Some days at the west coast
I met my cousin some days ago...

He had problems with his car in the northern west coast of sweden...

He had borrowed his moms car...but he had insurance and he got a pickup for the car directly...

Lucklily the service was good and he got a substitute car...

Later on we took his boat out in the fiord...boosting up the speed (it says almost 5 on the display (thats fast))...

A friend had a receipt of a big list of things they bought...

Including some alcohol...

And food...

Luckily they had a tractor to transport the items to its destination...

Omg...lösgodis (they have it in ikea world wide)...

And cooling down their beers...

This is Daniel...he is an expert in drinks etc...

They had a pretty big BBQ:..

First supper was hot dogs...

After that they har som shooting competition...

And some mission to cut a tree...

People inspecting the cutting...

This guy looks like Johnny Knoxville... gooseberries...

We had some games and medeterainian food...

Some traditional games (for this island)...

And after 6pm ppl could still enjoy the sun from the house..(due to a tree less)...

Dinner time...

My speciality; burgers...but Viktor my counsins friend is a chief...and knows his things...

Omg...they had a pic of my grandma in their house...

They also had a special drink, where they mixed skittles and vodka...

They were drinking that shot while eating the burgers thats soon done...

The bread was from Max burger store...

Burger BBQ...

They had blue cheese on the burger...

Pretty high one...

And the candy-vodka shot...

Second burger...

Boys inspecting the sky...

They guys went for a sauna later the moon light... 2 started wth Backgammon...

We also found mushrooms...

This part of sweden has a special kind of birch...the neighbours told me that they will show me it (some 10 years ago, when I went to look for it)...but this day they said they wont, they by somehow changed their attitude...omg...but its clearly showed on this blur map...

..I will look for it later...after this pasta session...

Viktor the Chief proposed a toast...

And ppl were leaving and others were arriving...

I joined them in the transfer...and tried a beer...

Omg, locals fishing for mackerel...

Later we observed when Daniel fixed a door...

And I went for a birch hunt...

Down there the map said it should be...

But at the spot I never found any :( ...some birch bush some 50 meters away...

And this tree 20 meters away...

And this 70 meters away...

Omg....some oysters...locals been eating...

I had some kordinated to the birch...but maybe this tree was cut down...

Here it shold be...but no birch in sight... cliffs...

This was the closest tree...

Hmm..suspicous birch...

This was some 20 meters from the spot...maybe this is an endemic birch...I took a branch from let google confirm...I wonder how I even going to find out how a "Bohusbjörk" (Bohus birch) looks like. its hard to say (i cant even find it, when asking google)...

...or this one...

...hmm the leaf looks normal...

hmm...only pines in sight..

some 500meters away i found these...

And lingon berrkes...

Omg...on my birch hunt...I almost stepped on a squirrel...

Dinner time...?

BBQ master in action...

It was a little windy at dinner time...

And some snaps...

And alot of béarnaise sauce...together with swedish beer...

It was a little bit windy this second day...and the first day of august...

Daniel mixed chapange:ish drink with triple sec...

And made some fireshow with fire crackers...

Epic moment...

The beer supply in the dark...

Later on me and daniel were up until late, near the fire...feeling like the homeles ppl in the music video Streets of Philadelphia with Bruce Springsteen
I also think we saw our fellas in Rocky I as well...

Later on we met some people in the was warm...but the 20:ish degree ocean made people hesitate to use it...some paid a short "dress up"-ed visit...

The night fire remained the whole night however...

The day after it was a cleaning session..."nothing should be left" some ppl say...well that seems to only be for some, since my uncle left many things until his next visit...

But to avoid complains I mopped the floor, even in rooms that was never visited...lets see how this works out...

Each room has a unique colour...

...long time ago there were 4 beds in each some rooms only have 2 beds...

Omg...the pink room...pretty kinky...

The party team checked the left overs...

I inspected the door that was repaired theday before...

They usedthe tracor for transporting heavy gods...

The firts batchof people leaving the island...

..the sheap will stay here until late autumn perhaps...

Omg...I found even more mushrooms...i might eat them...this is the only place I know where to find summer mushrooms...

And I found plenty...

The grass was recently no reason to waste gasoline...

Second batch of people...

Far away there I helped the marines some month ago with a camp... uncle was heading to the island as my cousin left...

Here in the rural area they ahve a consert in some days...thats interesting...2015 continues...
Postat av: olle
Fina bilder! Kul att ses igen johan!! Ha de gott och säg till om du är i sthlm och vill ta en bärs eller behöver en soffa att slagga på =)
Postat av: Erik
tack for sex-packet!