Junlin Barefoot Marathon
2 years ago I use to eat alot of costco food...

Last friday I did the same...pretty nice...

I later in the night headed south...and bought some malt drink near changhua...it was pretty sweet...

After a 5 minute meeting with my Paiwan aboriginal friend the trip went east...towards the mountain to eat aboriginal food outside Pingdong...in southern Taiwan...

Omg...nice aboriginal patterns...


And military vehicles...

After asking people for 30 minutes we could conclude that there were no aboriginal restaurant in this village...we were recommended to head north...

Omg...a lizzard...the only thing i found at a geocache zone...last found was 2010...i guess this one is gone...

Finally after some mountain driving a epic aboriginal place was found...

With aboriginal art...

Of many kinds...mostly "indian art"...

And jewelery...

And cool toilet signs...

I guess they like to express themselves in art when doing handcraft...

Toilet art..

And cool stols...

Some china airline design...

...and T-shirts...

I might do a painting like this soon...

Just like in a swedish guide rouge restaurant...the visitors could see into the kitchen...(or maybe it was just a hole for serving...

More interesting furnitures...

Omg...I asked if they had alcohol in the tiramisu coffee and they said "no"...strangely enough another waitress told me that it contains Kalhua...maybe the same logic as "cheap is not meat" that my friend experienced in korea...

I had a nice plate with various of aboriginal dishes...

And some photos with some Paiwans...

The toilet view was pretty nice...

The trip continued in the mountain area...

And passing the Badlands near jiayi so somewhere...

To Junlin...where I was suppose to run...

Some small competition...

It was still a little wet on tha ground...

I think it was 75 full marathon and 25 half marathon runners...

All barefoot...

Omg...so interesting...I use to walk barefoot as a kid in the summers alot...but I never done a marathon barefoot...

And a typhoon is approaching...it might feel like when i did my military service in the marines...

And thunder...

They had a display just like when i did my 12 hour marathon, so that I dont need to count every single lap...106 laps...

Round and round...i think a lap was 2-2.4 minutes...pretty slippery...and very wet in the typhoon showers...

The day after I was suppose to run another marathon in Tainan..but it was cancelled due to typhoon... :S so a visit to lugang was paid again (i was here some 6 years ago)...

Nice and cosy place...

With old japanese architecture..or old taiwanese...I wonder why they never design like this nowadays...

After the red brick path visit another site that i visited 6 years ago was visited...

The great buddha of changhua...

They ahve many great buddhas in asia and in taiwan...

I tried to find a chache here...

A door like in hobtown...

After some trip...I came back to taipei...and went for an all u can eat BBQ...

omg...they had coachroaches...reminded me of when I saw a rat...at a suchi all u can eat...its not easy to have a restaurant in taiwan...