More mingeling in taipei
I went to xien with some friends from Taoyuan recently...

And had a nice strawberry drink...

...later on we passed by this hooka place...we entered byt never bought anything

Next stop was Huashan culture park in central taipei

I also passed by a puyuma singer...

She was signing her new record...her name is Jiajia

Interesting...maybe I should have asked for an autograph...

Next stop a resturant with local beer...

Taihu beer...

It was ok...tasted pretty similar to other local beer in taiwan...

I also got some snacks...

Later on I had a trappist beer...

Before I went to another hotpot...

With many kind of ice cream...

And drinks...

And other kind of dessert...

It was ok...

Many hoptop are the same...still they manage to make money...i guess cus locals in taiwan dont cook in the same extent as home...