A royal wedding in Danlin
I went to Danlin recently

I brough one of my favorite beers...yilan maitian

Many familiar faces were there......(seen behingd a millet wine i bought in jiaoxi some month ago)...

The funny Try me guys...

This girl got pretty drunk after a while...and so did others...we ended up dancing and playing music for some time...

After some hour sleep we prepared for some wedding ceremony...

All dressed up...

Some other people from other villages were also there...

And many people drinking millet wine...(to the left are donations from the other village ii think)...mostly symbolic stuff...

Geai got a sword...I alo wanted one...but its only for some people in this ceremony to wear...

...I might make a sword like this when I get home...

Bubba also dressed up...

...left handed...

Later we wend to a wedding lunch...

The bride was carried in on a chair...

We were at out "foreinger table" eating and drinking...

Later uday dropped by...

We were also asked to drink with other tables...

...and suddenly thre was some dance performance...

Many people were there...this is a 4 day event...this was the second day...

The royalties had pretty exclusicve dresses...

Bubba was drinking with locals...his chiense is pretty good...

Later we headed back to the house...

On the way I spottd this special dress..blue..looks almost amis...but not really....

Geai enjoying the view from danlin...

...back to the house for more drinking...

...and music playing...

...omg, my friend got a golden ring..very exclusive..but is it real?

hmm...some stamp on...im not sure about the system in Taiwan...in sweden we have a "cat foot" for items like this...

...people drinking...

...others were singing karaoke...

...the killed some pig for this event...s we had alot of meat...

...poor bubba...he picked Ice Ice baby, i told him i can help in the chorus..but on the rap session it was hard...

He did a pretty good job anyway...

Back to the house...for some drinking...

Some amis people were there...

...all dressed up again...

We went togetehr to the village nearby...

They had some preparation for a new dancing ceremonty...

Many cute people in dresses...

The royalties...

We also wanted to take pics with the royalties...

Later on we went for some more eating and drinking (mainly beer and millet wine)...

This millet wine was very good...

...later on we went back to the house for more drinking...

And the bride dropped by...

We aso had some tofu...2018 continues...