wft, Alingsås web cam is covered
Alingsås webcam is covered respect for the viewers...
A trip to Tamsui
I made a quick visit to Tamsui recently

It was partly rainy

Some european looking houses

A quick stop at Paulaner was made

A very small glass...0.2L is their stanard for lunch set...strange

Some pre dish

No fork for the sallad...

Egg in the burger

I ended with a dessert...2016 continues...
A visit to Craft Beeru on tap
I visited a new beer bar recently

It was near SYS memorial hall

They had three kind of beers

They closed around midnight

And germany vs Sweden was on TV...

First lager...tasted like Le bledor Damai

Second was a littlebit more bitter...but still a le ble d´or flavour

Each glass was 160nt, but it was happy hour. so half price...but still service charge... :S

Last IPA was rather bitter

Next stop a steak house in Xinyi

They are open until 6 am i think...

Rather expensive steaks and homemade bread... omg

I had a burger...

Rather empty...

But many people in the kitchen

Rather little meat in the burger

I ended with a pinacolada...
Peanut butter and beer
I had some peanutbutter and beer recently

Alot of energy...and protein...i heard...very nice combination
A meeting with a Taroko guy
I met a taroko guy recently

We went to ximen, cus he lives there...his famly lives in Luzhou

He talked to my paiwan freiend Junai, and also played pokemon go...

It was as usualy at ximen...chill and people watch

I told him that at g2 paradise there are many non alcoholc drinks...
A night with aboriginal dancers
I went to ximen some day ago

Watching street performers

And the nijna turtles...

And I met up with my Paiwan friends form Pingdong

I also saw some break dancers

This guy was Taroko aboriginal..he understood "ma du su"...which I learned some year ago in Taroko gorge

The dancers had their lugage with them...since they were about to take the night train back to pingdong

They danced at a show with a famous singer called Alin

They had traditional dresses and make up

They met friends at Ximen honglo

And pulled a taiwanese guy with them...who they wanted to get drunk

I lended my camera to some person who went around and took pics... (if u wonder why the pics suddenly are good)

We also had something to eat at the back yard

2 aboriginals and a taiwanese guy who they want to get drunk

And the dance crew...funny people

Not fun for this guy though

I also had some things to write..luckily i could combine it

After some time people started to leave

It was only me and the Pingdong people left...2016 continues...
A visit to Oliver Steakhouse
The stake house is rather inconsistent with their info...

But a visit was paid here anyway

Since red meat is not good to eat to often, I had fish

And some gulasch soup

And some mini sallad on a big plate

The menu was partly in english, but many things were not...confusing for non chinese speakers....
A day at the campus
I spent some time at Taiwan university recently

Their campus is in the middle of taipei...scooters are usually not allowed in university campuses in taiwan...
A visit to sellfish burger
I tried a new burger bar recently

They had taiwanese beer

And many kinds of burgers

I recently tried the beer in the middle...

S.milk shake and V.milk shake...

The first one was rather sweet

I also got some side dish

And i later got my double burger...with bamboo bread...

After some half hour waiting i also got my second pre-dish...
Toilet logic
If you are ever confused where the toilet is... is good that they have a "not toilet" sign...
A saturday night in taipei
I passed by Taipei beer festical last night

highly rated...many local brands were there..but not many i hadnt tried before...

And many things were sold started at 15 and ended at 21...

This Sambar I tried some weeks ago..they didnt have the kind I wanted to try...but I still tried their IPA

Le ble d´or was there

And some other local brand...that had ale

I think there were many ppl, so from a commercial point of view, the festical was a success...

I also tried this tea..but it was nothing special

4 kinds...

Next stop was the top at yangminshan

it was a rather long queue, so I was enjoying some beer that I bought at the festival

the top...its a rather remore place...last timei was here it was closed due to reconstruction...

many people queuing

I was watching a movie and heading for beer no 2, it tasted almost like yilan beer...

More people coming and going

It is rather expensive here...

But people like the view

Even if tipei 101 was dark

Some people prefer siting inside, its easier to access those places, since they are bookable

I was sinpecting the table nearby, they ahd some koreans sharing table with some local tais

I had a cocnut pineapple smoothie

And cheese sticks

and cheese fondue...but it was a very amiercan taste...not like the suiss cheese flavour im used to

They also gave me some sweet bisquits...i never dipped that before...

The koreans keps BBQing

I coundlt see any airplanes this time..last time I counted one almost every 5 minutes...

I think coming here at sunset is more spectacular

Next stop was ximen...where I also had cocnut pineapple...

Noisy people in the background...
Some steak house visit in Taipei
A place to this steak hosue was planned, but since they gave false infomration they didnt serve customers

strange logic

This was plan B

Some sweet butter bread

I had to pay before I ate, these japanese ppl paid when they left...not sure about the discrimination algorithm at this place...

I ahd a file was taiwan style...
Taipei Redbull steak house
I went to a steak house called redbull in taipei recently

or HongNui

Some englush names of the animal parts

I also got a coke, without asking for it...I wonder if i can sleep tonight

My Steak

And later i passed by a slized ice place...they ahd red beans, soft peanuts and other taiwanese specialityes that u eat sweet

I prefer sweet to sweet vegetabes or nuts...

A "famous" mango had some sweet sauce on it...
A visit to LiYun Beer bar
I paid a visit to a new beer bar recently

It was in the central parts of taipei

An old quote was at the entrance

They offered many kind of beers...but had 4 of their own...which were from the Xian brewery in Hsinchu...which the taste could tell...

Beer one...LiYun Lager

I also tried some beef which tated almost like Swedish Dillkött

Beer two was LoiYun Pale Ale

And the third one was the last one...Sambar...IPA...pretty bitter...they were sold out of the fourth beer...

Their menu board was pretty empty...little texst on alot of surface...interesting design...

They had some wierd logos...
Catholism and Christianity
I recently thought that only asians think that Catholism is not similar to christianity (they say its a totally differnt religion)., But recenty a mexican friend also said so...

Look what the reliable source Wikipedia says...its a "branch" of closed...
Looking up Satanism it says
"Satanism started to reach Eastern Europe in the 1990s, in time with the fall of the Soviet Union, and most noticeably in Poland and Lithuania, predominantly Roman Catholic countries."...interesting
Paiwan Harvest festival
I spent some days in Pingdong with my Paiwan friends...

It was raining some, so some activites were postponed

Cloudy skies

Some ducks in trucks

And people without helmet; yep im at the south eastern part of taiwan

Some aboriginal patterna

Geai and his binlang chewing cousin

We were treated some sweet milk

They painted some bricks on the wall

We also had some tried taro, which was said to be aboriginal candies

They have plenty of churches the villages looks like the alps (atleast some of them), in asia they separate christianity and catolism...

We also passed by a paiwan resturant wher ethey had paiwan traditional outfit

I might buy some of these one day...Im still waiting for my mom (since i was 18) to give me a traditional swedish outfit...seems like this takes time

Johan with paiwan hat 1

Some paiwan statues

Johan with Paiwan hat 2

And some barbie Paiwan dress

We had some tea

and some onion meat stew...I was asked to cook, which I said I could, given that I get the right ingredients, my paiwan friend Geai seen my cook before

Omg...Skarsgård in Tarzan...

Just like the Bunun museum in Ruishui, they have many statues of aboriginals here too

More locals without helmet

We later headed to some festival activites...tribes compeding... like "thanx"...

Some traditional dress i guess

And some tug of war between clans...

Another traditional dress

Next sport was to fill a cylinder with water and with this fill a bucket, first in time

It got really slippery on the floor

Later people started the archery fight

Some aboriginal pics on an open house...similar they have on the east coast...

more competitions

And some locals driving without helmet

And some small turtles...very cute...

Later on we took the car seatbelts on...the southern style

Geai didnt use one either

We passed by some aboriginal paintings...

And headed to the second longest suspension bridge in taiwan.

The rain was in the air...(literary)

Geai and his cousin were guiding us...

We also inspected some aboriginal pattern in graffiti

And some art wall...

Omg...a temple for dogs?

Mr Bubba and Geai...Bubba was from new jersey, but lived in Hawaii for almost his whole life, except 5 years in taiwan

The bridge was 305 meters...

And had some holes in it...

We also passed by a village with many statues...

And had some beer later on...

The locals also put up some fly paper...where the flies got stuck

and geai started to play...they are catholic...and their church encourage many people here knows how to play instruments...almost like home...but there we learn it in school...

Local herbs

Another cousin of geai was good in painting...and made some tattoos...

This are snails...a local speciality

I made donald duck on my arm...

Scooter with no helmet: we are in the south of taiwan....

We also had rat(?) i was told...interesting....

The whole family gathered...even though people keep coming and leaving...

Some wall paintings...i guess this is traditional dress

Local church visit was made later on...

Some catholic...

And the music...

And all the priests...from the 1950:ies...

The priest was from south of italy...

He gave bread to the catholic people

Geai got...

And the main purpose of the night?...the wine...a.k.a blood of god?

Later on we danced some aboriginal dance...

Omg...the guy in the middle worked heree for 40 years...

Wuwu were preparing a mattress while we returned home...

And the cousins were singing karaoke...the main thing here in Danlin...

Others were siting and listening...

Later on i brought my swedish drinks, which I was asked to bring...the jäger i brought from holland...

They seem to drink alot here...but im not sure if it was only when they had visitors...

Some red labelled ricewine...

A table full of drinks...

Geai was drinking water once in a while...

After some hour Geai wasnt drinking anymore...

The locals thought it was fun...

This is Geais "real" brother...the others were cousins..

People having fun of sleeping Geai..

Later on the locals showed some local dance...I joined up...

Tradictional dance...just like I dances in sun moon lake and with the Amis at the east coast

Many of these people dance in clubs...

Pose with locals

Wuwu got up early...

The youngsters went to bed late...

Some planning of what to do the day after...

Wuwu liked to give the guests food...since I like to eat alot. I think me and wuwu is a good match...

Some milk and bread...

I think the locals ate some baozi similar thing

Selfie with Wuwu

Geai was sleeping

Day 2 it was equally hot...

Some paiwan breakfast

And the locals were already u

Some aboriginal paintings...not traditional i think

We went for a walk...

It ended up wit a mountian clumb..

A pretty steep and sweaty walk

But we retured after a while...seems that this was a very local path

Atleast 1 climbing club has been here...(they use to put up ribbons)

Some paiwan statue at the village entrance...was next place to pass by

We also mingeled with some local kids

And the family prepared BBQ

Omg....Geais brother had some cool hand tattoos...

We later on went ot a local river

Seems like many people in the hood goes here...

It was rather deep at one place...

So the locals jumped into the water

I prefered swimming...even if i dont have any upcoming swimming race in schedule...

It was perfect temperature in the water..around 25....i think

After some hour the swimming session was over

And we were heading back....I wonder if there is any trail from here to the east coast...along the river...that would b interesting...

Geai lingering on the street back at Danlin

And the BBQ started

They filled some beer in a beer cooler

Some locals joining up...but the guy to the left livedin Sanxia taipei

Wuwu was also ready to party...she didnt speak mandarin, only Paiwan language and Japanese...I tried to say "aregato"...I hoped she understood

Geai opened the millet wine jar later

It is very sweet...i tried it in the himalayas..when I walked at the Mt Everest base camp trail...

Locals coming and going

And more millet wine

Geai doesnt like to drink near his parents...but he make a "small exception" today...

Bubba always drinks...

I like geais looks very "warrior"

Family feast

Pingdong skyline from Danlin...

We were heading to the archery court

Trying out to shoot before it became too dark

Some professional archery guy in action

It seems like the hardest thing it to tense it enough...

Then u also need to aim high enough...

We missed all our tried...except one...

The others said that the bulls eye shoot was the profeesional guys atempt...I chose to believe it was my lucky shot...

Mr Archer went homt after some time looking for the arrows...

Another Pingdong skyline pic

And some paiwan dinner...pretty nice

Time to head back to the north...c u next time Danlin!
A night trip in ximen
I met up with a taiwanese author some days ago

He is a poet and has written some books

I had a lemon:ish juice while mingeling with him

He proudly showed his book, about some story with a political cover

We later on went to a nearby beef noodle place

They had plenty of side herbs...

I tried many...I was told that this place had bad lightning, bad service bad most of the things...but it was mostly full, due to the food...

I also spotted a taiwanese massage...tais are good with naming their business...
Snow mountain is called Mount Syliva
Soo funny, Snow mountain has atleat names

"Mount sylvia"...snow mountain, xueshan and Syue mountain...
All you can eat and danshui fireworks
I went to an all you can eat some days ago

With some ice creaam feenzy...

And some mushrooms

But mostly shrimps and some seafood

Later on it was time for danshui fireworks...

It was som random firework show that attracted thousands of tais

It keps on for some 5-10 mins think...

Green firework

And thousands of tais filming

Later on I passed by ximen for some hot drink

They said it didnt contain any caffine...hao3...
Chillin in Taipei
I went to some night market recently

Some friend was in taiwan, so i showed him around

We passed by a temple at longshan..."the normal tourist route"

And later we went to ximen for a platter

And a lichi drink

Later we headed to Fato Underground....

It was a popular bar we heard

their drinks were ok

We met a korean guy who was a phd in usa, currently visitn taiwan

we also had some shot

I was there with patrik, who was studying the taiwanese HBTQ community, and hanged with people from the government and other influencal stakeholders

The bartender preparing a apple cinnamon drink

It was good...reminded me ot x-mas...
pokemon party
If pokemon go was popular in europe, its super popular in taiwan. tais often like cute animals and animated icons...I wonder how many accidents that will happen this first week, when tais walk on roads and railroads without thinking about trafficadd to this my experience with locals that has tunnel vision when driving/walking in traffic...
Coffee and culture exhibit in ximen
A friend of mine is currently visiting taiwan

We went to a local coffee place

He wants to take pics that illustrates the taiwan culture

We passed by some cool statues of the ninja turtles near the cimena street in ximen

I also found bread that was sincerely made...finally...after far to many years with unsincerely made bread eating...

I also saw some local tais donating food and burning fake money to ghosts and gods...and playing some and some friends want to visit a haunted house...maybe now during ghost month there is a higher chance to finally, since the begining of the universe to finally prove that they exist...unforunetely I was told that the local police doesnt let people in to haunted houses in taiwan...

More food...I hope they woll eat it later...a dumpster diver heart will cry if they just waste it for ghosts...

I also had a swedish was nice...pretty cold from a reidl glass...
Ghost month events
Ghost month jsut begun in china...and taiwan

Many people buring fake money...and piutting food on a table outside buildings...

And some people sing...alot of money is involved...

I also went to a pasta place...and had some was nice...
A visit to Hisingen
I paid a visit to hisingen recently

Some friends wanted to visit Jenins Grill, supposely a place in palestine

It was in an industrial area

Interesting design...eberth had to take some pics

they were pretty famous according to some articles

And they had some interesting arabic pots...or water pipe?

and scewers

we got some nice bread

and ayran, which i hadnt had some i was in turkey some years ago...

and some kebab...pretty non swedish flavour

after the visit we went to kedar...

I had some local beer...i think

and watermelon...

Eventually I headed home to pack...and had my final dutch beer before I aimed for a new destination...catch you on the flipsyde
Chillin at the west coast 2016 (part II)
The last days at the west coast...

Erik drivng a boat pulling a windsurfing board

It was a sunny day

And Danne managed to stand up

It was cold in the water incentive not to fall

He also surfed the waves a little bit

Viktor also tried

And Sofia

Pulling softly

And off we go...

We also planned to jump from the cliffs...

But it was changed...

Danne had to return to the surf board...

Erik trying to stand up on it...without speed...

Easier in 20 knots...

But almost falling...

Also surfing the waves

Justin in the sun...

Omg, smoke in the chumey....i suspect a fire, even if it rumosrs said it is forbidden...

Some cliff chill

And crab collection

And some race

More time was spent ot making ure everyone reach the goal, that to acctually find out which one was the fastest

And some disco dance

Justin and Batt

Knowing the moves

And some more forbidden fire

And Thore...didnt hear much from him...a descrete attendance...

Some sunset yoga

And a person thinking of whats the next project

2 people dressed has a gun...

2 people thinking of, whats teh next project...

And their bohuslän view

Erik is gathering people for the dinner

Danne in the sun

And alot of pripps blå

Viktor in the shade

Another sun picture

And my yilan a bottle thats been accidentally fermented...

Eriks last supper with the gang

but still on the go

Another justin pi

And a corn stick jar

And smörkullen

A monument of interpretation prerogative

I also made sure to burn the carbon coal that we were cheated to create...

It almost looks like a fence...but its not...

Some crackers...

Danne heading to the boat, the daniel way

Erik heading to the boat, the erik way

The rest are walking

Some last embarking

Bai Bornö

Hi Skredsvik