End of a UAE visit
I had some marmelade to breakfast recently...

Similar to those I had when I visited switzerland some years ago...

Omg...a lady cabin on the train...i didnt find any male cabin...not policital correct...

does warfs go for free?

...a bus ride to Abudabi...

And the natural scene of UAE...dessert...with some plants...

and some forbidden a rea...

...omg..more trees...

...and some singapore boat lookalike...

....many rues here...

...heading to some place wher they have cae burger...and a nice ceiling...

...many people took picutre of this place...

...i had some gold coffee...

more gold than in burj al arab...

omg...my cael burger also had gold...

...even the french fries...

....and some small window creating sea view...

...with expensice yachts outside..

...some sky scrapers of abudabi...

...also at the exit...may people took pics..."fmous from the fast n the furious" movies...

...there was a geocache nearby...but probably outside...(mystery cache)...

next destination: a big mosque...

voted as "the worlds second famous landmark" by trip advisor...

with many constrints..but the security guards were very nice and polite...

Like in turkey but whiter...

the entrace was huge...

a very peaceful atmosphere...

And impressice ceiling...

Separated area for whorshippers...

Expensive lamp...

and exclusive carpet...

The toilet had less white stones...

And it got some award some years ago...

Also the malls in dubai had spectacular ceiling...

I went for some geocaching...

Found atleast one...

Passng the coastline and spotting burj al arab...

...heading to some other famous area...near the ocean...

...they had a shark tank...

...and a gordon ramsay restaurant...

He is probably oe of the most famous chiefs nowadays...and probably aso one of the best paid...

some dish at his restaurant...

...some pre dish...

and his burger...it was ok...but cosbys in taipei was better...when it existed...

A beef wellington, his signature dish...i tink...

I also ordered a mashed potatoe...expeted it to be awesome...it was ok...

my burger broke when eating it with my hand..."why, why, why"...

and the frensh fries id not all ahve the same length..as i can recall he wanted from his "master cheif" series...

Chiinese new year decorations...

Some col blue light in dubai...

And a last glance at the burj khalifa...

Weight of the evening 101.3kg...

...dubai airport had a paryer room...i see them more and more frequetly...

also a female prayer room...i wonder if muslim countries have prayer rooms for "other"...maybe in sweden...

When watching the safety video in emirates I notced that they ahve 2 difference videos...with where they use another wording for phone battery....

Back in taiwan I saw pics of some aboriginal event...2018 continues...