Another sunny day
Some friends went to pick mushrooms recently...

Theres alot of berries in the forest...all we need is more rain...for the mushrroms to appear...

Reflection of the day: Water makes ppl calm...except sea might be the water itself that makes sicillian male and okonawan female the eldest on earth (in average)...
Some archipelago trip
It is stll pretty warm outside...

Cosy moon...but longtimeuntil Halloween...

I passed by the swedish coastal line today...

And visited some old fortress city...

I also tried a Hell Kitty icecream...

Pretty pink...

But it was good...

It was partly a cloudy day...sun shine and rain, shifting...I hope i wont get sun burned...
Cordial session
Last evening I picked some berries...

And made a various kinds of blackcurrant... currant...


I also tried to make some cold pressed apple juice...but the machine seemed strange...meaning i ended boiling it...

First batch black currant...

...and second batch...(usually its just boiling the berries...and filter them....maybe add sugar later)...

And the apples were some soft and sweet ones...

The colours were different...maybe I can make some interesting ice cream on these colours (black and red currant)...after drinking alot I ended being high on fruit sugar...
Sunny days in august
Sunny days keep passing by...

Azur blue ocean, light blue sky...

Some soft marine hang out giving peace a try...

...endemic species on some island nearby...

...missed the sunset, romance bye bye...

Many ships waiting for win the vie...

Soft guy in the sun, runnig around being very spry...

Some day later I managed to see the japanese flag:ish sun, diving quick like a fly...

Some ppl just sees chemtrails...but I saw contrail, my oh my...

And a swedish comparison between genders physical performance, i wonder why...

Sunny ending of weekend but still super hot, feel like deep fry...

I also had some cold gazpacho, spicy to make me die...

But rain is coming with clouds so high...
Annual meeting in Gothenburg
I went to an annual meeting yesterday...

Its the rotaract club of Gothenburg...

We had it at a friends place...who has connection with wonder she had telemark skis at home...

Later ppl went to a local pub...

A friend of min ordered a spontaneous fermented was very sour...

The bar was near the student area of gothenburg...many dorms and thus many students...

Oskar was there...spending his last days in gothenburg...for a while...see you next time oskar!

I passed by gothia towers aswell...makes Gothenburg look like frankfurt in some sense...
Some evening nature pics
I took some random pics some evening ago...

A blue sky... airplane without contrails...

A took (magnetic) that colloected some metalic powder...

And the moon....(i got some beter pics with my system camera...I´ll share later)...

And a the night...
The berry year of 2015
Seems like a muchroom year, and berry year this year...

...some deep forest....

...i didnt find much mushrooms...but berries...

...omg, some one donated kids books in the forest...

Nature donates blue berroes...

...a huge rock...

...and lingon (cow) berries...

Omg...i also found an intersting tree house...

Sun is setting earlier nowadays...almost at 21.00...
Evening events at the Gothenburg Culture festival
It is a culture festival in town...

...started the day with some boiled coffee...

Later on I went to the bike kitchen to pick up some spare parts...

And met up some guys at an italian place...

With some pasta...

And an IPA...

I ended the stay by joining some ppl to find a centrally located geocache...
Burger and sunny mornings
I tried different kinds of homemade burgers recently...

Sime whole grain bread-burger...

And chili meat-burger...super nice...

It has also been very sunny recently in sweden...its good for bed I havnt managed to buy hops plants yet...long itme ago, farmers had to have hops in their belongings...

I also got the chance to try an epoc white chocolate brownie...
Cousin visits
Yesterday a cousin passed by, he is heading back to USA in a recent time...

And summer here...above 20 degrees...atleast..

I also got a bun...joining and listening to a bank meeting...

Mr Erik will head back to london today...

Just some mingeing with locals...

Meatballs...maybe homemade...

...and a short visit to the coffee place...then some cycling...
Scattered events in august
Some days ago I joined some educational event at a museum...

So did these bikers...a good sign that its summe...

I also enjoyed some cream buns...typical west coast buns...i think...

I also met up with my nephew...

...and joined some geocache event...

Many geocachers joined was interesting...

They had over 100 caches newly was a hunt, and some were hard to crach the koordinates to...

Later on I planned to join a football event...but it finished rather early...the participants went to swim at a lake...

I joined an observer...

Later on I joined up my counsin, who is visiting sweden...these are his walking shoes...that he walks to work with...pretty fancy...I cant imagine his other working shoes...

We shared a kebab pizza...

I also passed by an old chalmers friend and got a camera...

And later on we went to another guys work...he works at a bar...with a nice view... can se my friend Karls house fomr here...

Sun sets 21.30 something...autumn might arrive in a month...

Omg...this ferry was hit byt another ferry some month ago..but not thedamage is gone...(my phon pic is pretty blur)...

...air-balloons in the sky...typical summer day...

I also got some intereting cider...for drivers...

They also gave us some masks and flower necklace.... looked like the move "eyes wide shut"...

...we ended with some bourbon...
Evening work
I helped my friend some days ago with some gardening work...

I use to hang out in this neighbourhood 15:ish years ago...

Not many clouds in sight...the temperature has been high...I almost got a tan... :S

I also went for some education day some time a train station..

Finding interesting things about the west coast of sweden...

I recognized this from Taiwan...I might build myself a rail later on...its useful...

I remember some 20:ish years ago when I use to cycle on a trolley...

They also had a unique version of a miniature railway...

With smoke-liquid...

And the biggest pencil sharpener i have ever seen the "Jupiter 1"...

Later on the train left... acient weight...

And an other wight measuring machine...

98 kilos?! dont think so...but on each ticket it was a recommendation to stay in shape..

This place was recommended by many tourist passed by...

And a classic "steam power" sticker...

I later on passed by the balloon man...

And saw a funny snail trail...
Muffins and mushrooms
Had some muffins made some time ago...


It was nice with vanilla sauce...

Some rainy day followed...

And it was mushroom time...

Lingon berries was found at the mushroom place...

...and some red mushrooms...

And some strange mushrooms...

This guy wanted to be on a pic...

I hope this autumn will deliver more mushrooms...

I have given up to find a Stag beetle...maybe poland is the place to find them nowadays...

Omg...wild boars passed by here...

Some place to help bees..."bee hotel"?

After that my friends took their mushrooms of the pile...this is what was left over...
Some days at the west coast
I met my cousin some days ago...

He had problems with his car in the northern west coast of sweden...

He had borrowed his moms car...but he had insurance and he got a pickup for the car directly...

Lucklily the service was good and he got a substitute car...

Later on we took his boat out in the fiord...boosting up the speed (it says almost 5 on the display (thats fast))...

A friend had a receipt of a big list of things they bought...

Including some alcohol...

And food...

Luckily they had a tractor to transport the items to its destination...

Omg...lösgodis (they have it in ikea world wide)...

And cooling down their beers...

This is Daniel...he is an expert in drinks etc...

They had a pretty big BBQ:..

First supper was hot dogs...

After that they har som shooting competition...

And some mission to cut a tree...

People inspecting the cutting...

This guy looks like Johnny Knoxville... gooseberries...

We had some games and medeterainian food...

Some traditional games (for this island)...

And after 6pm ppl could still enjoy the sun from the house..(due to a tree less)...

Dinner time...

My speciality; burgers...but Viktor my counsins friend is a chief...and knows his things...

Omg...they had a pic of my grandma in their house...

They also had a special drink, where they mixed skittles and vodka...

They were drinking that shot while eating the burgers thats soon done...

The bread was from Max burger store...

Burger BBQ...

They had blue cheese on the burger...

Pretty high one...

And the candy-vodka shot...

Second burger...

Boys inspecting the sky...

They guys went for a sauna later the moon light... 2 started wth Backgammon...

We also found mushrooms...

This part of sweden has a special kind of birch...the neighbours told me that they will show me it (some 10 years ago, when I went to look for it)...but this day they said they wont, they by somehow changed their attitude...omg...but its clearly showed on this blur map...

..I will look for it later...after this pasta session...

Viktor the Chief proposed a toast...

And ppl were leaving and others were arriving...

I joined them in the transfer...and tried a beer...

Omg, locals fishing for mackerel...

Later we observed when Daniel fixed a door...

And I went for a birch hunt...

Down there the map said it should be...

But at the spot I never found any :( ...some birch bush some 50 meters away...

And this tree 20 meters away...

And this 70 meters away...

Omg....some oysters...locals been eating...

I had some kordinated to the birch...but maybe this tree was cut down...

Here it shold be...but no birch in sight... cliffs...

This was the closest tree...

Hmm..suspicous birch...

This was some 20 meters from the spot...maybe this is an endemic birch...I took a branch from let google confirm...I wonder how I even going to find out how a "Bohusbjörk" (Bohus birch) looks like. its hard to say (i cant even find it, when asking google)...

...or this one...

...hmm the leaf looks normal...

hmm...only pines in sight..

some 500meters away i found these...

And lingon berrkes...

Omg...on my birch hunt...I almost stepped on a squirrel...

Dinner time...?

BBQ master in action...

It was a little windy at dinner time...

And some snaps...

And alot of béarnaise sauce...together with swedish beer...

It was a little bit windy this second day...and the first day of august...

Daniel mixed chapange:ish drink with triple sec...

And made some fireshow with fire crackers...

Epic moment...

The beer supply in the dark...

Later on me and daniel were up until late, near the fire...feeling like the homeles ppl in the music video Streets of Philadelphia with Bruce Springsteen
I also think we saw our fellas in Rocky I as well...

Later on we met some people in the was warm...but the 20:ish degree ocean made people hesitate to use it...some paid a short "dress up"-ed visit...

The night fire remained the whole night however...

The day after it was a cleaning session..."nothing should be left" some ppl say...well that seems to only be for some, since my uncle left many things until his next visit...

But to avoid complains I mopped the floor, even in rooms that was never visited...lets see how this works out...

Each room has a unique colour...

...long time ago there were 4 beds in each some rooms only have 2 beds...

Omg...the pink room...pretty kinky...

The party team checked the left overs...

I inspected the door that was repaired theday before...

They usedthe tracor for transporting heavy gods...

The firts batchof people leaving the island...

..the sheap will stay here until late autumn perhaps...

Omg...I found even more mushrooms...i might eat them...this is the only place I know where to find summer mushrooms...

And I found plenty...

The grass was recently no reason to waste gasoline...

Second batch of people...

Far away there I helped the marines some month ago with a camp... uncle was heading to the island as my cousin left...

Here in the rural area they ahve a consert in some days...thats interesting...2015 continues...
A trip to the west coast
I made a short trip to the west coast recently. Looking for a tree theat endemic I heard...but didnt succeed. pic will be uplaoded tomorrow...