Miniature golf and hashrun
I played some miniature gold recently... some island in gothenburg downtown...

...i seldomplay this game...

...Mr Yu was also there...he seems to play more often...

...they had 12 different courts...

...they also had some nice flowers...

...Mr Yu's ball got stuck in some pipe...pretty strange...

...maybe I won...

...the Karla Tower was visible in the background... stop was a hashrun....also some celebration since the hashrun club turned 19 years old...

...many people was there... was hot...

...some gathering...

...and then we started...up and down in partille area...

...since it was close to swedens national holiday...people were wearing blue and yellow...

...when back to the start/finish I got a white toblerone...

...plenty of beer prepared...

...Iina was happy...

...Later on we had burgers...

...and after that we went to some gothenburg celebration downtown...

...Some norweigan girl was performing...

...Mr KE had a cap with the american flag..he looked very funny... a politician...
...2023 continues...