Finish evening
Some friends wanted to get more forest feeling on a recent afternoon...

Some designers from Taipei, who will compete in some competition...

And troed to find some wilderness inspiration...

Me and my swedish buddies went for picking these the fifth time this year...

Even if this one looks more colourful...

...and this one...

My friend Kris was softing on the road...

They also wanted to get near a nearby lake...but it was hard to get close to the the wet grass...

And I had some things to finish...luckily I managed to combine many things in the wilderness...

Later on we tried different cocking methods...but it kind of tasted the same...

And the guys insisted to try a finish sauna...I never used it before..but managed to figure out how t works...

...its warm for beeing november...

Later on ppl were pretty "saune exhausted"...the guys mighhead back to taipei...catch u soon again...