Midsummer 2023
Midsummer passed by recently...

...made different cakes in preparation...

...blue berry cake...


...and some beer...that I found out that I tried before...

...a group of locals...

...and some food...

...a lot of meat...

...and windy...but no rain...

...petra taking a rest near the lake...

and Daniel discussing stuff...
it didnt end as late this year...siunce gothenburg people wanted to take the last train back...at 2...made them leave at about 1...but they did try the sauna...
2023 continues...
Event preparations at the west coast
I went to prepare some stuff recently...

...like a bridge at my parents house...

...and some brownie with peanut butter...

and some nutella in the middle...
Soup, flowers, juice n fruit
I made some suop recently...

...and also some meat dish...with indian touch...

...I also went to another elerflower bush...preparing...

...and cutting grass to make flowers more visible...

...they are very water dependent...but also the spanish snail eats them...

...later i took some elder flower and wild strawberries...to make juice...

...there are plenty of strawberries this year...

...just need to put them in water with sugar and lemons (and some limes)...

...wait some days...

...I ended the day by eating some water melon...
Checkin some plants and garden stuff
I got a gift cars 2.5 years ago...it expires in 6 month...

...I mainly wanted to buy some rare hops...but they didnt have any...

...instead I was checking some rare berries...

...I wonder if I can dumpster dive here...

...they also had some asian statues...pretty exotic...
Swedish mousaka event at the indians
I went to the indians recently...

...with a lot of meat, potatos and cheese...

...I realised I had too much food...

...so I made 3 batches...

...it was very good...

...I almost finished one of them myself...
2023 continues...
Friday events in middle june
I went to eat the classic Vindaloo with my co-worker recently...

...at an old place...but new for me...

...it was ok...I added some spiciness to the sauce...

...later I passed by ullevi to see if there was anything fun going on outside the Metallica concert...

...they were still playing at 23...

...later on I prepared some dumpstered meat...

...many thick burger patties...
Some gratudation event with some cousins
I spotted some cool cups recently...

...I should try to paint that gray scale face some day...

...I also saw some thursty deers...so I serve them some water...

...later on I went to eat with cousins n friends...

...some nice summer buffét...

...more deers was found there...

...my cousin also opened some beer he made several years ago...

...it was rather fruity...I might borrow his equipment some day...using my own hops for some brweing try-out...
Some garden events 2023
...Hot days...

...I put vegetables and fruits on some rack, to protect them from spanish snails...

...I also put up some "no face" statue near the lake...

I also tried to resque some Geranium that I found in the basement...lets see how it goes. I can recall that my brother cut them last year for some strange reason...
Hot days and deers
Hot n dry days passing by...

...almost 40 degrees in the sun...and 25-30 in the shade...

...I gave some water to the flowers and fruit to the animals...

...three small deers were spotted near the lake...
2023 continues...
West pride 2023 and some lounge visit
West pride is going on...and there was a parade recently in gothenburg...

...i tried some north southamerican food...

...they had 3 kinds...

...it was rated high by some reporter...

...some english information...

...it had cheese and corn bread...

...ater on there was a chaise for shade...

...the parade had different speed on their participants...crating gaps...

...mixed with music and cars and dancing...

...it was entertaning...

...but sometimes there were long parts without any music...

...this guy was funny...

...some exotic dancing...

...and some political parties...

...and some christian people demonstrating...very funny...

...I havnt read "mark1:15"...maybe I should...

...later on people went to some stage to listen to more music...

...I also painted some things on some wall...it was fun...some Kurd whos name was Baban asked me to write the name for him...i wrote it twice...

...I also had a gyros...it was pretty salty...

...later i visited a friend near Majorna...he had some match logo on hos fire extinguisher...prtty cool...

...it was a view over the river...

...he also had expensive glasses...some 6k-7k swedish kronor...

...and some other cool ones that were cheap he said...

...the day after I saw many military martching..maybe they were preparing for the nijmegen march...

...i plan to visit alingsås shortly...and spent some time on the SJ lounge...

...i had some cheese...a lot of juice and some other cakes..
...2023 continues...
Some friday events
...I dumpsted a lot of meat recently...

...and made some burger and chicken stew...

...I also spotted a pride flag that was up-side-down...but I didnt dare to tell the staff; since I might get attached due to woke reasons...

...I was also asked by some guys on a bench to buy them beer...

...they already had plenty of beers..but the bottles seemed to be empty...and it was firday...

...later on I made pizza...

,,,my version was kebab pizza...

...I also tried some pink G.T....

...the kebab pizza was ok...but the sauce was kind of sour...

...the dessert was, just as the Gin...in the colour of pink...

...it had a lot of candies in it...
...it was good...
Miniature golf and hashrun
I played some miniature gold recently...

...at some island in gothenburg downtown...

...i seldomplay this game...

...Mr Yu was also there...he seems to play more often...

...they had 12 different courts...

...they also had some nice flowers...

...Mr Yu's ball got stuck in some pipe...pretty strange...

...maybe I won...

...the Karla Tower was visible in the background...

...next stop was a hashrun....also some celebration since the hashrun club turned 19 years old...

...many people was there...

...it was hot...

...some gathering...

...and then we started...up and down in partille area...

...since it was close to swedens national holiday...people were wearing blue and yellow...

...when back to the start/finish I got a white toblerone...

...plenty of beer prepared...

...Iina was happy...

...Later on we had burgers...

...and after that we went to some gothenburg celebration downtown...

...Some norweigan girl was performing...

...Mr KE had a cap with the american flag..he looked very funny...

...like a politician...
...2023 continues...
Gothenburg 400 years celebration event
I made a quick visit to the 400 years celebration event recently...

...many people were there...

...Varjas and Lagola was there...I wanted to hear their song "Roads"...but I missed it...

...I also passed by their food court...

..they had many kind of beers...

...my friend had some mexican dish...

...omg...a big whale...

...and Ostindiefararen...the old ship...

...and the schedule for the bands...

...they also had a karaoke bar..

...my 2 friends sang a local gothenburg song...they are funny..
Meeting Susanne and joined Geocache event
I met up with my old friend Susanne recently...

...we met atRoberts Coffee...it is a good buffét...

...and they had 4 flavours of icecream initially,,,

...first batch..

...later 3 our of 4 flouvros was gone..but the staff offered us to take some of the prime flavours...

...later on I joined a geo cache event with the theme: milk...
...they were serving local milk...even though i didnt tkae any...

...it is fun to join some local event...
A lonely cloud and tine finance minister visiting the west coast
Hot days are passing by th west coast...

...a lonely cloud was spotted in mölndal...

...later on i went to the avenue in gothenburg...

...and had some nice food...

...and went to see the finance minister...(first she went to the business school...but i didnt have time to listen to her there)...

...many people witing for the minister..-

...and many people taking pics...