2 all you can eat with kristoffer
I have a swedish friend from finland on a visit...

He will go back to sweden next week...so we went to some places that they dont have in sweden...all you can eat and drink restaurants...

With both beer, wine, sashimi and ice cream...
A presentation about china
I visited a presentation that was about china recently

They had pizza and beer at the place...

Mr Olsson och Mr Ek was preparing it...

This guy is currently working as a journalist and have published a couple of books about china...It

The topic was as says on the slides...

Many people from many different countries showed up...

Afterwards there were some mingeling..it was fun...
More mingeling in taipei
I went to xien with some friends from Taoyuan recently...

And had a nice strawberry drink...

...later on we passed by this hooka place...we entered byt never bought anything

Next stop was Huashan culture park in central taipei

I also passed by a puyuma singer...

She was signing her new record...her name is Jiajia

Interesting...maybe I should have asked for an autograph...

Next stop a resturant with local beer...

Taihu beer...

It was ok...tasted pretty similar to other local beer in taiwan...

I also got some snacks...

Later on I had a trappist beer...

Before I went to another hotpot...

With many kind of ice cream...

And drinks...

And other kind of dessert...

It was ok...

Many hoptop are the same...still they manage to make money...i guess cus locals in taiwan dont cook in the same extent as home...
Some evening out on the street in taipei
I had some nice noodles recently...

"what did johan eat today"?

...and sweet and sour sauce....

I also got some cheese skewers...

Later on I also visited an italian restaurant in central taipei

This was the name...most restaurants i visit i upload a comment on google maps...pretty usefull...
A night out with Shen Ci Daniel
a friend form sweden came visiting taipei recently...he is from taiwan originally

We went to yiland beer bar...

No 1 beer...

...then mods animal...

Omg Abba...epic...2017 continues...ShenCi Daniel is a very funny guy btw...
A revisit to Tainan (part 2)
I saw a guy in Tainan who looked like my friend Milo..but it wasnt him...

But I just saw him 4-5 meters from his right...

They use some red flower for the addresss on the street signs here in Tainan...its taken near a famous food street in Tainan...

This place was famous...had some special food

Based on locals advice from some previous night...at this place...or area

...an oyster omelette or something

Next stop this place...

Famous for this food

A long queue

Nest place...some tea bar..or juice bar...same street...

A crowded street...allot of scooters driving around

...next place...this ice cream store...

Very popular...or maybe just "famous"...

This is the address...

Number 135...but have to wait almost 50 numbers...a sign says if one misses their unmber, they have to queue again...

Allot of decoration at this street...

This might have been the name of the ice crea place...

Some queuing regulations

And the ice cream...some burned sugar...

...and green tea ice cream...

Omg...another nice "no idling" sign....how cocme taipei dont have this...? so strange...

Next stop was an aborginal park...but it was rather empty...just some cool images...

Group photo...

...geographical explanation

...some local promotion of event...

...some cool picture with aboringal things...

...aboriginal bench...

...more event info...

...after some pics at the aboringal park...this restaurant was visited...

...famous for this dish...

...Next stop...near the tainan old town...

...they even had AC...

...famous for this dish...like pure mached meat in salty water...or something

At the address on the green sign...

Next stop: An american boat

It was used during the vietnam war...

And has been here some some decade...

...many things can not be taken on board...

It was equiped for doing many things

...abd hade a cafeteria...it cost money to enter...people on board didnt seem to wanna buy things for the moment...

They also had some flag alphabet...as the military often use...

The tainan trip was ended with some sweet n sour sauce dish back in taipei...
A revisit to Tainan (part 1)
I made a viit to Tainan recently

"Good used books"...sounds like a nice store to buy books at...

First stop was a tample...near some dike...

I visited here 2008 with some friends...its a verey touristic spot...

Long queue to get on a boat, which brings you back and forth on some small pond...covered by trees...

And after som queing, another long queue...

I know that tainan is one of the oldest cities in taiwan...according to literature...here is some map from some dutch people

And some route some dutch people took...

We needed to use some life jacket

And we could use some chiense rice hat...or atleast a hat that is often used at the rice fields...

...and once in a while other boats approached us...

...apparently they had many crabs here...

And many people took pics of the gree tunnel that was created by all the bushes...

...far away was the end

It was some other dyke...

And back we went...

At the tample again i saw some bird that locals played with...i thin they cut its wings...so it could not escape...

And next stop was some museum, looking like in europe...

Tainan metropolitian museum park

It was famous for its international style...

Many locals ere here to take pics...

They also had smoe greek god statues...

And birds running around on the grass..

It seemed like the museum itself was closed...

More people taking pics...

And some other pic..

...more pics...

,,,school classes...

A statue of Serenity...

Next stop a "famous hotpot"

But then there was a waiting time for 30-60 minutes...

Some cow statue at the entrance...interesting...

Menu only in chinese...

It was pretty crowded in there...

And people left some things on our table...it felt like siting in a kitche...

Tainan is famos for having taiwanese cows...so the meat here is not imported...

Omg...later on a saw a sign that almost made me fall in tears..."no idling"...i wish this sign were spread out all over taiwan...or maybe also in china...where people often idle everywhere...

Some night pic of the museum..

Next stop...somce other oyster restaurant...

They had many kinds of dishes...

...friend oyster...

oyster in egg...and red sauce...

fried oyster...

grilled oyster...

Next place to visit was at Tainan harbour...a coffee shop called windmill...

...maybe due to a windmill in their garden...

They had some interesting things that spinn in the wind...

Manu in chinese..

And some different locations...however they didnt sell taiwanese coffee...

But they had windmill models...

And a fancy car outside...

I had some caramel latte...

Omg, somce painted micro windmill...

I ended the night by visiting a geocache...

It was a nice road that was some old city wall...

With some chinese characters at the entrance...

Some other geocaching was made here...

Later a visit to this Amis resturant was made...

"happy ending" was the name in local language...

And an image of their traditional dance

...and the aboriginal boat...

I aksed for some local beer, but they suggested xiaomijiu...some sweet wine...like millet wine...

Omg...some images on the wall from seediq bale..

Some local dish...

And banana leaf wrapped rice...I have t in Danline once in a while...

Some table nearby had some party...

They had a famous singer at their table..

After some while drinking I was invited by local people...to theri table...

And got to take a fan pic with the local singer...

More dancing and performance...2017 continues...
Some random noodles and sweet n sour sauce in taipei
I had some noodles and sweet n sour sauce in taipei recently...

It was pretty thick noodles...

"What did johan eat today"?
Taizhong visit in April (part 2)
Day 2 of my Taizhong trip i visited Gaimei wetlands to start with...

Situated at the port of taizhong, it is alot of mud here near the ocean side

Most info is in chiense...

And there was a briudge here which no one could enter...

Thre were also a bunch of windpower plants near the coast line

And some signs about the plants..in both english and chiense...

The water is higher in the morning...some local people said the level with be lower later...

Omg...rice fields...so strucutred...

And a cool bridge...

it had a strange curve in the middle...

but not bikes were allowed to enter...

...a map with scenic site in the taizhong port area...

Weird bridge...i wonder how it acts in a typhoon...luckily its on the west coast...

Gaomei wetland it is...

...omg near road 10...there are may "blue sheild" roads in taiwan...

"Shent"...thats an interesting spelling..."sheng it is in pinyin...

Next stop was a teppanyaki...

...pretty exclusive...

with many dishes...such as salad...

"what did johan eat today"?....soup...

...egg with kaviar...

...and then the teppanyaki...

...some bacon...

...i had allot of this pickles...

and some peices of meat...

...omg they had a huge crab in a pool nearby..

The dessert was some cake and fruits...

Next stop Lins family mansion...but it was pretty strict...only every 30 minutes people could enter...

Since i missed the entrance with some seconds...I just went in to some side room...for snaping pics...

Pretty large area...

I might build some garden like this in sweden in the future...

omg...a small island

and some japanese style house...

Next stop.was some miniature world....

Seemed like some homeless guy spent 3 years making some villiage out of small stones and metallic net...

Many gardens...

I remember when I was yong i made some house like this in my parents garden...they didnt like it...

This is the foundation

Garden after garden...pretty huge village....

Many details as well

Might do a new attempt when i get back to sweden to build a new village...

Nesxt stop is a famous artist who is visiting taizhong...

I think he would fit at österlen in sweden...allitle bit like gunilla manns art...or some american guy i use to check out...

Here is the guy, he might have exhibitions at other places too...

Many people were taking pics...

I think he even were selling some art...

Some colour were like the mountian in USA filmed in the film "into the wild"...

Many selfies taken...

I was often thinking...."i can do this myself" when walking around around the painted walls...

Some nice place to paint at might be needed...and some branding...or just "to be famous" can be enough...

Next stop: famous icecream

Nice pics...any famous place?

This place had allot of chocolate flavours..some fruit sorbet...(called icecream) and some tea flavours

Pretty proffesional...

They had some strange flavours as well...i think they were all made at the ice cream store...

Somce topping were included in the price...

My master peice....chocolate, coconut and honey...or something...

I also passed by some other dessert store...with interesting interiors...

This place had cheese cake..I had a try...

Before leaving the town it was tie to return the scooter
Taizhong visit in April (part 1)
I made a visit ti Taizhong recently

Tricky with a time table all in chinese...i wonder why it has english text on the top...

This was apparetnly one of the buses to downtown

Interesting sign...

Some other common east asian sign...

Some first stop in tazhong...Hungry Jacob

They had some burger quotes

english menu...

with localon of each dish..on a map

it took long time before the food came...snacks came first....

and later on the burger

Later on this beer bar was visited

At this address

They had mostly international beer

But some few taiwanese kinds

This one were made in taizhong

I eventually took what they recommended...some german dark beer...

They had somem books about beer...i read the hops book, saying that hops are mostly growing in the dark area on this map...

Next stop was this beer bar...

The beer was from taiwan as welll

They had 3 kinds...

I tried all 3

And some snacks...

Many foreigner were here...

Next stop was this nice cafeteria...

It was out door, on a hill in the central area of taizhong

They mostly had coffee...

And a view reminding of "the top" in taipei...

They recommended some waffles...

Taizhong night skyline...

Many people enjoying the view...

They had interesting interiors and decoration....

And this anime character were painted at many places...
A visit to a taiwanese restaurant in zhonghe
I passed by a taiwanese resturant in zhonghe recenrlt

What did johan eat today? this nice noodles...

Some fried cabbage...

Sweet n sour sauce...
A trip to Cueifong lake
I made a trip to Suifeng? Cueifong lake recently

Taking a scooter on road 9....apparently 2 people died on this road the same day i went here...jsut before and after I passed by...

Many bikes...

And many people taking pics of the bikes...

Passing by pingling...the vilalge of tea...

And some view spot...

Far away is the ocea...anbd turle island...we just reached the city of yilan...

Some lonely acvite volcano...turle island...looks pretty cool out in the ocean...

Heading on road 9....it is the longest road in taiwan i think...

Some famous chicken resturant (in yilan and jiaoxi they have many "famous chicken stores"...this is one where the locals go to...

They had allot of taiwanese food...

And some noodles...and the chicken...

I like the atmosphere in yilan and jiaoxi...flat and moutain in the horizon...its an old delta i think...like many cites in taiwan...

After road 9, road 7 was entered...

Many rice field here...

we also passed by Jim and dads...their brewery...as well as kavaln distillery...which is on the same road...

Late on we headed up the mountains on road 7...

Another huge river...

And some aboriginal village...

They also have some huge carport shaped baskedball arena...like many aboriginal villages...

The landscape is mountaines and rivers...

After a while we left road 7 and headed to Taipingshan...

...it was another national forest recreation area...pretty far away form civilsation

They charged people to enter as usual...

And then the road went up up up...for about 30-50km...

Left and right...up up up

Taipingshan national forest recreation area has several scenic sights...

There are allot of pine trees here...

After some hours of scooter driving we reached our destination

The Cueifong lake...

With some information signs in english

and a trail that are 3km...we arrived pretty late..not sure if the sun will be up for us to walk around the lake...

But some kilometer was doable...

This lake was one that is larger in rainy season...probably in autumn...

Some foggy lake pic

And some flowers...

Seme signs...the one to the bottom left asks people not to bring their own fish...which might kill the local ecosystem...

Later on we headed to the other side of the lake

From here the lake was larger

Omg...a drone...

many people taking pics

It was the largest forest lake in taiwan...which has no river entering it...

And i saw some strange floating thing in the middle...not sure what that was...

No fish in this lake...

...but many animals...

Some reference to a movie...

It is 1840 meters above sea level...and taiwanes "largest alpine lake"...

No butterfly catching...or carving..

...still allot of pine trees...

And some toilet...

the forest was soo green..andn the sky was soo blue...

...it felt like i was not in taiwan for a while...

Back to the long road back to civilisation

We also passed by a tree that was very old...

Very high up I bet there are many old trees...

...tjhis one were about 2500 years old...

We also passed by many aborignal villages on the way back...

And some atayal museum..which just closed...pretty disapointing...

Very cool statues...

I which I knew people from this area of taiwan...

...omg...another accident....

And many queues...

I returned to yilan and bought some IPAs...

...at Jim and dads...expensive...but a little exclusive...

We also passed by a "famous" bread store in jiaoxi...

They had awesome bread...for being taiwan...

I bought 5-6 kinds...

And had some on the way back to taipei...thinking about some latest research...

Then the road 9 was waiting again...with the night view of yilan...

...And somewhere out there...also turtle island...

Next stop was Xindian...they had some water activity with lights...

It was some special show...

And today was the last day...

Many locals came here to watch...

Also a walk at the night market was done...

This was the name of the light show...

Xindians lake Bitan is a nice place to chill at....

Their toilet is made from the brand Falcon...same name as a swedish beer company...such a nice match...
A visit to Badasan Aboriginal Restaurant
I passed by an aboriginal restaurant recently...

It was in the northern parts of taipei

I wasnt sure which tribe...but maybe Atayal-Seediq something

They had some traditional boats hanging from the ceiling

The waiter I asked wasnt an aboriginal

I had some interesting xiaomijiu with milk and coffee...it tasted just like white russian...

I also had some rice in bamboo stick...

...and some binlang flower stew...

other things were pretty normal...such as meat in soy sauce

The staff had some cool fire show later on...

...as I got more food...some unidentified vegetable...

They also had some dance session...

And more entertainment on the stage...

It was interesting...

Some stick that showed text and characters when someone was spining it....

They were also selling some aboriginal souvenirs...

The visit was ended with an ikea visit...
A visit to Smoky Inn restaurant

I visited a german restaurant in northern taiwan recently...

Some people recommended it...it was said to recently changed its location...they had some things in english, but most things on the menu was in chinese...

I had a local beer...

Everyone got some side dish

Some people ordered sausage...

Others pork...

...omg they had a "spanish bar" sign...not that german....

It was around 18 i visited the place...thus sun set time...

Opposite to the restaurant they had a car that has beed parked here some monthes too long...

Heading on road 2 back to Danshui...

...it is nice to see the ocean once in a while...

In taiwan the sun often sets some fingers above the horizon, due to some fumes or smoke...

I could see Yangmin mountain on this clear day...

Passing by a scooter with the sign "jag"...it means "me" in swedish...
A trip to Manyueyuan national forest recreation area
I recently made a trip to sanxia, and the mountain area to check out some water falls...

It was in Sanxia at a forest recreation area

Many hikers were here...

And as usual many locals prefer full hiking gear for recreation area walks

One needed to buy tickets here...

The path was along a river

It is a dangerous river, where people yearly die

Since it was a forest recreation area they charge to enter, but in contrary its pretty good quality of the path

Some line up to enter

People living in taipei get discount...its common in taiwan that people living in a nearby area gets discount

They had different routes here

No cooking here...

The path was partly in asfalt...

They also had snakes in the area...it was near road 7, which is called the "snake road"...

...also monkeys might appear...

More rivers...

And some cosy tea cabin....

...where they sell local specialities such as duck feet...

...but it smelled like brobacka kaffestuga outside alingsås...probably due to the wooden interior...

Some rangers hut

There were many trails here...or 3-4 of them...all pretty short

This was the Manyueyuan waterfall

They had plenty of view spots, as most waterfalls in taiwan has...

...some other angle


many people taking pics of the water falll

And more stairs to see the waterfall from an other angle....

...max 5 people at the porch...it means 2 foreigners...

Some trail was broken...in the country of landslides

Next waterfall was the virgin waterfall...oit was a littlebit bigger...

...maybe 15 meters high...

Many people taking pics...

...and taking selfies...

...omg a rainbow...

...and another wildlife sign...

I also went on an "self guiding tour"...

...and found that they had some almost 10km hike here...but currently it was closed...

Some creek...it was pretty similar to brobacka naturm here...except from the exception that here was no giant kettles...
They had many of these info signs...and even in english..which was a plus...

This seemes to be the mountain that named this area...

I wonder where this peak was...

The self guiding trail took 15 minutes...

And the park was in a nature reserve...

Hmm...women...handicaped...and men....i knew the toilet signs...but they also offered a family shit together room...

I had some local frui before I left...I hope it was local...but wouldnt surprise me if some things were imported...

Before leaving I had some local honey...

They had some ricewine with bees...however I bought some honey from a special flower, making the honey bitter...I bought it not for the taste..but rather that the texture of the honey reminded me of swedish honey...
A visit to Neiwan in april 2017
I met up with my dear Taidong friend Bojun recently

We were about to go to Taidong, but decided to visit Neiwan instead, in Hsinchu

We took Howtai bus

I passed by a resturant where i made a mark on the wall 5 years ago, i wonder if the mark is still there...

We also passed by the DJ club in NCTU campus...which is empty, since they closed it...I wonder where the equipment is now...

Next stop was Nola cafe, after spending 5 minutes looking for a geocache...

I had an expensive but pretty good peanut chocolate drink...

We later on headed to the light rail station, aiming for Neiwan

They promote people to stop phubbing

Some rail map...

Omg, an inside rooster decoration

It was a nice day...I was listening to Kygo with Raging on the platform...

Later we got on the train...and the rural landscape passed us by

Rice field with Jhubei in the background

And some delta...which is dry...

It was pretty cold inside the train...as usualy they have very strong AC, even if its not even warm outside...

In Neiwan old street there were plenty with people

It is a mountains village, famous for gocart, nightmarket and hotspring, i think they also have some paintball arena...

They had an intersction with 4 police ioficers trying to manage the traffic...when thousands of tais coming and visiting...

I found some aboriginal poster

We aimed to pass this bridge to get to some hotspring

Omg...a taiwanese camping..feels almost like in europe...

The hotspring was expensive and not public...instead i found some cool houses...

Road 3 passes by here...or atleast in the nearby area...

I also had some local pancae from some beinan aboriginal...who lived in taipei for 30 years and then decided to move to neiwan...i think he was raised in hsinchu area...

Some trian map...

I also found some xiaomijiu...which i decided to buy...

We also paid 200nt to some local for him driving us to a public spa...which later on turned out to be a misstake. since the public spa offer free pickup from neiwan station...

He was over 70 years old and also ued to live in taipei...

This was his car...

It was an intense drive...but very local....

We were dropped of at a nreaby SPA...with Atayal aboriginals at the reception...

They also had birds at the entrace....chains to some branches...

We had to buy swim caps...

They had plenty of temperatures in the pools, but wenever found anyone that was perfect...either to warm ot too cold...so we had to move inbetween them

Afterwards the Atayal girls taught us some local language, while helping us back to neiwan

This was our driver bacck to neiwan station

We also saw some cool bridge...

The driver even went up on the night market road...but we asked to be dropped of earlier...

Jsut to get some more local food

Bojun wanted to try the Beinans food again

We had some fried panncake...

The trian left neiwan every house...pretty easy to remember...

The local train...i think it wasnt electrical...

I also had some taiwna beer with my fried panncake

Neiwan station...its not too long ago this light rail was built...i think it has made a great impact on the tourism here...reducing the car traffic...

We also passed by some food forest in central Hsinchu...

REminds me of sweden where people harvest vegetables in the city area...2017 continues...
A revisit to the Caoling trail
I went to the east coast some days ago

Inspecting architecture in the jungle

Some western friends joined up

I found that i lost my cap in the train...it turned out that Kristoffer hided it from me...not appreciated

He liked to go down to the river bank once in a while...there were several creeks on this trail

And Ramin joined up...he was also taking allot of pics...

Some rest area...after entering the trail...there are allot of steps on this trail...

They also posed on some big stone...

And enjoyed the east coast breeze...

Kris undid his pony tail...so that his hair can whip around in the wind

Next stop, some beer at Dali station

We also went to Yilan beer bar in Jiaoxi and Jim and Dads Taproom nearby

It was kind of pricy in here...like at the other jim and dads factory...not sure if the gasoline price is lower...

We tasted many kinds...but eventually bought some IPA

Ramin was later on in for some chicken...

We found an hitel with KKK marks...or was it BBB?

We didnt find any satisfying chicken...so we ended up hading noodles...

At this place...near jiaoxi city

Later on we tired to go to La Lupa...bu it was closed...very disapointing, since google maps said it was suppose to bre open...instead we went to a nearby pasta place...

The pizza prices were super cheap...suspicous...

I ordered a spagetti lasanga too..a cheap pizza in taiwan usually means a "small" pizza...this was like 4 inch...but still ok...
Taipei local beer crawl with some swedish lads
I recently went to some beer bars in taipei with some swedish friends...

Starting with Zhangmen and some IPA

Then we went to some other bar...

And ended up in yet another

Kalle thoguht it was a fun place

We joined some birthday party

They used to study in USA together...the taiwanese...me, kalle and olle were invited to their event

Olle asked for a pic...maybe for some profile pic...even if it was rather dark...