Snow and coffe
Some weeks ago i read and heard that coffee makes life expectancy theroy was that huge amount of dopamine and stress hormones is caused by the caffein...

I recently read this...not sure of its source...but checking on wikipedia (with its references) coffee has a huge positive impact on many physical things...I wish i was born 5000-100000 years from now, and we probably would know the answer of most things...

I also saw snow yesterday...a blizzard passed southerna scandinavia...

...slippery, dark and cold... many flakes...

Snow absorbs sound so it becomes pretty silent...however I heard it was combined with thunder at other places...cosy...
Random events in november
My sister wanted me to join up...

...and one of her sons...I made a mini light house for him...

It was pretty nice days...

...with cinnamon buns...and coffee...

I also joined a friend to make some more cakes...

Nutella- brownie is a favorite...

...this time i tried to limit the sugar...


I also made a pizza...this is the crust...
mingle time on the west coast
Its cloudy, typical End of november weather. Went mingling around.

Had some ale at my friends place...

And a kebab pizza...

Chilis are healthy...

I also had some liquors...

And christmas candies...marshmellows...

One beer was called "sol" sun in swedish...

Even if its not december yet...alot of christmas decoration is installed...everywhere...

I also saw a map of taiwan, saying that yushan is 3997 meters high...but everyone knows its 3952...

I also memorized some new star signs...can be usefull when i get lost somewhere...

Later on I joined a taiwanese night market even...

With random snacks..

And bubble tea...

I got a queue ensure I got to taste the food...

I also added extra bubbles...

Mr Anders was there too...enjoying the party...

...And Mr Max...

It was very warm...the heaters were on max...and also many ppl...

...and more chinese ppl showed up...I guess they miss the asian food...

And a short presentation was held...

...tasty pics and funny video clips...

Min was also there...

...later on Max brought some red wine..

...we added bubbles to tasted good...

...anders also wanted to take a selfie...

The taiwanese brought cider...

...we had it with pancakes...

...and after a while the red beans showed up...

...hmm...i had some bad memeories from my exchange year...but still drank it...

later on i also played BQOs sunshine in the rain and compared it with the taiwnese version that came in 2009...

Ppl kept drinking...Mr Duck and Mr Max...

They also taught us some useful phrases...

And played some games...

...later on they showed a hongkong kungfu movie...

...and played majong...
...Soon its 1st of advent...2015 continues...
cold ocean day
Its around zero degrees nowadays.
Humid West Coast differs to the rest of Sweden. Luckily i dress in wool...
Humid West Coast differs to the rest of Sweden. Luckily i dress in wool...

I saw a fence with cute decorations...

And passed by some building for a sweden is apearing...

Many police are patrolling the the political correct sweden its not easy to be hard to foreingers...but most ISIS reqruits in europe comes from here...luckily no terror attack yet...

I also found many blackberries in the archipelago... the cold and semi-sunny afternoon...

...and an abandonned mini golf court...

I ended my days with butter tea...

...some pancakes....

...finding a DC comic item selling store...

...more butter tea...

...and even more butter tea...
morning frost
Today i saw frost in.the.morning. Since fridag the temperature dropped a little.

I had some evening at a coastal cuty recently...

I passed by some park...

...and tried some nutella brownie...

And inte the early morning i saw frost...

...the last weekend was pretty cold...but its heading to warmer weather again soon...
a Rainbow
It was rainy n sunny today. So i saw a Rainbow

At first it was only cloudy...

But then rain arrived...and some sun light...
Cloudy days
Cloudy days are passing by...

I met a guy today, that I havnt seen in 20 was an interesting catch up...
Eriks birthday Bash
My friend has a birthday bash recently...

It was held at some old industry facility, that now is a resort and resturant...

They also ahve a nearby golf club and and plenty og hikes nearby...I also saw people fishing...

...far away...i wonder if they have crayfish in this lake...

It was an intersting buffet with fish and meat...I went all in on cheese and some local specialities...

They also had some wine that can not be bought at the Systemolaget (there wine usauly is sold in sweden)...I asked if they had some local beer..and they said they had "nääs beer"...however I earlier this spring found out that the "nääs beer" as its called is not from this place, but another nääs village of the east part of sweden...strange that they even recemended that as a local beer...

Some ppl from the party crew...

Erik will now head to watch handball in a nearby town...catch u on the flipsyde...
Another trip to the forest
My old friend Duck asked to go hiking for a day...

I asked "why not?"...

It was a cloudy morning...

In the heavy forest...

He brought students from differnt places in europe...

We inspected the forst...

And passed by some hunters...

...chilly day...but still alot of mushrooms...

...not all were eatable... usuall I also found lingonberries and blueberries...theseoneswere pretty sweet for beeing the november batch...

But the main reason was for hunting...

My cousin Lukas was also there...showing his best side...

We did a copy of the previous hike in the forest which I did some weeks long as theres mushrooms theres forest visits...

This time the hunting team was also BBQing nearby...

They got an elk...

And the classic reminded me a little bit of my childhood...

The taiwanse were cold...and didnt mind some uncle Gustaf was there instructing how to manage the fire...

We also got some left overs from the hotdogs...

Most student hwere were NCTU students...from taiwan...

They were sending their condolences to this fix...(its the mascot of NCTU) girl was NTHU-student...she didnt send any condolences...(their mascot is a panda)...

The hunting continued in the sunligt...

This carrier seems smart...

Next stop was the train museum...

Just some mingeling and chilling...

And some other scenic sights...

I also showed my chinese name...they didnt recognize the characters...

We got some kilos...

I also tried to make some swedish stuff...this ones were a copy of what I ate this spring at my frien Patrics place...swedish tunnbröd around some hotdogs...(like a swedish french hotdog)...

My taiwanese friends also made some burgers...with toast bread...

We ended with some pork-sausage-mushroom stew...

And some swedish kladdkaka (a.k.a brownie)...
Scattered events in november
I helped my friend with some art decently..

He is not that fond of paintings so I made him some text...

My friend also gor some youtube designes earphones...I wonder if the sound is better there...

I also met Min...

ÖLater there was a burger session...

...a 150 gram...processed meat...hmm...

I also had some business near the largest bridge in gothenburg...... I did some late night geocaching...

After this I went to some AW...

And inspected more processed meat with Eberth...

I tried some swedish and german beer...conclusion: they taste almost the same...

I been busy so the pics are scattered from differnt events..but today friday the 13th is comming to an end...
Art n research
Have done some art and research recent days...
The temperature in sweden is pretty warm for being november...its nice...
The temperature in sweden is pretty warm for being november...its nice...
Finish evening
Some friends wanted to get more forest feeling on a recent afternoon...

Some designers from Taipei, who will compete in some competition...

And troed to find some wilderness inspiration...

Me and my swedish buddies went for picking these the fifth time this year...

Even if this one looks more colourful...

...and this one...

My friend Kris was softing on the road...

They also wanted to get near a nearby lake...but it was hard to get close to the the wet grass...

And I had some things to finish...luckily I managed to combine many things in the wilderness...

Later on we tried different cocking methods...but it kind of tasted the same...

And the guys insisted to try a finish sauna...I never used it before..but managed to figure out how t works...

...its warm for beeing november...

Later on ppl were pretty "saune exhausted"...the guys mighhead back to taipei...catch u soon again...
Scattered weekend events
Warm and sunny but windy weekend started with fries...

...cheese n sauce was added....however fat+carbs is not said to be a healthy combimnation...but very tasty...

Omg...some question i just read on a train was miss is "Alströmer"...common mistake...

I also passed by a pizzeria that won some competition for "best pizza" som years ago..I think its an equadorian pizzeria...

I also pased by this globe house..pretty intersting and locally famous...

...later I met up with Mr Duck...

...we wanted to join some hashrun event...

...and follow the fluor...

...omg a "fish hook"...

...and some scenic sights...

...and some houses that makes gothenburg look like london...(maybe the reason why its called "Little london")...

...ans some BS... friend Ebeth thinks of the african country Malawi when he drinks this beer...

...and ONIN...the end of the run...

...omg, they even had some HHH baloons...interesting...

...and Falcon beer...

...however not refundable cans...

I didnt join for the following dinner though...

Instead I joined up for this gathering...

My friend Chris invited me to a korean restaurant...I had a korean beer...

And we had some nakiyiko BBQ...

Epic wrap...reminded me of asian style BBQ...

I was also recommended this fried Icecream dessert...

Very good...

I was also told that I look a little bit like this lionel Richie I had to take a pic of him...
I just cut my hair again...
I did it last week too...but this time even shorter
I did it last week too...but this time even shorter

Mean while I was frying mushrooms...

And chilled at a local golf club with some ppl...

...I seldom go use to go here cross country skiing or shoot at the drivers range...but it was some years ago...

It was also a flag day in sweden the memory of an old king...
More baking and pizza events
It is the peak season for apples and mushrooms...

So I made some more cinnamon apple cakes...

I also ate a kebab was was kind of a birthday gift...

Later on I made mushroom burgers...

And a friend wondered if I could make black currant cake...which I made...but had to add alot of sugar tp deal with the sour taste...

I made it easy for myself and hade a jam top on each one...

With extra fiber fluor they felt pretty nutritious...
A quick visit to the forest
I was asked with short notice to go to the forest..

Some local people wanted to join...

Seems like crowded in the forest...this blir pic shows other ppl enjoying the autumn atmosphere...

We had a short session about how to identify the oneand only mushroom that we know...

The chanterelle...

And some yellow versions...

It was a gray day...and it seems like the amount of mushrooms to find are not that big this year...

In the evening the light became very yellow...I tries to catch it without flash...
Second Halloween in Sweden
Its my second halloween in sweden...

I rechecked my pumpking that I did recently...since it tend to be set on fire...

Later I was asked to some friends place...they had alot of alcohold...

I met some ppl I havnt seen for 15:ish years...

...a blur pic of the sphone I was using when playing techno music..(it was their request)...

I also found a mini snus jar...pretty cute...

And gave away my golden business card...also usable as a mirror...

The guy we were at was from brazil and was a huge football fan...

...omg...a chinese painting...

Later I continued to next place...and got some whiskey...

And people sang songs...

The new place had some interesting painting of flags from differentcountries in the colours of the swedish flags...

Then we got some cheese plate...

...epic kinds...
Autumn is arriving...happy halloween...