A visit to Smoky Inn restaurant

I visited a german restaurant in northern taiwan recently...

Some people recommended it...it was said to recently changed its location...they had some things in english, but most things on the menu was in chinese...

I had a local beer...

Everyone got some side dish

Some people ordered sausage...

Others pork...

...omg they had a "spanish bar" sign...not that german....

It was around 18 i visited the place...thus sun set time...

Opposite to the restaurant they had a car that has beed parked here some monthes too long...

Heading on road 2 back to Danshui...

...it is nice to see the ocean once in a while...

In taiwan the sun often sets some fingers above the horizon, due to some fumes or smoke...

I could see Yangmin mountain on this clear day...

Passing by a scooter with the sign "jag"...it means "me" in swedish...