West pride 2023 and some lounge visit
West pride is going on...and there was a parade recently in gothenburg...

...i tried some north southamerican food...

...they had 3 kinds...

...it was rated high by some reporter...

...some english information...

...it had cheese and corn bread...

...ater on there was a chaise for shade...

...the parade had different speed on their participants...crating gaps...

...mixed with music and cars and dancing...

...it was entertaning...

...but sometimes there were long parts without any music...

...this guy was funny...

...some exotic dancing...

...and some political parties...

...and some christian people demonstrating...very funny...

...I havnt read "mark1:15"...maybe I should...

...later on people went to some stage to listen to more music...

...I also painted some things on some wall...it was fun...some Kurd whos name was Baban asked me to write the name for him...i wrote it twice...

...I also had a gyros...it was pretty salty...

...later i visited a friend near Majorna...he had some match logo on hos fire extinguisher...prtty cool...

...it was a view over the river...

...he also had expensive glasses...some 6k-7k swedish kronor...

...and some other cool ones that were cheap he said...

...the day after I saw many military martching..maybe they were preparing for the nijmegen march...

...i plan to visit alingsås shortly...and spent some time on the SJ lounge...

...i had some cheese...a lot of juice and some other cakes..
...2023 continues...