A revisit to danlin
I went to danlin recently

Chillin in Geais car, from the tran station

Its usually very hectic when im here...we decided to go for an aboriginal culture park cirely after arrival...

...pretty nice...alot of culture...

And many tribes representative...

Geai had his sunglasses on...i got to borrow a pair too...

This is a long bridge...one of the longest in taiwan...

We headed for some dancing and clothing show...

"Nalywan Theater"...

And people dancing with aboriginal clothes...

Pretty interesting...differnt clothes and dances depending on tribe...

...ater the audience also joined up...

...wee continued to the entrance by foot...i wanted to buy some xiaomijiu...

...."Pacuntapana" means "a place to view over the river"...to warn if it starts to flood...

...once arrived to the entrance, I found many kinds of xiaomijiu...surprislngly many were made in Taopyuan...

...I also med my friend Ken here...he was travelling with his wife, to visit his parents in law...

....we also went to by some coffee..I wanted to try to make an aboriginal "white russian"...

...they had some wierd stuff in a drawer...

...ok...johans aboriginal white russian...it didnt taste as good as the Badasan aboriginal restaurant in taipei...

I found that the coffee here was from the pingdong area...

Near "bei da wu"...I passed by some years ago...they always say "this is the only coffee farm in taiwan"...

Once arriving to the bridge...(longest one)...it was closed...

Some aboriginal pattern...

I also bought some panncake stuff...in pingdong...

...and later joined a birthdya party...where i drank my xiaomijiu...

...I also got some "aborignal pizza"...I wasn told...

,,,,and I ate allot of cake...no one else seemed to want...

Some girls were taking strange pics of some beer bottles...

We also got the house xiaomijiu..it was pretty bitter...

many houses here have cool paiwan pattern...

some symbolic pot...

I also heated up some pizza...

...back to samulavan later...continue drinking...

...later we went to 7-11 to continue drinking...

...and in the morning I started to make some swedihs panncakes...

...its easy to impress people with swedish food...

...or "european"...

.I added cream and jam...

...a flower...

...a skull....

...a smiley...

...a mouse...

....beer and coffee...day 2 in danlin can start...

...we later on continued to some local waterfall...

...and some other water fall...local kids were playing around....

More beer...

...and some local soup...

...and sushi from the ocean...pretty exclusive...

...alot of loca food...very nice...

...I brought some parmesan cheese...others thoguht it was super salty...i thought it was awesome...and ended up eating mostly all of it...

...I also bought a 4-cheese burger..and added a parmesan in it...so not it was a "5 cheese burger"...

More beer and fruits...

....day 3 I visited a coco factory..recomennde by my friend, a norweigan guy who lived 65 years in taiwan...

Coco beans...

"DIY" just like the chocolate factory in taoyuan....

And some methods to make chocolate...

...they also had a big menu....of sometimes wierd chocolate stuff...

...they claimed they were the first chocolate place in asia...(something)...

...I had some choclate slized ice...

...and i tried some french fries with choclate...

...later on I went to see a cool bidge...and passed by some cows...

...it was filled with optical illusions....

...made by some angle...

It was popular in sweden some years ago...

...geai was doing some vlog...very cute...

...we later on went to chaozhou city...or somewhere nearby...where i found some nice houses...

...looking almost like "not in taiwan"...

...and a very old church...

...it said that some first christian came here 1215...thats like in the viking age...strange...

..."1170-1221", thats long time ago...i wonder what documents proves this...

...later a visit to a coffee store was made...

some cute quote...

...I had a vietnamese coffee...

...and also tried some local coffee...

...the wals were filled with strange paintings...

...omg a rainbow...spotted on the way back to danlin...

...where more cheese were consumed...

I also got some local grabs...very nice...but also very spicy...

...I got it withsome other local stuff...

...it also started to rain heavily...

...we also went to some dancing and singing performance in the area...very entertaining....

And some aboriginal rapper...

Omg...this guy had a flat top...thats R.E.S.P.E.C.T....

...later back to some house for BBQ...

...a very nice skewer...

...I also helped my friend with some nail painting...batman, green lantern and hello kitty...

Some birthday celebration...

...and some guy drinking too much...

Later on more..beer and soup.....

...the heavy stuff...paolita...

An amis vuvu visited...she was from the east coast...her grand daughter was to marry a local guy from danlin...she was very cool...

...after some short while we had many short of beer...

Many people often sit and obserrve, while a few people drink...not sure why...maybe the rule is "if you are far away from the table...u dont need to follow the drinking manners"...(there is often alot of manners when it comes with toasting i found out)....after some wine I had to return to the north...2017 continues...