I got an IMDB account
From my last film, I got an IMDB account...

...maybe I can add Brad on the IMDB add friends function...

...Michael is also an music artist...I should add that to my profile as soon as my next music hit reaches the bill boards...
White chocolate drink and the bike kitchen
I made some white chocolate drink recently...

...just like the chocolate bars in gothenburg city...i melted the chocolate in milk...

...I also headed to the bike kitchen...

...I later on made more white chocolate drink...
2023 continues...
A 42.2km run in Mölndal
A friend of mine is runing 1 marathon per day during november...

...he was sick today...but I stepped in...

...it reminded me a littlebit about taiwan where many people walk round and round on the running courts...

...i had some energy drinks etc as well...

...and a pizza...

...after some hours the sun started to set...

...and some fog was seen over the grass...

...I ran about 30km on the 400m court...which reminded me of the barefoot maraton I did in yunlin some years ago:
Vindaloo and AW at Lounge
I had vindaloo with MT recently...

...he is funny...and likes Vindaloo alot...

...we always eat clean plates...

...later I passed by Lounge at the avenue...

...MR Oscar was preparing noodles...

...not really full but still ok...

...people playing duolingo etc...

...and ordering a non alcoholic drink...

...more noodles...

...Mr Ha006 had many of these noodles...it was a fun place...
AW and a visit to Rotarybaren
I joined an AW recently...

...it was in mölndal...

...if people ordered food via an app, they got served with this robot...

...I had a burgder...and some belgian beer...

...later on I headed to the Rotarybar...

...where I had a pizza with everything included...

...using this order ticket...

...it was a foggy night...they say it is colder than normal this november...
A visit to Tomas Pizzeria
Kebabpizza is common in Sweden. And in Gothenburg there is a big debate about where the best kebabpizza can be found...
My favorite Mossens pizzeria is usually on the top...

...another pizzeria that sometimes is on top 5 in gothenburg is Tomas Pizzeria...

...plenty of kebab pizzas...

...my friends both had brown shirts...

,,,I had pizza salad (it is said to originate from north eastern italy)...pizza salad is very common in sweden...

...the kebabpizza was good...but mossens was better :)
November days passing by
I spent some day in alingsås recently...

...planting many spring flowers

...puting them in circles and other shapes...

...lets see next year if it works...

...I also ate some dumpstered pizza with extra cheese...

...and got some food from a friend who works at a restaurant...

...I also saw a guy claming that 70 is the new 50...that old people are pretty yong nowadays...

...I made more pancakes aswell...

...adding a lot of maple syrup to this...

...later on I met up with Bror Johansson who is running 1 marathon per day during november..in mölndal..I plan to join him some day..."spring för livet" (IG: spring.förlivet) is the name of his chairy run, collecitng money for a heart starter at Mölndals running club...
A night in alingsås
...I spent a nght in alingsås recently...

...paid a visit to Sjöö...

...i had a strawberry mocktail...

...and had a burger...(it took 50 minutes until I got it)...

...later I passed by ica maxi...and found some omega 3 cans...I dumpstered many of htese som weeks ago...

...I also made some panncakes with maple syrup later on...

...and went for a run....inlduring lights in alingsås on my route...

...it was not that special this year people told me...and I kind of agree...
The first of nov 2023
The first of november 2023...

...I ate some indian food at my uncles place...

...I also had some coffee from taiwan...

...I also found that some beer cans at ica focus...that they charge refund money for...

...will not be accepted at their on recyling station...interesting...

...I later on had a kebab pizza...

...swedish kumar joined up...

...I passed by rotary also...they had some quiz and singing performance...

..this guy was funny...he came alone to this place..but was not happy that we were allowed to take one of the vacant chairs at his table...
...but he was happy to join and talk to us...(i think he wa a little drunk)...
A visit to stockholm (part II)
I stayed at Joel...he is very nice...

...he is also very funny...here he has a cable from the wall to the socket...

...I also paid a visit to an american store...looking for apple jacks and fruit roll-ups...

...they had many cereals...

...but neither fruit roll-ups nor apple-jacks...s I bought some flintstone cereals...similar to the I ate in USA when I lived there...

...later on I went to a place near the train station...having a leo beer...

...watching some people eat...

...I tried some thai dessert...with some sweet milk...

...some famous thai person was singing...in the speaker...

...this is the place...I passed by last time I was here...there are plenty of fun thai restaurants near the stockholm city...
A visit to stockholm (part I)
I made a quick visit to stockholm recently...

...including visiting the ministry of international affairs...

...I was there second first..waiting at the port...but some funny immigrants sneaked ahead...but luckily once inside we could take a queue ticket...

..after that I headed to chagne a computer and phone...

...and headed to an asian restaurant for work...

...many dishes...

...it was ok...it easily becomes greasy at asian buffet places...

...adventsljustakar was spotted...

...later on I joined Mr JB...we took an uber...

...and had some thai food...

..."this is not spicy"...they said..but it was pretty hot...

...and an asian fish...

..and some asian beer...

...many police...here there are a lot of gang shootings in recent decade..."welcome to the new sweden"...

...stockholm subway...

...and a grusgrus bar...made me feel like i was at the west coast...

...a nice non alcoholic drink...

...I also got a jar of fermented herring...interesting...
A day out
I went to a theater recently... (anatomic)...

...I also saw Tomothly, and donated 20sek...he was singing near kopparmärra...

...but he didnt see me when I put in cash in the box...next time maybe...

...later on I went to biljardpalatset playing some games...

...i improved as time went by...

...close but no cigar...

...clos but no cigar again...

...and plenty of pucks...

...next game: dart...

...after that game a visit to the steampunk ar was paid...

...many people from norway was there...

...I had a non alcohoic coconut drink (i asled for a chocolate drink but they didnt have it)...

...milk with bubles..it became a foam...very interesting...

...later a visit to mcdonalds was paid...

...I had a burger...it is interesting to go to mcdonalds very late...often a feeling of gangsters paradise there...