A visit to bornö (day 2)
Erik is da host, delivering coffee to people in the poor house (no electrcicty)

He included milk...

We also inspected the barn..

And prepared to get water...at a nearby well

They had plenty of dogs near the well

Also some other preparations were made, before many people will come...on this friday...

...but most importantly...fixing the speakers...

Also checking the sauna...

...omg...they have a new toilet...a dry one...people shit in a bucket...that someone has to carry our and empty...

We also volunteers to pre clean the dishes...

...and erik went to pick up people...me and Olof decided to join up...

We played this song on the boat:
...after some hours u actually get use to it...

While im holding the speakers...the new crew is walking up to the cabin...

...where more preparations are being done for the upcoming party...

...more pre cleaning of the dishes...while i eventually changed to a new song:
But just for a short while...

Its easy to get sunburned our at the ocean side...the irish guy was said to even burn himself in the shade...

Some random island people...enjoying the sun...

,,,some "lodis"...carying trash...

...beer and dish washing...

...and some traditional "handduks snärting"..a classic swedish game...

...followed by some forest walk...

...it was a nice day...we even found mushrooms...

...we walked to some view point...i never been to before...

...and some picture taking...

...for the recycling...someone made an effort to translate the sweidsh to englis...or vice versa...

...omg...later on more people came...it ws a bus from the airport with brittish people...

...some international party crew...

...omg...a birdnest that has "naturskyddsföreningens" sympol thats cool...

...more mingeling with people...

...and inspection of the drinks...

...we had tents to stay in...

...the strong people were assigned to stay in tents...

...others stayed in the house...

...more mingeling...

Danne was showing his camera...he was the designated photographer on the island...

...west coast girls...

...we made a trip to the forest later...to watch some new view...

...the brittish party people were preparing some more partying...

...at this swedish-brittish event...

...more music...

Anders was the fixer when it comes to electrical equipment...

...more things arriving...


It was nice...i try to optimize my pizza consuption while visiting sweden

...swedish pizza party...

I helped other finish their pizza...we dont want any left overs...

...epic...uddevalla pizza...or something...

We also inspected the tents...it was hotel standard...

...later on we made some sauna preparations...

...Danne and anders knows how to fix it...

...they more or less built this sauna...

danne preparing water on the walls to get this extra humid feeling...

...and the the sauna:ing begun...

...It is a tradition on this island to sauna...more or less every night...

And some jungle shower...

I found some more pizza later on...that I had to eat...

It is a fact that I gain about 1 kilo per day, when visiting europe...
I ended by playing some latino music...
A visit to bornö (day 1)
I went to bornö some days ago

Checking out a very old fashioned house

And inpected a room where i usually stay in...

No electricity...

Olof was impressing with his appreance as usual...

Same pose...

We had some beer tasting

Second and thid round...

...and chips...

forth round...

And bed inspction

Comfy bed

some assitance at the west coast
I assisted my brother recently...

He wanted to visit sme cousins at the other side of a lake...

I had to help me prepare the boat...

Baibai Oscar

I also managed to get a canon

And I helped with the tranportation of a cow...

...and I made pancakes...

Not that sunny today...

I also helped to ship the cow to gothenburg

Checking some exhibition

.some fish n chip...

And harbour hangout

And some immigrant demonstation

I think they want to stay in sweden

I also joined some gaming night

And got my friends epic pasta bolognese



I also manged to get some swedish princess cake

And some way to get cheap stuff online...

I finally made some cheese toast...epic...
A visit to Danlin
I went to danlin recently

Chillin in Chaozhou station

midnight hour...i always need to wait for some while for a pick up

Many locals were at danlin drinking...

We had some local meat

Bubba was rapping

Some random cat

And some further discussions


More posing

Morning pic

Geai in the morning using swedish olympics shirt

And some breakfast at a nearby village...

Went all in on dishes...

...and later on passed by 7-11

And time for sleeping

Morning visit to the local arena

Some badmington...

And some nearby basket ball...

Later on we had some competition

I was asked to join some sports...

Run around the village...

The crew who rather watch...

We also had some wine after running around...

And later we went to the arena again to eat BBQ...

And drink Xiaomijiu

Bubba was toasting aroiund...

And playing some music...

Professional BBQers...

Geai was passive...

More xiaomijiu (millet wine)

Last sunset before I will leave the country...

Some prize award...

And some rice wine to the millet wine...58%, to challange each other...when shoting

Millet wine is pretty good, pretty sweet...

We leaft for another place after a while..jsut saying bye to the drinking table...

Next stop...samulavan...

We planned to head to wenle...secretly...(not sure why)...

Geai fell asleep...

The wenle people were dancing...

...i wish i had my traditional clothes on...

Cool shoes...

Some local kid...

Geai still sleeping

I tried to help geai back home..

Which i kind of regretted...speniding 1-2 hours trying to find bubba...who showed up strangely in danlin...far away some some suspicous people XD

...the scooter crew...

We later on headed to pineapple, the local KTV...

Bubba saying hi to some sleeping friends...

The KTV owner was treating drinks and food...

Very sweet...


Beer and songs...not that many english ones though.

Geai showed up later..

...and the paety began again..

Another 7-11 stop...

Night snack with locals and Pineapples owner...

We had mostly budweiser...

Drinking beer with straw...

I was leavning at 6...the taxi driver didnt find the palce...the 7-11 staff was kind enough to offer to drive me..but first at 7...

Bubba was trying to fix some other ride...after some 40-50 minutes the taxi driver showed up...
Another ximen visit
I went to ximen again recently

Getting some nice smoothie...

And one of taiwans best platters...
A visit to a japanese restaurant
At ATT4fun

Some "famous" japanese restaurant

I wanted a hamburger with cheese..but they had some slized sallad...

I also ordered extra cheese

I had some other variant of the miced sallad too...

Extra cheese...

Later I went to some anime store...

With many famous characters...

And items...

Omg...the spirited away No-face

And kikis delivery service....inspired by stockholm environment

Some kungsholmen or something...

And a film my friend maja has at home...

Omg...haribo in taiwan...must sell very well...

A nice summer day in xinyi...

Near the russian mission in taipei

The city stay ended in ximen

For some drink...

And some martial art show...
A night out with the interns
I went out with some interns recently

In taipei, I met Martin...we met here last year for the first time...

A place where the ice cubes are pretty huge...

Some mingeling pics

Mr Max from UK got his own time in the spot light

Iran and USA side by side

Omre mingeling pics, there were live band that people sat and listened to...

They played any kind of song...

Attracting the audience to dance...

My french friend was also there...

Some "count down"...

Later on we headed to XinYi...

Chillin at Franks, and enjoying the view over xinyi...

Some: Baibai sessions

Later on ximen was visited...

It was rather late...but ximen and gongguan are the places to be if one wants outside environment

Juice and beer...

...tropical august

Later on a visit to 7-11 was paid...

Interns queing up...

Interns taking a rest.....2017 continues...
A visit to starbucks at taipei 101
I went to starbucks at 101 recently

...its on the 35th floor...

Not many people, but they are picky that each guest only can stay for 1-1.5 hours...

They also had plenty of souvenirs...

Nice view over eastern taipei

...it was also possible to sneak out to other places like the nearby resturants...

I ended the stay by visiting SYS memeorial halls museum and exhibits...
Some night out with Joel
Joel is in town...the famous importer of stuff...

We went to the hammer...for some beer in the dark

Omg...joel had his rolex watch on...

"Beerologist"- word of the day

We also had a nachos platter...very good...

Some day later we met up at the driving range...

Then we made some phone calls...

...and headed to 23...a local beer bar near Daan park...

Many kinds...but happy hour on 2 of them

one rasperry flavour and one IPA

Joel often comes to taiwan to chill...

Bars like this becomes more and more famous

But not too many people a sunday lunch like this...

Its near where old Beer and cheese use to be

next stop...zhangmen in xinyi...

And other local beer bar..w.here we hooked up with arthur..a beverage and food expert...partly from hongkong...

We peaked in to a nearby hotel as well...

...later we went to the japanese distict of taipei...to try some japanese burger...

...this place wwas famous...but it wasnt what we were looking for...

Joel knew the way...

This is the place...

They had many japanese things here...

It was still pretty early...not many bar people where...

We had some japanese beer...

And some raw squid...very salty...

and some milky tofu...very japanese

,,,and some pig skin with green bitter melon..also very japanese

...and some chilli roll...very exclusive arthur told us...

...and chicken skewers...

And the main reason why we came...the cheese burger...it was one of the best ones i had in taiwan...even though its not an american burger...so it goes to an other list that the oter burger bars...

...some more skewers...

...later we headed to ximen...to mojitos...

After some 3-4 drinks this day was getting to an end..2017 continues...
Cup cake baking in shilin
I went to shilin recently

I joined some cup cake activity at a public bakery

Someone solved this socket issue....so that the lemon pie pic still looks nice...

Omg...locals scratching the teflon pan with a shart spoon....

A bunch of knoves...

Here volume wasnt the way of meassure amount...people were using weight...

Also the cup cake had some mousse on top...

And a special tray to keep them steady...
A night with some interns
I was invited to join some interns recently

We went to Att4fun...

...where I observed many cops...probably 40, ready to invade a night club, checking for drugs etc..

I also met up with Johan...he was on the hunt...pretty funny...

And max was also there...

Hunting session 2...

...some hunting in the dark...

hunting session 3...

Nothing caught tonight...

After some small check up...still no catch...

The night was ended with some mingeling with some local people on the street...