A May weekend in Alingsås
I was in Alingsås recently...

...preparing for summer...I dumpstered a lot of food...and among this were some strawberries...which I prepared to sow them..

...I also helped mr Jaimon...with some cleaning..and got a hotdog...it was sweet...

...the atrawberry seeds are being separated from the fruit...
...I also had some Taiwanese and belgian visitors...they prepared a movie in Alingsås area...

...Mr Yu and Mr Pöljö passed by aswell...
My Yu wanted to fish...and wanted to use some heavy bait....I asked him not to let the bait sink to the bottom...unfortunately that was what happened all the time...and eventyally he lost my bait...I hope next time we can dive and find it...

...we also followed Mr Pöljö towards Bryngenäs...on his way back to Gothenburg...
Fishing with some indians
I went fishing recently...

...it was like some year ago...when I also went fishing with some indians:

...we endedup having some fika in a nearby sauna...it was too windy for fishing I was told...also it was my friends Birthday...

...later we went to Alingsås for some beer...

...and some indian food...
Moving support for Jaimon
I was in Alingsås recently...

...helping mr Jaimon to clean his old room...

...fixing an oven...

...Mr Pöljö was also passing by...

...we made some mettle soup...and then I escorted him to the way towards Gothenburg...

...omg...an old Volvo...looking like a Jaguar...

...I also did some garden work...

...putting a lot of flowers in the garden...and herbs...

...later I joined a BBQ in Alingsås...

...cheese and curry sauce etc...

...and some local indian pickles...

...3 kind of pickles...shrimps...fish and dates...

...I also helped to cut Mr Jaimons hair...
...it was ok...
A quick visit to Stockholm
I paid a quick visit to Stockholm recently...

...and tried a burger at John Scotts...

...I also wanted to try some local beer...but it was hard..I ended up trying some Brocklyn beer near hötorget...

...the signs at the train station had spikes...like in italy...

...later on I also visited Mr Yu...and observed a cat...

...we had some chinese food...it was ok...
An evening at the avenue
I was at the Avenue in Gothenburg recently...(avenyn)...

...meeting up with Mr P...he also received a post card...

...and we were watching some football game...they had several games in the pub...

...Zlatan was also playing at one game...

...later one we headed here...

...some italian place...wth macintosh compuater at the entrance...

...I had some pizza nad foccacia...

...it was more like a pita or pizza bread...not that oily...

...I ended with a tiramisu...

...it was pretty good...very creamy...

...and juicy bread...(4.5 of 5)...

...it was in the same building as where my grandmother grew up...
Cityvarvet 2022 and Oliver visit
I was invited to run Cityvarvet in gothenburg recently...

...I started the day with coffee from Taiwan...

...it was raining at the starting point...

...still some music was played...

...and off we went...

...some guy with a horse mask...I was debating running in a batman outfit...(but ended up wearing some indigenous clothes)...

...reaching the finish...

...and seeing the ones who ran 21km...when I came closer to tha goal...

...and reached the finish...


...and some medal...

...and many free stuff...

...my AF had many freebees...

...start group 10 at the 21 race...

...the volvo starting group...

...and the leading woman...

...each runner had their first name clearly printed...it was fun...

...and big trucks were blocking the big venues...I guess to aviod having some terrorist driving here...like in stockholm some years ago...

...and some asian food...

...I met up Mr Chu and Mr KJ later on for some italian food...

An event at the Techno creatives
I went to another event at the techno creatives recently...

...it is close to Gothenburg central station...

...with some alcohol and pie competition...

...I arrived too late to taste...but it was ok...

...some people were plaing VR games...

...and some awards....

...and some rap...

...and some people had door issues...in this rather new office location...

...Mr Frick joined up...and had some food...it was nice...

2022 continues...
Plants in Alingsås
I planted to cacao plants recently..

...hopefully I will get some chocolate then...

...I also continued my geranium project...storing the geranium in my parents basement during hte winter...and plant them outside in late spring....

...thus they become more and more...(I also dumpsterd some)...

..also later in JAS i need to cut the apple tree...

...also preparig some nettle soup

...a little late but still ok...


...and mixed...a lot of iron..."traditional swedish dish"...
Arriving Sweden spring 2022
I made a trip recently...to Europe...

...spotted a fjällräven bag at Ataturk airport...

...also strange seeing people without masks...

..."kabul"...does it mean "inadmissible" in turkish?...

...I also...almost went wrong...into the praying room....looking for the toilet...

...in plane...many people did not wear face mask...

...or wearing it on their cheek...

...seing bornholm...

...now: no mask at all....funny...

...almost flying over alingsås...

...people at the right side of the plan could see mjörn + Alingsås I guess...

...some place near lerum...

...upon arrival to Sweden...I went buying some low alcoholic beer and cheese...

...joined to Mr Mins place...

...he had some BBQ...

...with a nice cake...

...and some mango paste (like the old Fruit roll-up)...

...it was very sweet...

...some people joined up...

...some left-overs...

2022 continues...
Last day in Taiwan for spring 2022
My trip to Taiwan is coming to an end...

...inspecting my coffee plants...

...and my cacao plant...

...rainy weather...when slowly heading to the airport MRT...

...Taipei 101...

...rumors has it that the quarantine rules will be removed after may...since over 50k new cases are found each day...it does not make much sense to force people into 1-2 weeks hotel stay..before release them to all the sick people...

...empty at the arrival hall...

....suited up...as usual...

...last meal 1...

...funny recyling....

...plastic etc in the metallic bin...

...final supper 2...

...many departures...

...at the customs (which is automatic)...the machine spoke swedish :) ...poor swedes who doesnt speak swedish...to understand the instructions...

.....still a lot of mountain art at the gates...

...omg...a batman pillow...

...yushan information...

...disinfection info...

...road 8 info...I kind of wanted to drive the whole way on this road...but it was hard to get information about if it was open...

...some mountain range in taiwan...

...and the highest 100 peaks...

...not sure how many I have done...my friend Cory has probably done more than half...

...funny illustration...

...and some cosmed info...

...has a long history...

...mount Xiugyluan....I was debating to cimb this one...

...last view of Taiwan...

..empty plane..

...and the drinks for the night...

...and the meal...
A friday in Taipei (May 2022)
I went back to the bank in Tianmu to try to wire money recently...

...some donations outside the bank...(still hard to get clear answers from the bank...but eventyally they tried to wire money)...lets see how it goes...

...I also passed by "Klättermusen" in Shilin..

...and went to Zhongxiao xinsheng to buy a phone battery...

...after some 30 minutes looking I finally found it...

...some lego mouses...

...I also passed by ximen...

...passed by this bar...

...they had some batman lamp...

...and passed the ciname with the sculptures...of super heroes...

...a rainy day...and strict corona rules...not many people out nowadays...

...some t-shirt about what Serendipity means...

...also passed by A.k.12...

...a 4 cheese burger...

...later also passed by honglou for some fried chili...

...and a chocolate drink...

...later a visit to club Taboo was paid...

...there was some drag queen show there...

...funny people...

...and some birthday celebration...

...it was fun...

...and poor cleaner...who insisted of asking all the visitors not to dance with a drink in their hand...and keps swiping the floor..

...some performance...

...and cleaning...

...also the club celebrated some anniversary...
...last night in taipei for this time...
Last days in Taiwan (spring 2022 edition)
...my days in Taiwan are comming to an end...

...went for an all you can eat restaurant recently..

...famous for some seafood...


...local beer...

...and some steak...

...a blue sky...

...and peanut butter icecream...

...and some chocolate cakes and tiramisu...

...omg..."The top" (the cool skyline bar) is up there...

...later I went to a bank...to wire money...it is always tricky...cus they give you answers even if they dont know the answer....betterbe careful...

...I also visited a german restaurant...

...and got a stap (the bank wanted me to get one)...

...an interesting sky...

...and heavy rain...

...I later headed to Hooters in Xinyi...

...had some cheese and meat...

...they were practicing a lot of dances...

...and they recorded the dance...and also asked the visitors to send in thair filmed videos...

...I also ordered some small hamburgers...

...omg...fried crabs...

..and more dancing...

...and hoola-hop performance...

...I also got a Taiwan beer apron...
A visit to an Argentinian restaurant
I went to an Argentinian restaurant recently...

...but before that I passed by some cinnamon bun bakery...

...many flavours of cinnamon buns...

...and this coffee shop...

...it was pretty european in its interiors...

...some coffee...

...and waffle...

...and some chocolate store...

...many chocolate bonbons...

...and some beer from northern taizhong...

...it was a sunny efternoon...

...I think I visited this place some years ago with my firnd Enrique...

...later went for some geocaching...

...at this place...

...many mosquitos...

...and nice evening...

...I also passed by this place (but never entered)...

...omg...a fjällräven bag...

...Taiwan beer celebrates 100 years this year...

...and finally arrived to the Argentinian restaurant...

...starter: empanada...

...some fruit salad...


...and meat...

...sheep and beef...

...and soup...corn and pumpkin...

...and some Argentinian cheese cake...

...and creme brule...

...later I passed by ximen...where they had lamps in the menu...

...at my old favorite place...

...where I had a mango smoothie...
2022 continues...
An indian restaurant visit
I visited an indian restaurant recently...

...went by MRT (subway)...they keep spraying anti-virus chemicals at the end stations...

...Moksha was the restaurants name...

...some pre-dish...

...nice interiors...

...some very good shots...

...mint sauce etc...

..and some soda water (but without pepper)...but still sugar and salt...(i had it with pepper in Thailand and in Nepal)...

...some x-mas tree outside...

...some curry chicken...

...and naam...

...some other cheee dish (I usually also have cheese in my indian food when I make it myself)...

...some more naam...

...it was many things on the menu that they didnt have..

...I ended with some icecream...
A trip on road 20 (part II)

...woke up super early...cus the road was said to open at 7am...

...nead Yushan national park...

...well...due to some rock fall...the opening delayedby an hour...we were told...

...some monumental park...

...and some hikers...

...indigenous area...

...and some cool tent car...

...and wild boars...

...and after some hour...they finally opened the road..

...the police stand for guarding the road...

...and some mountain...

...and tunnel...

...and many fruit trees...

...and other mountains...

...and some scenic site...

...and land slide...the road goes on the other side of the valley...

...and some toilet at the middle of the road 20 in the mountain...

...they also had some assigned parking spots near a police station..high high up...


...this place had a monument...people took pics...

...some machines worked on this hill...

...some sea of clouds...

...and once in a while htere were some information sign...

...and parking spots for hikers...

...and many pine trees...

...forrest and mountain road...

...and suddenly a traffic light...but managed by local police...

...many people waiting...for about 15 minutes...

...people from the east coast was arriving...

...steep down the slope...

...some old road material...

...and far on the other side was Tianqi monument...

...and some trash in the bushes...

...it was th emonument...

...some interesting stone colour...

...and finally we got to drive...there was a tunnel nearby...

...more mountains...

...and rocks...

...and steep hills...
close to jiaming lake trail entrance:

...one must have the lights on up here...this area is whe lisong hotspring is...

...after anohter hour...finally arrived to the east part of the road....even the statues here wear face masks..

...getting loser to road 9...

...finally road 9...

...wuhoo...made it to the other side...

..stopped in Zhishang for some "famous" tofu...

...and the east coast...

...indigenous restaurant in Taidong...


....and the trpic of cancer later on...

...and some huts in Fenglbing...

...I found my swedish coin at a local restaurant here...

...and had some Fugu fish...I think..

...it looks very interesting...

...later I went on road 11, road 8 and now on road 9...on a super long tunnel under the old road 9...
Enough road number dropping for today...
2022 continues...
A trip on road 20 (part I)
For many years I have been waiting for road 20 to open in Taiwan...I planned to visit the road...

...finding a narrow street in Taipei..I wonder how cars even can get out from their parking spot...

...when people fuel up...they dont fuel up by themselves in Taiwan...there are some assistant nearby helping...and also sometimes put a board on teh windshield telling which fuel they are giving you...

...very foggy day...

...bug Buddhe status near Taizhong...

...and road 20...

...splitin up to the mountain....(passing road 3)...

...some huge temple...

...and white bags protecting mango...

...and some tunnel...

...road 29 met up...

...passing the city of taro...

...I had taro icecream...

...passing road 27...

...and a lot of fruit trees...

...and bunun area...

...and some other indigenous groups...such as Tsou...

...red clothes...

...100km mark on oad 20...

...altitude: 1000ish meters...

...and suddenly...road is closed...dammit...

...the road to east...

...a lot of rain...

...and indigenous places...

...I had millet wine icecream...

...some hikers managed to get in...the police claimed that one had to apply permit 30km away from here...(but at a local police station they said that this information is wrong...no permit needed)...

...many cars started to line up...since the raod might open tomorrow morning at 7 am...

....some locals

...some local food...

...local banans...

...it was some kind of almond banana...

...indigenous people got free antenna to be able to watch indigenous TV...

...they also wanted to sell me some plum...

...a map of indigenous local groups...

...and some indigenous painting...

...and colours...

...a bowl...looking like an anime character (in Spirited Away)...

...more indigenous art...

....more cars lining up...

...I had some taro bun...

...and some rice in bamboo...

...it contained millet...

...the road was locked during night...

...I also found a swam egg...(or gose)...it was pretty big...

...some local bunun people eating...

...also some haloween art...

...the locals treated us dinner...

...some shrimps...(from ocean)...

...and some other local food...

...they wished to pose...one "seediq/Truku" and one Bunun guy...

...later they asked me to help with some fire thing...

...while they were bioling rice...

...dealing with something they called a "swedish torch"...

...after some youtube inspiraion I got some idea on how to use it...

...it toog like 15 minutes...

...pretty cool...

...one more pose...
A visit to Europe day in Taipei 2022
I visited Europe day recently...in taipei...

...many participating countries...

...it was also pretty hot...

...some stage for performance...

...and plenty of food...

...where is the swedish stand?

...the ukrainian stand...

...wow...the swedish one...

...with some swedish products...

...I also met Christopher...

....and later found some swedish soap...

...and a guy, whos camera was bigger than mine...

...and some german performance..

...and their beer...

...spanish beer...

...depeding on from where you entered the area...they cheched your temperature...

...later a visit to Ximen was done...

...I got some free soft drink...

...some local street performance...

...and some magic store visit...

...they had a dog running around insice...

...and some funny products...

...I aimed for a batman mask...

...later on I saw the Joker on the street...

....and some Ukrainain support demonstrations..

...and headed back to the Europe day to see Mr M-tone perform...but he never entered the stange...too bad...

...he was just there offering people to take picture with him...

...and some youtube taking pic on him...

...many people were also chilling in the nearby park...

...I also bought some non alcoholic beer form holland...

...and a german sausage...

...some countries performaing local music...

...I ended the visit with some brunch meal...
2022 continues...
A revisit to a good hotpot in Ximen
I went to a hotpot recently in Ximen...

...I have been here many times before...back in the days...

...except strict covd rules...not much has changed...

...they also had peanutbutter icecream...

...it was good....

...and a lot of shrimps...

...later a visit to honglou was paid...

...where I had a chocolate drink rich on calories...
A visit to Jiufen
I made a quick visit to Jiufen today...

...taking the train ti Ruifang first...

...rainy here...

...and then bus to Jiufen...

...Rainy here too..and foggy...

...there use to be a beer place here...

...a toilet with the brand "falcon"...very funny...since Falcon is a name of a beer in sweden...

...later I headed to a chocolate puff place..

...and had one...

...I also had some chocolate icecream...

...I had some coffee with gold...as I had om UAE before...

...I also had a Tiramisu...

...3 out of 5...it was frozen...

...many Spirited away items here...

...and very foggy...(where people usually can see Keelung etc)...

...I also viisted a beer place...

..with Taiwanese coffee...

...many exclusive kind...

...they claimed that this coffee had less caffein...

...some miss spelling...

...I asked for milk to my coffee to reduce the caffein...

...I also got a pizza..

...very think crust...like a pie...

...I also tried this gold medal coffee...

...later walking in the rainy streets of jiufen...

...like in the anime movie...

...red alleys...

...and the trash car came...pretty narrow...

...later I headed to taipei for a burger...

...and had a soup...

...and tried an omellette...

...and had a 4 cheese burger...

..."man cave"...

...I also got some home made cinnamon buns....it was pretty good
2022 continues...
A visit to zhonghe and xindian hash
I went to zhonghe again recently...

...took the yellow line passing some volov sign...

...and where I use to live...love this place...for some reasons...

...I also passed by costco...

...had some hungarias beer and some chicken burger...costco style...

...I also went to Duimian de canting...for some sweet and sour sauce...

I had another hungarian beer...so that I would get a Hungarian beer badge on my beer app... :)

...I also went geocaching...(in Xindian)...

...checked the Bitan lake...

...and joined a hashrun...a very slippery and muddy one...

...due to corona outbreak...there are a lot of restrictions

...running up and down...climbing etc...since it was raining it was very slippery...

...and the trail never ended even if we could see the end/start every now and then...
luckily my equipment didnt break...holding my phone in my hand was not optimal...but i managed to take some pics after all...
Another road trip day at the east coast
I woke up in Doulan (Dulan) recently...

...I had some sweet bread...

...and went to some tourist center...looking for some geocache...

...and found some mango trees...

...and some local coffee store...

...I had a brown sugar coffee...

...omg...coconut and pineapple...one can make a fresh pinacolada...

...I was futher recommended this food place...

...famous for their tofu or something...

...the news showed traffic accidents as usual...

...cool...some garden art...

...I later saw this sign...cheese smoothe...

...so I had to try it...(it was ok...not sure it was real cheese)...

...next stop...this train...(it was moved here for the coffee shop...since there is no rail on the east coast)...(near road 11)...

...they also had asome old pony...

...and a lot of different cups...

...they had local beans (from hualien)...they were ranked number 2 on the east coast (at some competition)...

...chilling on the roof of the train...

...some coffee..

...this was my coffee...(I asked for milk to get it sweater...and reduce the caffein)...

...I also got some chocolate cake...

...cute cups...

...next stop...some spanish place...

...with spanish food...

...and ocean view...

...some spanish dish...

...no surfers out now..

....but a lot of grass..

...next dish...some nice bread...

...they also had some swimming pool...

...cloudy mountains...

...this was the name of the spanish place...

...omg...I also spotted a water fall...

...and revisited some 8 ark bridge shortly...

...before heading to Yiland...

...for some dinner...

...I had some indigenous vegetables...

...and some grilled chicken...
2022 continues...
A roadtrip on road 11
I woke up in Hualien recently...

...at a hostel with free coffee...hurray...

...I had it with a chocolate cake...

...it was raining...(passing by the second olderst church in Hualien)...

...and stopped at a japanese restaurant...

...many japanese stuff...

...sashimi and sushi...

...and some wine...

...first dish...

...and calpis drink...


...seconf batch of sashimi...

...third dish...

...and some Mövenpick icecream...it was pretty good...

...more japanese interiors...

...next stop...fengbing...i found my swedish coin here...

...checking the ocean...

...and some tourist poster...

...and had some local food...

...some sword fish...and flying fish..

....this part was extra unique I was told...

...and this part was not even for sell...

...next stop...Doulan (Dulan)...

...local sculpture...

...and a home made pizza oven..I migh copy this later...

...some antropology books...

...some local pizzeria...

...they had many flavours..and options...

...their cheese cake was good...

...and pasta...

...I had some margeritha...

...it was ok...hard crust...

...next stop: Taidong university...

...was preparing some work here...

...before heading back to Doulan...and once again inspecting the pizza oven..
A quick evening restaurant visit in Hualien
I went to some dinner place in Hualien recently...

...it was famous for sea food I think...

...but the meat was really good...

...and the noodles were ok...
An east coast trip
I woke up in Hualien recently...

...not so sunny...a weather that suits me...

...parked at some indigenous place at road 11...

...sea food etc...

...they also had lobsters...

...they use ot have some local beer...but not anymore...

...they also had some temple (it is very common here)...with fake money...

...sea view...

...and some local dishs...

...another local dish..

...local soup...

...and some rare fish...

...and far away I could spot some water park with a ferris wheel...I can remember to have stoppe by before back in 2008...

...trip continues to the city...

...to the local train station...where there is some kind of union riot...

...many buses are sent from the government..since no trains are comming...

...and osme police...

...empty counters...

...and some sign that the train aint coming...

...and some nureses nearby...giving vaccine to people...at the train station...

...and some locals taking pics of this unique event...

...I later on went for some local coffe...nd found some dog resting on the street...near road 9...


...but this place was open..

...local coffee and restaurant...

...roasting themselves...

...coffee belt...

...I had some milk coffee...

...and some cinnamon bun with cheese cake...

...I got knife and fork for my bun....

...and another coffee...

...next stop...this famous lemin juice store...

...it is "famous"...

...I also made a quick stop by a pizzeria...

...it was just near the road...

...in an open environment...

...I had an Hawaii...

...later on I also passed by a night market...

...or if it was a normal market...

...a big fish head...

...and some body parts of pig... (they also had frog etc)...

....and indigenous stuff...

...here Taidong is spelled "Tauitung"...it is interesting hot common spelling varieties are in taiwan...
A roadtrip to Hualien
I went south east recently...

...passing Jiaoxi...

...for some cheese bread...

...it is a "famous" place...

...seeing turtle island in the east...

...and some ocean...(when in the backseat of a car)...

..."true jesus church"...sounds interesting...

...some favorite beer...

...and local food..

...I was told that it is indigenous food...


...I also found a geocache...

...and passed a bakery...

...they still live with corona restructions as it was 2020 here...it is interesting...

...cocao flavours...

...and some wooden sculpture...

...another "famous" chilli store...

...one has to queue for half a year for their sauce...I was told...

...I went to a small alley...with no parking lot nor any way to turn...cus to many recent hotels was built here...interesting...

...the end of the road...

...and passed this museum...

...but no english...

...it was about fishing I think...

...I also passed by a restaurant which was "Delicious"...(atleast they claimed so)...

...I went to a nearby coffee shop...and had a tiramisu (4/5)...and some berry smoothie......

...I also passed by a coffee shop with warm beer...

...so I had to try...

...it was from the tap...then they heated it...

...it was mainly for the winter I was told...

...they also had a version when they added jam to the beer...

...Johan with his warm beer...

...there were also super many Volvo cars here...not sure why...


...ocean view...

...and many cats...

...some old bunker...

...southern hualien...

...I also saw an innovative window...decorated with some youtube interface...

...and some stone sculptures...I tries to do back at my parents house some year ago...(but here they used glue)...

...I also passed by some small alleys...

...and later went to some restaurant that reminded me of a school dining hall...

...with the same dished as NCTU use to have...

....later I headed to a concert...sang by Truku (Taroko) people...
An Italian restaurant visit
I went to an Italian restaurant recently...

...at the eastern part of taipei...

...with some pizza oven...

...and italian beer...

...an dmany kind of pizza...

...I had some mozarella pizza...

...the beer glasses were frozen...

...a lot of fried stuff...


...a lasanga...

...and a pretty good Tiramisu (4.5 of 5)...

...some creme brule...

...and 4 kind of beer that I tried...
Some hotpot and beer bar visit
I visited some hotpot recently...

...in central Taipei...

...a lot of vegetables...

..and dip...

...and more vegetables...

...and some dessert...

...with 3 kind of ice cream...

...some robot assisting with the serving...

...later on I spotted some swedish cepp phone covers...

...and some Le ble d'or beer...

...3 free beer...of differnt colours...

...and a swedish flag on my cheese...

...I also concluded that the Taiwanese government do not force people to scan QR code when they want to enter a place anymore...

...and that Taihu beer bar has Ukrainian flags...

...I went to some Zhangmen beer bar...for Cream ale...

...spotted 101...
2022 continues...