A visit to bornö (day 2)
Erik is da host, delivering coffee to people in the poor house (no electrcicty)

He included milk...

We also inspected the barn..

And prepared to get water...at a nearby well

They had plenty of dogs near the well

Also some other preparations were made, before many people will come...on this friday...

...but most importantly...fixing the speakers...

Also checking the sauna...

...omg...they have a new toilet...a dry one...people shit in a bucket...that someone has to carry our and empty...

We also volunteers to pre clean the dishes...

...and erik went to pick up people...me and Olof decided to join up...

We played this song on the boat:
...after some hours u actually get use to it...

While im holding the speakers...the new crew is walking up to the cabin...

...where more preparations are being done for the upcoming party...

...more pre cleaning of the dishes...while i eventually changed to a new song:
But just for a short while...

Its easy to get sunburned our at the ocean side...the irish guy was said to even burn himself in the shade...

Some random island people...enjoying the sun...

,,,some "lodis"...carying trash...

...beer and dish washing...

...and some traditional "handduks snärting"..a classic swedish game...

...followed by some forest walk...

...it was a nice day...we even found mushrooms...

...we walked to some view point...i never been to before...

...and some picture taking...

...for the recycling...someone made an effort to translate the sweidsh to englis...or vice versa...

...omg...later on more people came...it ws a bus from the airport with brittish people...

...some international party crew...

...omg...a birdnest that has "naturskyddsföreningens" sympol thats cool...

...more mingeling with people...

...and inspection of the drinks...

...we had tents to stay in...

...the strong people were assigned to stay in tents...

...others stayed in the house...

...more mingeling...

Danne was showing his camera...he was the designated photographer on the island...

...west coast girls...

...we made a trip to the forest later...to watch some new view...

...the brittish party people were preparing some more partying...

...at this swedish-brittish event...

...more music...

Anders was the fixer when it comes to electrical equipment...

...more things arriving...


It was nice...i try to optimize my pizza consuption while visiting sweden

...swedish pizza party...

I helped other finish their pizza...we dont want any left overs...

...epic...uddevalla pizza...or something...

We also inspected the tents...it was hotel standard...

...later on we made some sauna preparations...

...Danne and anders knows how to fix it...

...they more or less built this sauna...

danne preparing water on the walls to get this extra humid feeling...

...and the the sauna:ing begun...

...It is a tradition on this island to sauna...more or less every night...

And some jungle shower...

I found some more pizza later on...that I had to eat...

It is a fact that I gain about 1 kilo per day, when visiting europe...
I ended by playing some latino music...