Happy new year
I had this blog for 10 years, (starting in feb 2010, but updated regularly since july-august 2010 i think)...
More random 2020 events
I passed by some restaurant recently

...had small dishes...it was nice...but felt like snacks...

...I also opened an exclusive whisky...

...and played cards n joked around while eating indian food with my hands...exciting events...
Last days of 2020
I had some chinese food recently...

...at a highly ranked restaurant on tripadvisor...

...the staff insisted of me having a chinese beer...

...I also pased by some light instalattions later on...

...and checked some cakes at Mr Cake...

...I had a christmas cake (with white chocolate) and a cheese cake...

...picture time...

...some time later I had a kebab...with ayran...

..some itme after that I had some fish dish...

And there after I chilled with people cleaning a car...pretty random events...

howed some swedish princess cake...i had a whole for myself...

...I ended by watching slumdog millionaire, many of its tracks reminds me of year 2009...
...2020 still continues...
Mellandags events at the west coast
I had my cousin passing by recenty...

...some corona safe rendez-vous...

...I also went to some coffee shop for breakfast...

...and to check clothes with Bojun...

...I alos found an interesting painting...

...later on we went to a restaurant...

I had a spanish coffee so that I can see the bartender flaming the drink...

...it was good...

...people taking photos in the elevator...

...we later on passed by the bar "stranger stranger"...it is hard to find...

...it was interesting...

I had s christmas negroni (means warm with some kind of cream on top)...

...this is the entrance sign...

They also had alot of christmas trees on the street...

...later we had a smokey drink at the steam punk bar...

...and I also made some snacks for the late night activities...

...it was good..

People were also inspecting Mr Chus only shrimp...
Some late december events at the west coast
I chilled at the west coast recently...

...enjoying planets and the moon...by night...

...and took some friends for a hike...

...on a sunny christmas day...

...lake Mjörn is spotted in the horizon...

...I also passed by an indian store..for some dessert...

...some sweet dishes...

...and a colourful sunset...with a bonfire...

I also gave my sister some ginger bread house...to eat on the road...
Christmas 2020
I was celebrating Christmas in Alingsås 2020...

...had some food at my indian friends house...the night before christmas...

...Mr Salu always willing to serve people (he studies hospitality management)...

...Christmas started with some cookies from my father, and my youngr brother and sister passing by...

...later on I picked up some friends at the local train station and we went to a super market to buy christmas food...

...and later chilled outside...on this sunny day...

...I also made a fire...

...and we ate...

...and took pics...

...more pics...

...some people stayed out for a long time to take pics...

...I was enoying the fire...

Mr Chu brought his professional camera...

...it was getting colder as the sun set...

...later on we had some more food...

...and played board games...

...and made ginger bread houses...

...ready to be decorated...

...they made some move of the event...

...more and more canides were pasted on the roofs...

...almost done...


...and more picture taking...


...and more food...2020 keeps continuing...
A quick Christmas dinner at Fiskekrogen
I passed by Fiskekroget in Gothenburg recently...(but before that I had a schnitzel at Hisingen)...

...I planned a cheap old dish (half price for yesterdays lunch)...but ended up having todays special...

...sky on fire in gothenburg...

...and I also passed by some K-pop place in teh city...

...and later headed to Fiskekrogen...

...I had alot of bread...

...they had alot of fish dishes at fiskekrogen...

...they also had some swedish seaweed...it didnt taste much but it was eatable...

...also some snaps was served...

...and some danish christmas beer...

...and more dishes...

...and lutfisk (a special way of making fish in europe)...

...and many sweets for dessert...2020 continues...
A quick visit t a grill house and a bar
I passed by a grill house recently...

...it was at backaplan..I had some pre dish...

...and some pean dish...

I later headed to a bar...

...where I had a smokey drink...

...and a burger...

...some local beer...

...and another drink...a G.T...
Chill in Lerum
I passed by Lerum some time ago...

...where I had some Budapest cake and coffee...

...later on I also had a burger...

...and some ice cream...

...chocolate flavour etc...

...and some beer...

...watching a bartender making a spanish coffee at Heaven 23...

I was also chillin in this blurry hotel lobby...2020 continues...
An evening in Alingsås
I spent an evening in Alingsås recently...

...visiting a coffee shop...

...they had some cheese sandwiches...

...I had sweet pastries...

...and a cheese sandwich...

...funny grammar...

...where some drink was consumed...

...and some pizza..

...later on I passed by some Indian friends...and shared chocolate and had indian food...
A visit to dirty dough and Poppels brewery...
I passed by an italien pizzeria recently...

...I was told it is very close to the pizzerias in italy...even if there is such a spread of pizzerias in italy that I cant tell that this was more or less similar than others...

...I also tried some of my chocolates...

...and I passed by a brewery...(tap room)...

...at Jonsered...

...they had many kinds of beer...

...luckily I had my app to see which one I tasted before...

...maybe I can borrow their equipment some day...

...beer colour palette...

...and some other dishes...

...and some Gibson coffee...I think I am related to him...

...they had many awards...
A visit to Koka
I passed by a resturant called Koka recently...

...prior to this I got some gift from Mr Léven...

...at Koka I had a pea soup starter...

...and some crispy snacks...

...and some other pea dish...

...and some interesting dish with vegetables...

...and a TG...

...the dessert tasted like Wasabi...(some parts of it)...

...I was also treated black currant fudge...

...their Negroni was ok...

...at the end 3 drinks were conusmed...

...1 star at guide Michelin...

...they also fucosued alot o wine...
A visit to Mr Chu
I paid a quick visit to Mr Chu recently

...he has a shrimp...

...I was treated some meat dish...

We were also inspecting the truck picking up recyceled items down at the yard...

I also got some Amedei chocolate...

...3 of them had IDs...cus they are so exclusive...
A visit to a steam punk bar
I visisted a steam punk bar some time ago

...before that I had some arabic buffet...

...the steam punk bar had many kinds of beer...

...and nice interiors...

...and free candies...

...plates haning from the ceiling...

...har lamps...

...I had small cups of beer...

...many metallic things...

...and old fashioned furnitures...
A roadtrip heading west
I was passing by enebyberg recently...

I did a quick visit to my sisters place...

Some boy working...

...it was cold so they wanted a fire outside...

...and FH used lighter fluid to set the wood on fire...

Later on a stop to Kölsvinet in Trosa was done...

They had some local beers here...

I had some chicken sandwich...

It was close to Göta Kanal...a nice summer city in the winter...2020 continues...
A trip to the east
I went to the east of sweden recetly...

I saw this drawing...

...and some wasa church...

...I also passed by Flippin burgers...it is famous...

...I took the burger that the staff recomended...

...I could also add extra sauce...it was nice..

...And some interesting beer...

..this is the logo...

...and the name..

A short visit to the nobel light week was also paid...

the stadshus was cool...

...It had many colours...

...omg the Aftonbladet clock was stopped at 30 minutes before currnt time...

...a glögg was also consumed at the old town...

..and some more lights..

..and then a visit to a caribean resturant was paid...

They had rum, as many whisky bars have whisky...

They also had strong drinks......

...making me wanna challange the bar..."only one per person"...

The staff were from italy and england...

They had to climb sometimes to reach their rum...

I had a pinacolada (recomendation from the italian bartender)...

I also tried a stronger drink, i think it was called "pain killer"...

The bartender were taking pics of some bottle...

It was a rum, which was no longer in production, 20 years old...66,5% alcohol...

...dish wise the resturant had "caribean food"...they said it was mainly rom central america and the caribean..

I had a grilled tuna, and a beer from trinidad and tobago...

I also tried a St Lucia Red snapper (but it was acctually from sweden somewhere the staff told me)...

For dessert I tried a "navy peacekeeper"...(the one recommended: "only one per person"

...the place also had free tampons... a gensture to women, since they wanted it to be free...

I also took a quick look in their rum cellar...before leaving

Next stop was a place called Apropos...at St eriks plan...a very small and cosy bar...similar to Lapin Agile in Paris, where I went with my sister some time ago...

Small but 2 floors...

I had some fresh drink...tasted lemon something...called Long Island swiga...

...alot of interesing interiors...

I also passed by an old friend (Mr J)...

He recently bought a new appartment...and was chilling up late...he wanted me to work at a 7-11 for him. so cute...
Some friday adventures
I passed by a beer store in gothenburg, at some recent friday...

...they sell beer and cider...I was told (but also found some sake)...

...I also went to this place...

...they had a salad buffet...

...wish I took alot from...

...and alot of fish...

...I aso passed by an icecream store...

...I had chocolate adn some other italian icecream...

...later on I took a car heading east...

I had s sandwich at a gas station...
A visit to a restaurant called SK
I went to some restaurant called SK recently...

...I had a kebab pizza before that...

...and had some beer...

later I went to try a grasshopper drink...

..it was ok...

I also passed by a place called SK mat och människor...they had a funny painting...

...I also was recommended a drink called "old fashioned"...

...I also had some sweet butter...

...and some mushroom cream...

...and some other strawberry dish...

...I also asked for extra bred...

...and some fish....

...and finally some dessert...it was very tasty..but a littlebit pricy...
Some ramen and beer chill
Some people in alingsås has a light setup with santa...

It is on during night...

...my folks decorated the xmas tree...

...I later went with Mr K, for some ramen....

...we also had some kimchi etc...

just like last time the food was prety salty...the chief said that it is a salty soupd to make the ramen more tasty...

...later I went for a beer...

...with some gothenburg people...

...some of them also went to mcdonalds later...

I had a pear milkshake
Fishing event in december
I went for some fishing event recently...

We were collecting worms...me and some indian friends...

...they prepare a swedish "långrev":..

I also made a fire..

....and prepared the boat...

...more fire...

...and later we had some issues withthe långrev...so we went to the fire again...

I ended the day with some indian food...
Some Alingsås events with people from Kerala
I was in Alingås recently...

...it was snowing...

I went to my friends who are from Kerala in India...and got some food...

...they are very entertaining...

I also got some spicy meat...

I eat with my hands...like the indians...
A visit to a fusion restaurant
I visited a fusion restaurant recently

Its name was Toso, it had something to do with Sake i was told

It was pretty dark in the restaurant...

...they had alot of asian decorations...

...and some sashimi...

...raw meat...

...some rolls...

...and some nice fried squid or shrimps...

I ended with a sake...it was warm...
Some weekend event
I chilled with people recently

Passing by some places, experiencing interesting stuff

I also saw some nice tropical paitinings...

...and some map including the easter island Moais...my favorite destination

...and a cool table made from a modified pallet

I also got some lussekatt...

Burgers and ice cream in gothenburg
I went to some burger bar recently...

...it was on a sunny day...

...it was a nice waiter at the bar...pretty big patties...

...flame grilled...

...later i headed to this ice cream bar...

...it was pretty good...

some covid19 distance procaution...

...I had chocolate, coconut and some other flavours...
Random Gothenburg events in november
I passed by a pizzeria some time ago...

...it is one that is expanding alot I think..they even opened locations in nearby cities...

...but might not have clicked "lunch offer"...but we took salad anyway

Some italian pizza and a kebab...

Later I went to Mins place...he had alot of beer...

...he asked me to cook food...it was tricky cushe only had chinee food at home...

I ended up frying plain meat and adding some sauses to the side...

He also made some chinese food...

A visit to the Holy Cow
I visited a burger place recently...

...my coworker said this was his favorite in gothenburg...

It was ok...

I also had some drink with baileys...like a milkshake...
Garden fix in late autumn
I did some fixing in the garden recently...

...preparing a boat for the winter (a boat seldom used)...

I also viisted an old train station..

...it had a cute mini train inside near a cookie table...

..."hållplats nolbygård"

...I had some soup...

...and bread...

...I also went to some other store to get items for my parents house...Covid was nearby too...stay prepared...

...sweet candy glass..."BFF"...2020 continues...