from danlin looking at the nearby village...

Some ppl collected sticks if they were to be attacked...but it ended with negotiation...

Some night discussion...

And more mingleing on the street...

People started to drop by one...

And morning started to appear...

Later, the foreigners and some youngsters were still awake...

And the older started to wake up...

Last night pose...

...or this is the last one...

...a poser who fell asleep...2018 continues...