A visit ti Taihu brewery and shilin night market
I jined the swedish chamber of commerce young professionals yesterday

To Taihu brewery...

We also got to try beer...

A big group...

Somoe items that is related to beer brewing...

We also got to try some beer in the brewery...

and later we could buy beer, and got a glass...

later on I joined some intern to shilin night market...

We also went to a colombian restaurant...

And had alot of dishes...

I had a colombian hamburger again...

It seems like there are alot of illegal endors in shilin...many times I heard people reporting "the police is comming" and all street vendors on the middle of the street dispeared in to the alleys...very entertaining..but strange logic, they just pushed people away in their desperacy...
All u can eat with the interns in taipei
I went to an all u can eat hotpot in taipei recently, the same i use to go to every week, some years ago...

Some interns...

some shrimps...

I went all in, on shrimps...some fish and passion fruit...
A swedish jounalist at enspyre
My friend Jojje was having a speech at enspyre

He talked about his latest books and about a swedish guy kept in prison in china..and how china is deaing with author that critisises china...

These are the books he has written so far...
A quick visit to Waiao and jiaoxi
I went to waiao and jiaoxi recently..a day trip...

I saw some interns there..

We later on ent to jiaoxi for some beer...

They had alot of saxophone players there...it was a nice concert...
All u can eat hamburger in taipei (4th time this year)
I went to ikea som time ago and bought swedish beer...

Pripps blå is one of the original tastes when it come to beer, in my opinion...

I also passed by an all u can eat..for alot of burger meat and cheese...
Late night out n Taipei
I got really long hair...

It easier to experiement with looks abora,d especialy in aisa,, since people judged u based on ur look, already due to ur race...(in my experience)

Later i went to ximen...

It was clsoe to some ntional day in taiwan..they closed half the city in the souther side...strange police, i had a tendency to igone people..maybe some chiense culture...i heard long time ago that police has a culture of being "uber mensen", superiors...

I also went to a studie and got a skin fade...second time i went to the barbre shop...but they didnnt charge me, since they wanted to take pictures of my hardo...a gray yellow blue steel...

I also had some late night snack in jingan-yongan...

Some burned bread n stuffing dumpling...
A cycling day in Taipei
I passed by the Myanmar street in taipei recently...

They have alot of curry dishes...

I picked this place occasionally...

And had some yoghurt drink...

I remember when I was in myanmar last time...
Johans Myanmar trip with yinqian:

I also went along the riverside north..at some places they had lounge music and pizzerria...

Beer and cheese...präst cheese is pretty fat...

Omg....daniel welllington and fjällräven store...a swedish theme...

Next stop was a colombian resturant...

They had alot of decoration...colombian flag...

some images which are typical for colombia

They use to be at yuanshan before but move recently...

Pineappe colada... and coconut lomonade...ill take 2!

I also had colombian burger...
2018 continues...
A farewell event for the polish people
My old friends Robert and Maria are leaving taian back to poland...i kow them since 2010...
we went to a motel where the party was..not sure why the motel charged each person 500nt to enter a hotel room where they said occasionallly...greedy...we played misic all night long...some people swam...this is a song that robert picked:

I played mostly latino and lounge songs...

They allso had cake for harry and costco pizza...

Eric was also there...

Such a cute guy...

Many polish people were there...and other NCTU student...
A search for pull up station in jingan
I ran around looking for pull up stataion sin jingan...its always a mystery why the government invests in many other machines (same back in Alingsås-Sweden)

Luckily i found one here..with dip bench as well...

Might b many night visits here...
Summary of what makes you happy
I get some quetisons sometimes about important things in life. Dependig on values and culture there might be different things that people try to acheive, but one common denominator is the result in happniess or in meaning/purpose. Happniess is something temporary.
In short happniess is: "love what you do and be grateful for it", other sources mentions more complicated steps to acheive this:
Below i summarised some lists what to do to be happy:
List 1:
1. Exercise more – seven minutes might be enough
2. Sleep more – you’ll be less sensitive to negative emotions
3. Move closer to work – a short commute is worth more than a big house
4. Spend time with friends and family – don’t regret it on your deathbed
5. Go outside – happiness is maximized at 13.9°C
6. Help others – 100 hours a year is the magical number
7. Practice smiling – it can alleviate pain
8. Plan a trip – but don’t take one
9. Meditate – rewire your brain for happiness
10. Practice gratitude – increase both happiness and life satisfaction
(taken from: https://open.buffer.com/be-happy-today)
List 2:
The Mexican philosopher Don Miguel Ruiz wrote a book that advocates personal freedom from beliefs and agreements that we have made with ourselves and others that are creating limitation and unhappiness in our lives. The list is:

(image borrowed from https://jetsetweekly.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/lie)
List 3:
- Savor Everyday Moments
- Avoid Comparisons
- Put Money Low on the List
- Have Meaningful Goals
- Take Initiative at Work
- Make Friends, Treasure Family
- Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
- Say Thank You Like You Mean It
- Get Out and Exercise
- Give things Away, Give It Away Now
List 4:
- Sex
- Gratitude
- Close Connections
- Exercise
- Pets
- Sleep
- Meditation
- Good Company
- Travel
- Helping Others
Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/wellness/10-things-proven-to-make-you-happier/ss-BBAhphv
List 5:
- There are also some happned and satisfation fallacies: cognitive dissonance such as the free choice paradigm:
- Trying to redude the amount of choice you have to make will make you happier, or atleast redude your anxety (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paradox_of_Choice)
- "our longings and our worries and both to some degree overblown, becasue we have ithin us the capacisty to manufactri the very commodity we are constantly chasing when we chosse experience"
Lost 6:
- Rita Mae Brown stated happniess as: “Happiness is pretty simple: someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.”
Other things that affcts happnies from my experience are those things mentioned in the lists above, such as exercising, drinking alcohol (short term, and in small amount), and to eat healthy food and sleep well..
Strange logic at post office
II wentto send some postt cards today...

I gave the post cards to the clerk and they gave med trackable codes and a sticker large as half the postcars to get on...usually in many countries when u want to send postcards, they usually ive u stamps for less than 10g...but not here..I had to pay a fortine for this tracking codes...very cute...
Random events in Jingan (south of taipei)
I cyled around in jing an recently...and some other parts of taipei

I found a nice image of dabajian mountain...pretty ecpi..i went there some years ago...

I also visited amyanmarr street Huaxin street in southern taipei...pretty nice...

They had many myanmar restaurants here...

Huaxin street...

And some small supermarkets...

I also went by ikea to buy stuff...like juice...

...andn beer...

...and IPA of some kind...

I later on also visited some surfing place...and tried a kebab..it was ok, but reminded me more of a taco...

I also had some blanc beer...

Here is the kebab...later we went to gongguan and ximen...2018 continues...
An old bottle went to an end...
I had a bottle of champange saved some almost end of 2016...

It followed me to sweden and back...and i enjoyed it recently...however flavour wise sparkling wine has more leverage than champange...in my opinon...
A visit to duimian de canting (restaurant at the opposite side)
I went to the restaurant on the opposite side if my home recently...

I went here last birthday too...its nice...they have seet and sour sauce and beer...

It is the sae price but different percentage of alcohol...usually alcohol level and price are not connected in taiwan (many times strong alcohol are cheaper than lighter alternatives)...
1000 of clothes hangers
Cloth hnagers made of wires are cheap and easy to produce...

In the recycle bin there are always many of them...no need to buy, just dumpster dive...
Baibai bag
Baibai bag..

U have been with me since 2011...in soo many countries...and adventures..."in management and in life, change is the only constant"...
All you can eat with some Interns
I went to some all you can eat BBQ recently...

First we aimed for all you can eat BBQ with hamburger...but it was full so we took a all you can eat BBQ with cheese...and hotpot options....

I started off with alot of icecream and some beer...

More cheese...

...the staff got tired of serving cheese so they gave us a bucket with cheese...after some hours we had to leave...

I joined some intern to taipei main station...they treated me some le ble dor...pretty nice...
Rendez-vous with Tais with sweden connection
I met up with some taiwanese friends recently...Johann who lives in USA....he plans to visit Sweden later this year...

We had some dimsum similar food in taiwan downtown...
A day in northern taipei with Bojun
I met up with bojun recently...

We went to yuanshan cus he currently lived nearby...and has some international food...

We also visited some aboriginal store...

I bought some aboriginal beer...

Omg...an aboriginal knife...

We also passed by a nearby park...where I some years ago acted in a commercial for a water war...

Later I proposed to go to the Moonstar 360...Bojun said "no"...until i explined what it was...so funny...(defensive approach)

We took biked from some mrt station north of beitou...and also passed by this temple...

They also had some book store, i didnt enter, it reminded me a little bit about the book store at abode in Hualien

Pretty nice atmostphere..even if everything was concrete...

A pond in the temple area...

It was a nice scenery from here...

Stop no 2 was moon star 360....Bojun was amazed...

Strong sunlight in the south west...after passing by carrefour in tianmu (ince we cyclled back) I headed home...2018 continues...
Caoling histrical trail with Williamm
I joined the intern William for a hoke recently...Caoling trail...its m y third time to do it...

I brought some european peanus snax (flavoured like jordnötsringar)...and le ble dor...

It is a soft hike recommended by many experienced hikers...and is an old trail, maybe created by the japanese...when they occupied taiwan...

They spelled the trail in maybe ways...Tsaoling, caoling...etc...

Once near the end we could see turtule island...

...it was a nice hike...with some rain...which is perfect to cover the potential sweat...

Intern William took some pics...

I ate snacks and had some beer...

and some xiaomijiu i got form my aboriginal frriends...

We also got to enjoy some moonlight...

After we finished the hike we went to jiaoxi...

for some bread (but the cheese bread was sold out)...

...intern william....

We also had some yilan maitian beer...and once back to taipei I bought some lebledor again..with some paiwan aboriginal box...special edition...

Intern William also bought some box...(or rather if we bought 2 bottles, we got the box for free...i had 2 other le ble dor boxes from some years ago...I wonder what I should do with all boxes)...

The le ble dor people is always wearing läder hausen...2018 continues...
Speak dating with the Swedish chamber of commerce
I helped the swedish chamber of commerce recently with an event in Speak dating

We were teaching people swedish phrases...

13 lanugages were representative, from european countries...

I lated headed to this burger bar...

It was pretty good...

They had a huge tabasco bottle...
Swedish chamber of commerces anual crayfish party
I joined a crayfish party recenrtly...

I sat on the table with Robin and his coworkers

They had a ot of cheese...

and crayfish...and i ate alot...

I also had 4-5 apple pies...

Later we headed to zhangmen in xinyi...

Talking with swedes for a while...2018 continues...
Price comparison and funny logic
I compared some beer prices recently...

le ble dor prices are getting lower for ther smaller bottles..which makes sense...

Their new 700mt beers are cheaper than their 1liter...(compared at different locations)...

More upsetting is the same logic i encoutnered at amrt in Hsinhu some years ago...that the proce per 100g for a big package of cocoa powder is 68.21 NTD...

However, the smaller package has a price of 65.93 NTD per 100g...I wonder why the smaller often is cheaper in thous country...people who are smart will just end up buying 2 small packages...instead of 1 large to save money...
Birthday bash and pizzeria visit in Taipei
I had some intersing meal recently...

Almost curry flavour...

I joined my friend Carl waiting for the sunrise in Ximen while he was looking for a place to stay...he eventually headed to nankan...

I was some time after going for a brithday bash at a bar near zhongxiao dunhua...I med William there and we went for some pizza...

Since la lupa seems to be closed I guess this is a top 5 favorite pizzeria in taiwan...

I ended the day by buying a le ble dor in a family mart...but I realsied that the 700ml in carrefour is cheaper...even if this bottle is more fun (swing cap)...
PIg or soil
Many taiwanese are told that left over and compose material is being fed to the pigs...

Some then stop putting stuff that is compostable in the compost bin...however...there are often 2 bins in the recyling station for compost...green for compost, and blue for the pigs...
Which flag?
There are many countries representative in taiwan...ina local 7-11 i saw many fralgs from european countries, and also this one...

Honduras....I have about 10 friends from honduras in Taiwan...