Some additional events on the west coast
I went to a chiense resturant in brunnsparken some time ago

My old friends and classmate recommended me...and joined up... was an all you can eat place...

They had some "mongolian BBQ" or teppanyaki style...

With both warm and cold dishes...

I like the western chinese food...

...and the sweet and sour sauce...

I had many portions...

...with allot of sweet and sour sauce...

And fruit...

...later i passed by avenyn and pumped into Kedar...who was having some beer with his coworkers...

...some random guy insited on being on a pic...

I later went up to Eberth place...he siad his sink doenst stand that much water..., atleat not the edges...

We had some of his beer..i think he bought some special kind at systembolaget...

kedar eventually showed up...

Later i went to alingsås and had an early lunch meeting with someds at the kebab pizzeria i like this most there....(the one i even brought to taiwan some years ago)...

I might be the last kebab pizza for this visit...

I was looking for daniel, who was suppose to join up...but i guess he is late...

He arrived when I was almost done...

We inspected the reese peanut butter cup again...

And went to some coffee shop...

Alingsås has many coffee shops...
...2017 continunes...
Gothenburg hashrun visit 2017
I vivisted some friends in gothenburg recently...

Eberth also joined up...

I had some Reeses with me...pretty good...

It was like 10 to 20 people joining

We passed some fun obstacle course as well...

It was easyy n fun..

They also had a timer

I also found some blue berries in the forest...

---this clouds saturday....

...later we also came to this fortress...which i always seen from the train... was in sävedalen...partille...the beer is not from here though...

...after a while i saw some car with this sigh...GAIS is a local football club in gothenburg...

...this is the house which owner built the fortress...

...later on we had some hash run gathering..

...I got a pink shirt...

...eberth got a brown one...

we also had cake some one of the hosts had his 50th birthday...

...I als brought some baguettes from home...

I used them with some sausage...I remember last time we were here..I also made some food...

...rare in is a nice swedish experience...

Last hotdog before cycling back to alingsås...
Some last days in sweden for summer 2017
I passed by eriks new appartment recently...

He still had some of my paintings on his walls...

Erik was eating pizza...

He made a tatoo recently...

He also had some whisky...

Later i passed by Anna...

I also helped to fix the boat...

And joined Daniel to some "famous cafeteria"...


They seemed to have many kind of cakes...

Omg...I also med Linus there...who started at Chalmers recently...

There were plenty of birds flying around indoors at this place...

I also inspected daniels place..i gave him some dumpstered food some days ago...he seem to appreciate it...
A trip to Växjö
I made a trip to Växjö recently...

But first I went giving some food to the wild life at the west coast...

A quick stop at BK in Tranemo...

Tast almost like the Taoyuan airport one...

Some cafeteria or bakery in växjö, famous for their pasteries...

My uncles house...

My fathers cousines house...

We also went shoping...i wanted local beer and kebabpizza...

My father was randomly looking for a pizzeria...but I suggested to use google...since he is always so high-tech and by the latest technical equipment...his strategy didnt make sense...

After some time we found a pizzeria near the Växjö train station...

I also found a asian resturant...

I later found a kebabpizza with salad...nice...

I also went geocaching...

...the beer ended up to be international... fathers house in växjö...i think its been in my family for 250 years...or something...(or 5 generations)...

They have some local people renting the bottom floor...

After working at the house...we left the day a
Some mingleing with friends in gothenburg
I went visiting some friends in gothenburg recently

Tessis new appartment...

...and some wall recipie

...she is mostly home right now so she has allot of time to bake etc...

Some pic of a forest in sweden (i think)...

And someguitar that was broken...i fixed it later btw...

We went geocaching

This is the log sheet...

She also had some interesting plants on the wall...

...and an intersting yard with many people chillin in it...

And some fire extinguisher...

Later we had some chilli con carne...

Their neighours has many plants on ther balcony...

We also listened to some music...

And they had a book where the cover was upside down...

Later I joined to eberths place...

We had some beer...

We also chiilled at his appartment...with his bikes...

And played on of his funny games...

I got some redbull...since I coudlnt drink too much...

We also inspected the nice night view before heading to andra långgatan...

I passed by cyckelköket after asying bye to eberth...

In the night I also went dumpster diving..pick up some lemons...
2017 continues...
A visit to bornö (day 5)
Days were passing by at Bornö

An early monday was pretty cloudy outside...

The swedish and brittish flags were standing strong...

...this was a game many people wanted to play...

It was monday morning, time for he brittish people to catch their plane...

I went shortly to check my geocahe...

...we also had some cinnamon buns...

...and erik started some BBQ...

...and went to the do something...

...I gues going for a walk...

...some brittish people in the forest...

Later we arrived to some vew point...

We could see stora bornö

...they were amazed...

Some photo session was expected...

Pic 1...

Pic 2...

...pic 3...

...pic 4...

And the return to the north side of the island again...

Inspecting the shit holes on the way back...

...And the britts enjoying swedish nature...

...Christian was swedish...but lives in UK...he still counts as a britt...

...omg he had a Daniel Wellington watch...

...the cleaning session continued...

And some packing

...and some shipment started to the main land of sweden...

Full boat

...bye bye batch 1

Batch 2 preparing...

...erik was listening to Epic sax guys 10h loop... might be a wedding song...

I think he got used to it after 5 days...

The brits...with Lee to the right approaching...

Even Lee wondered if I really liked the epic sax guy loop...

Some girl farwell...

Posing near the bridge...

And the photographer...

5 BFFs...

And the boat was waiting...

Some lonely fellas on a boat

Last pics of the island...

Many people on a boat

...and erik is the commander...

Bai bai britts!

Of to landvetter airport...

Still playing Epic sax guy some hour more...

Next session was to fix some dumpster diving

And have soe west coast food...

Family lunch

And yes...some rain every now and then...

We also fixed some pracitcal stuff with the moving a stove that I never udnerstand why they even have in the house...

...rain in the horizon...

Some white clous over at smörkullens northen hills...

We also got some mushrooms...

And saw a rainbow...

Some swedish saying that there is a treasure at the end of the rainbow...

The guys chillin at the dinner table...

Later we got some visitors...

They have some animals running around on the island...

They keep the fields open...

Suddenly the sun became stronger...

Later inside I found some asian vase...

We also checked some gifts...I gace some kavalan whisky and I asked my parents to give some Alingsås shot glass with a flower which is named after our ancestor...

My uncle also gave some painting that I picked up...

...of the island...

We also later on had some dinner...

Before sunset and I headed back to Alingsås...

...Erik was driving...

Baibai gullmarn...

...som blur pick of skredsvik...
A visit to bornö (day 4)
Some nice rolls were spotted on day 4 at bornö

Nice breakfast

People chilling after a rought night

Listening to some mix of music

After a while we brought the pasta salad

It was rather empty on the grass....good cleaning job...

People were also preparing from some SPA

....the tents stood strong on the swedish west coast island

Viktor and Olof were also standing strong...i think

Olofs speciality is to hug viktor the human touch

A first batch ot people were leaving the island on this sunday...

I was diging more holes in the ground...

Later a tour to the SPA begun...

It was also in the fiord...

Lee was siting strong in the boat...

Doing some random poses...

Pose 2

Pose 3

Erik brought us to the and sound...

I had to pick up more people, after som boat braekdown...we finally made it to the place...

It was a nice place...i heard it was also a golf court/country club...or something

I had a nice chat with Corinnas parents...

Later we went to fix the was an easy fist...fortunetely....

...and of we went...

SPA in the background

Erik the driver

Far away in the horizon is the coastline...

AFter shiping the seconfg batch of people....some others went to the jetty...

Secong batch to leave...

Me and Erik went for fuiling getting some gas..

and had some drink

it was a peaceful evening

Coastline beyond the mountain...

Random swedish nature pic...characterised by a dark ground and bright sky...

..omg...we still had pizza when we came back..epic...

The UK team chillin in the was soo much christmas feeling here some days ago...due to the yellow lights...

Erik made som BBQ...

More chillin in the hut...

As sun set...the yellow lights apeared...but now it wasnt too much christmas feeling...more like hiking in nature with wine feeling...
A wedding at Lilla Bornö
I attended a wedding not so long time ago at Lilla Bornö

...starting in the kitchen on the island...

It was a sunny day today...

Joel staning on the grass, looking west...

Party team and allot of trash bags...

Classic breakfast place...

And the boat peacefully at the bridge...

...and the details of the wedding begins...

Coffee...and music...

The brittish peopel were preparing things in the barn...

Morning swim...smörkullen in the background...

2 britts enjoying the semi-cold water...

I had to dig shit holes...made 3 ones at the same save work later on...

...after some hours some people got dressed up...

Eriks father opened up the gate...

And most people were prepared for the cerenomy

Danne preparing some photo shooting...

The best man clearly showing how big something is....(not sure what he saw last night)..

Silence after erik doubting the size...

...ended up in adjusting the gate to gullmarn...

Christian is on the move...

Anders is helping of with some advice...

And daniel is documenting the event...

Family was sitting on the west side...Uncle Lars was there, who I havnt seen in 15 years...i hear is has a sailing boat somewhere...

Erik is waiting for the moment of truth

...the best man is in the background preparing some things with christian...

And Gareth is doing some live reporting to UK...since this is a world wide event, it was broadcasted live...

It was some minor rain the days before...but today Erik ordered sunshine...atleast to 2-3pm something


The family side was full...and on the east part was the friends side...

Now all that was done was waiting...

...and waiting...


...some people from fiskebäckskil was also there...he had a nice hat...

AM was waiting

The people all over the world were waiting

most importantly erik and the preist were waiting....for...

The brides entrance...

The dress had a traditional touch, not a zipper a la 2012...

...Erik, in the sun, waiting for Cori to reach the gate that he and the best man recently adjusted...

After the speech of the priest...Gareth had some words to say...

The ceremony was in both swedish and english... the sun was almost to hot... more speech...

the priest said some words...

Formal wedding talk...

...and the ring...omg...

...does it fit?!...

...omg, it was dropped...

...second try...

....yep..."like a glove"...

Final words from the preist...

...and the kiss...

...and some more advice from the priest...

....ceremony over...time to party!

Here is the left...and the guy in the middle is Glenn...serving the champange...

And some congrats hug from the best man...

The bestman likes to hug....

Then photo shoting, eating, mingeling and chillin... was a nice evening...pretty peaceful weather...and the food was very nice...

Danne rested his arms...after taking photos all hour...

Viktor, with the pony tail...had a nice blazer...

Aron and Glenn preparing more champange....

and some neighbours who joined the ceremony...

More mom took pic of the bride...i wonder why erik wasnt in it....(but i officially stop questionizing my mom at age 8)

More mingeling...

Justing Timberlake was also there...he had a haircut as barney in "how I met your mother"...

the food here was very was easy to get stuck at the snacks table...

Eriks mom prepared some of it...with west coast feeling

Lars...Erik and Cori...

Erik got some equipment to catch crayfish or lobster...pretty epic...he was very happy...

The got it from the neighbours...who work with regulatory regargint rules in this matter...he told him how to mark the cage to fish leagally...

People were impressed...

Viktor was also impressed...

After this it was time for some pics of the couple with the sea view....

pic 2

pic 3

pic 4

chamapnge break...

Barney making the light more gold...

pic 5


I went to get some wraps...meanwhile

And Cori was talking to the worldwide audience...who were joining the mingleing event too...

Danne was finished with the photo shooting for now...time to party...

Erik was geting used to the rings...

So much jewelery on his fingers...

My parents had to leave after some while...

Just some family pic...

...and some "victory cigar"...

Olof had a speech...

Viktor took a leak...

And the crowd continued down to the barn...

Each seat had their name written on a shell...

I had the photographer to my right...he was out taking I have visual contact with Anders...

at the other side of the room I had Erik...

Olof was presenting stuff before the dinner...

And he had a long speakers list...

...omg..the spoons had the Alstömers sympol on them..epic...

Coris father held a well as eriks mom and many others...

...Gareth as well...we were teaching him how to drink like a swede...

We also had a list of snaps songs

Daniel taking more pics

The couple, behind flowers...

...Coris friends...mentioning about "the taxi story" etc...luckily I had her borther to my left, who could share more details...

A blur pic of Glenn....

...and Erik, later on, near the dessert table...

They had white and milkchocolate cake...

Some people were shocked during Viktors speech...

It was very personal...

We also had plenty of more snaps...

More people taking pics...

...and Glenn in action...

The white chocolate cake can be seen in front of Cori...

The outside tent had the drinks...

Danne taking more pics...with the gate seen inthe background...

We also got access to umbrellas...afterall this is the west coast of sweden

Brittish people posing with Glenn...

...who had tattoos....

Some more pics of the white cakes...

It was a nice combination with chocoalte and almond drinks...

Somepeopel prefered tequila...

Then there were some after mingeling...

...and more best man talk...

Erik had a toast...

And some dancing...

...and cleaning for larger dance floor...

Most of the party was then in tha dark...

Since its lack of electricity on this island...

But the lightening in the barn was impressive...

The guy to the right is use to be a marine in the UK...

After some hours the sunrise came...

I could see smörkullen...

Lee was sleeping tight in the corner fo the barn...

Some drink left over...

Else, the so full dance floor was empty, as the sauna...2017 contines...