MIlitary run, Taiwan Coffee, Chocolate and 2000y old carvings
...I made a trip to a banan city recently...

...where I had some local tea...

...and went to some temple in the mountain...

...some map of taiwan...

...some timeers...

...and start list...I thought it was a tough race...but it seems to be many kids joining up...

...and some mud trail...

...after 5 km run in the forest and on roads...we had to run the path...

...roll on sand... was rather slippery...

...and they kept adding water...

...I was wearing shorts...but most people was wearing pants...which was covering more skin in the mud...

...many medals...

...many cars...some were blocked by others...

...after some while real military was doing the teams...

...we also got some food... was fun to watch...

...later on it was some awards that were shared...

...many kids got medals...

...later on I went on road 21 and 185...

...and found some chocolate yard...

...not sure if it was different kind of beans...

...but they had different colours...

...some chocolate tea...

...many cocao plants....just like I have at home...

...they made some milk chocolate drink...

...and served some chocolate candies...

...some fruits...I wanted to snatch some...but I wasnt sure what kind of chocolate it was...

...I bought some roasted beans...

...and paid with 20 NTD coins...

...while some were para gliding in the sky...

...later on the trip continued up the mountain... Rukai area...

...and some rock carving place...

...more rukai... geocache in sight...

...but many flowers...

...and some carvings...

...and coffee store...

...and some bridge...(the japanese use to build many things here back in the days)... bar...

...yellow coffee beans...

...and some Robusta...

...and Geisha coffee which is a 3rd kind of coffee others than Arabica and Robusta, i was told...

...some info chart in chinese...

...not sure why the owned showed me a pick of the same snake on his phone...

...more kind of coffee...

...and some unique rice coffee with less caffine...

...and some coffee flower...

...mandarin name of a coffee kind...

...this area had some coffee training area...

...and some tastings...

...and some castle looking wood stump...

...I might make myself on eback in sweden...

...they had some rice looking coffee beans which contained less caffein...

...and some traditional brick wall....whic was famous for this area...

...the bus went here once in a while...

...some monument and direction of places...

...and some passion fruit?

...omg...a EU country staring on "T":..

...I got some yellow coffee beans...

...blur info of the geisha coffee in mandarin...

...mandarin name of the rice coffee...

...and some coffee named "XL34"...

...I which I could take some plant...

...I was told I can come back next year and pick some...

...yellow beans... beans...

...the Geisha coffee...

...I later was offered some duck feet...I tried some...but not my cup of tea...

...some pallete flowers...

...some other dinner place in Sandimen...

...where all the waiters had a number plate...

...I had some local food...

...and some snails...
...later on I went to my Paiwan tribe...where a friend gave me some skin products...

...I also gave away some yellow beans...

...I had some local beer...

...they also shared some honey mixed with rice wine...
2023 continues...
A trip to the banana city; Qishan
Originally I came here to joina a military one I did in Beitou some decade ago...

...and some "famous" old street...

...many other stores at the night market...

...and old street...

...and got some turmeric...for free...

...I also found some coffee...but not local...

...and they also had some other items...

...many banan stores in the city...pretty funny... own icecream...was better (mashed banana and cream in freezer)...

...some other banana store...

...some young entrepreneurs openned another banan store...

...the stinky tofu was also "famous" I was told...

...but the banana was more fun...

...and banan beer...but this was from belium...which I had before...

...and some banana was ok...

...some fruit painting...

...some other banana store...

...later on I had some beef noodle...

...they also had some old train station that was not longer in use...but was made to transport bananas...

...more bananas...

...the old house had some old photos...

...the old house had even more old streets inside...

...where I had some other "famous" dessert...

...but many walls were fake...which was interesting...
An all you can eat in Hsinchu
I was in Hsinchu recently...

I also spotted a pizzeria...

...they had cachew nuts...

...and some other stuff like chocolate jam...(and peanut butter)...I might have been here before...

...later on I went to some BBQ and hotpot...

...they also had icecream... usual I went all in on shrimps...

...5th batch...

...I tried to finish them all (but un like the chinese restaurant in Sweden they kept serving)...
Random TW events
I conducted some random things in TW...

...passed by some McLaren car...

...had some buffet...

...including salad...


...steak...(I have been here before...10:ish years ago)...they closed at 5am by then...nowadays they close at 3am...

...I also went to Taiwan Dagega...just like last time...the sales are so asian in the sense of that they dont want to lose their when you get rejected by a better changes store...

...I wasted 1000-2000NTD on a sales who claimed that I could not tap up m old SIM card...but this new sales said that it was no problem...
now i have 1 SIM useless...
A walk in Hsinchu downtown
I went for a walk recently...

...currently...before an all you can eat lunch...I was 98 kilos...

...I realized that I wear shorts in Taiwan all the year around...even if it is 10 degrees outside...which seldom is the case in sweden...

...I also went to look for a geocache...

...I also found some plants...which are the same I have in Sweden...

...some x-mas cactus...

...and other x-mas flowers...
2023 continues...
Random day in Taiwan
I was in taiwan recently...

...passing by a random lunch place...

...had some burger...(sometimes u get a sandwich in TW when ordering a burger...but this one acctually had a patty)...

...I also inspected a cool indian looking painting...

...and went to some vegan restaurant...

...atleast that is what they claimed...

...several vegetarian dishes...

...but they had plenty of beer on the menu and im not sure they were all vegan...

...the place name was "chao"...and it was near Zhongxiao Fuxing...
A visit to the myanmar street

...passed by a carrefour t ocheck their whisky supply and look for octomore 12...

...I found some super strong beers...16%...

...passed by my old hoods...the super building...

...instead of just writing "toilet"...assuming that the word "toilet" pressumes onl a few genders...this toiler included "all gender"...i feel sorry for the "non gender" people which might be excluded if it only includes people who identifies with having a gender...

...later on a visit was paid to the myanmar street in southern taipei...

...having some various dishes...

...some shrimp dish...

...and some other food...

...always glancnig at SHL facory in nankan...

...i also apssed by a toilaet where the urinoars were numbered... label had the same price as green label...

...I also saw a cool spiderman mask... label was 300ish ntd cheaper than gold label)...same same...
2023 continues...
White toblerone and random events in TW
I got some white toblerone recently...

...i start each morning with some peice...

...I observed many swedish brands TW...

...and flowers that also are common in Sweden...

...I had some panncake after my flower observations...

...and some linnen observation...(batman lookalike)...

...I also oberved many people selling stuff on the streets in TW...but since it is illegal they have some person watching for the they can make a quick escape...

...later on I had some snacks...

...4 cheese hamburger...

...and some local beer...

...omg...a swedish brand..."scandinavian forrest":..
A visit to TW and baibai Jesus
I made a visit to korea recently...

...but also it was not clear how to get to the right gate when leaving...risking that the situtaion will be as in brussels airport where the staff ask me to wait and drive me to the wrong terminal...and later force me to buy a new ticket...

...i hope that the fligth would be late...

...sweaty after running...even though it was -10 degs outside...

many people waiting at the gate...

...luckily I got this from some nice guy...

...the plane to be entered...

...later on i arrived to TPE...

...getting a lift south...

...having some BBQ chicken...

...pretty hot and juicy...

...then burned by gas..

,..and wathcing some youtube of otehrs visiting yilan for the BBQ chicken... was nice...and juicy...

...he is moving to switzerland...funny guy...
West coast event an a trip to the east
I met up with some folks in gothenburg recently...

went to some KTV...anbd some funny guy approached and started to talk...

...and went to 3e lång later on... friends ended up to some other place closing at 3am...i left at 2am...

...i also put up some lights at parents house...

...and some other x-mas decoration...

...and started to head east later on...

...always tricky to make transfers...hoping that the service wont be as bad as in brussels aiport...with the tricky brussels airline with no servie at all...

...making transfer in germany...

...some gate change...hoping they wont change to a gate far away and reject all late commers...

...afte finding the gate i tried a german beer...and checked in on untappd...

...this was served at china airlines...i went by sas and lufthansa (partly swiped star alliance, adn party sky team on my flight)...
Deer feeding and buffet
I dumpsterd a lot recently... salat and fruit to the deers...

...sometimes they eat, sometimes they dont...

...inspecting flowers at parents house...

...later on i supported a court case...and had a buffet lunch after that...

...and a lot of ice cream...
Some ginger bread session
I made som more gingerbread recently...

...different figures...

...batman, spiderman etc...

...aiming for a perfect circle...

...some village...

...and people sitting around...I hope they will brother is coming to sweden later...who has a habbit to throw away my thing :S
More advent events in 2023
...I made some more ginger bread houses recently...

...including a snowman, santa and xmas tree...

...I also had a kebabpizza från sannegårdens in Alingsås...

...I also got to taste some home made glögg...

...and some new shapes using forms...

...I also assisted in some glögg event...

...and ended up making another 2 ginger bread people...
my indian friend by some reason broke the santas...not sure how i was made but they had by some reason fell down on the floor...

...some other batch of hearts...

...some pile of dumpstered dough...

...glögg table all set...

..I was debating puting santas hat on darth vader...

...later on we went to see the tometeparad...

...cops fronting...

...and santa...

...and plenty of kids from different sports organisations screaming... was rather cold this year...

...some dancing on the square was following...

...and many kids gathering again...
2023 continues...
December days starting
...november is ending and december is starting...

...I met some coworkers eating vindaloo...but a special set mixing thursdays and fridays meals...

...I also got some tipo00 fluor, since there was some interesting events happening with brats...

..I also made more ginger bread houses...

...and some other shapes...

...but some parts crached...

...I eventually made the ginger bread guy to sit up...

...and a santa head...

...I ended with a darth vader...
A ginger bread house
...I made some food recently...

...making a really heavy now...almost 105 kilos...

...I made some ginger bread house starting with the roof...

...then just matching the dimensions of the walls...

...almost the whole house in 1 batch...

...and some heart...

...and gluing it together...

...the result...
An anime night
I went to watch a movie some time ago...

...after the movie my friend decided to take a tram...

...but the tram got stuck...

...the traffic light was jammed... never showed "go".... friends were inside for quite some time...

...the transportation service arrived...

...after a while...they gave the tram permission to leave...

A night at white D
I went to white D recently...

...I got proposed to use starmaker app...for sound it seems..pretty cool...

...At White D there were plenty of cool posters...

...and some gift opening...

...some suspenders...

...some Nintendo 8 bit games that my friend is looking for...

...some other list...

...some other cool game...

...discussion abuot where to find some games...

...W.D in action...

...värmland people drinking...reminded me of my chalmers time...where people from Karlstad use to come down to gothenburg and have fun

...and some guy looking like a magician showed up...

karlstad people wrestling...
2023 continues...
A visit to some friends place
...I went to some frieds place recently...

...tasting some candy...

...seing some cool old army pics...

...and some more pics...

...I also had a beer...

...and some meat...

...seeing some original documents from 1700:ies...

...tasting donuts...

...and later on inspecting a world map...

...I planned to leave by 20...but ended up leaving at 21...
Some november days at the west coast
November days passing by...

...I saw a col book at the book store...

...I inspected some art work...form J*S...

...some artist signing the work...

...interesting scetching...

...J*S... inspection...some paintings being symetrical on the wall...

...the result...

...some music playing...

...I also inspected some lamps that adjusted the colour...

...the blue version...