MIlitary run, Taiwan Coffee, Chocolate and 2000y old carvings

...I made a trip to a banan city recently...
...where I had some local tea...
...and went to some temple in the mountain...
...some map of taiwan...
...some timeers...
...and start list...I thought it was a tough race...but it seems to be many kids joining up...
...and some mud trail...
...after 5 km run in the forest and on roads...we had to run the path...
...roll on sand...
...climb some wall... was rather slippery...
...and they kept adding water...
...I was wearing shorts...but most people was wearing pants...which was covering more skin in the mud...
...many medals...
...many cars...some were blocked by others...
...after some while real military was doing the teams...
...we also got some food... was fun to watch...
...later on it was some awards that were shared...
...many kids got medals...
...later on I went on road 21 and 185...
...and found some chocolate yard...
...not sure if it was different kind of beans...
...but they had different colours...
...some chocolate tea...
...many cocao plants....just like I have at home...
...they made some milk chocolate drink...
...and served some chocolate candies...
...some fruits...I wanted to snatch some...but I wasnt sure what kind of chocolate it was...
...I bought some roasted beans...
...and paid with 20 NTD coins...
...while some were para gliding in the sky...
...later on the trip continued up the mountain... Rukai area...
...and some rock carving place...
...I want to visit but as usual in this country most things in the mountain area requires some permit...
...more rukai... geocache in sight...
...but many flowers...
...and some carvings...
...and coffee store...
...and some bridge...(the japanese use to build many things here back in the days)... bar...
...yellow coffee beans...
...many kind of beans...roasted in different ways...
...and some Robusta...
...and Geisha coffee which is a 3rd kind of coffee others than Arabica and Robusta, i was told...
...some info chart in chinese...
...and some fake snake...
...not sure why the owned showed me a pick of the same snake on his phone...
...more kind of coffee...
...blur yeloow ones...
...and geisha...
...and some unique rice coffee with less caffine...
...and some coffee flower...
...mandarin name of a coffee kind...
...this area had some coffee training area...
...and some tastings...
...and some castle looking wood stump...
...I might make myself on eback in sweden...
...they had some rice looking coffee beans which contained less caffein...
...and some traditional brick wall....whic was famous for this area...
...the bus went here once in a while...
...some monument and direction of places...
...and some passion fruit?
...omg...a EU country staring on "T":..
...I got some yellow coffee beans...
...blur info of the geisha coffee in mandarin...
...mandarin name of the rice coffee...
...and some coffee named "XL34"...
...I which I could take some plant...
...I was told I can come back next year and pick some...
...yellow beans... beans...
...the Geisha coffee...
...I later was offered some duck feet...I tried some...but not my cup of tea...
...some pallete flowers...
...some other dinner place in Sandimen...
...where all the waiters had a number plate...
...I had some local food...
...and some snails......later on I went to my Paiwan tribe...where a friend gave me some skin products...
...I also gave away some yellow beans...
...I had some local beer...
...they also shared some honey mixed with rice wine...
2023 continues...


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