Some late summer nature catch
Its inbetween summer and autumn...

I got hold of some summer mushrooms...

The lingon berries are pretty sweet nowadays...

And the blueberries thats not too old...are also pretty sweet...soon the mushroom and hunting season starts again...
Ruin Academy on Swedish TV
My friend has a website for ruinpubs in Budapest:
Today the Ruin academy from Taipei was on swedish TV:

Its near Yang ming Shan National Park in Taipei...a place I passed by some times...

Where the finish guy Marco Casagrande was asked to fix a house...

He arranged a was pretty nice...the wood was forbidden to use, unless a typhoon wasted the trees...

And a huge dinner table...

Just as I will build, they had a part that was inspired by a temple...

The funny part was that they explained in danish...that the most leathal snake in taiwan kills withint 30 minutes, and theres no antidote...I never heard of this ever...on my hikes in taiwan...

The main guy of the Ruin Academy project was Mr Roan...I might pay him a visit when I have the chance regarding cooling systems for earthships...
Weekend trip
This weekend there was some blood moon...

....but the clouds seemed pretty bloody too

This might be the sun..but its the moon, before the bloody session...

I went out to fish for a while...

I had manual set, so the sun seems pretty akward...

My friend Frank got a fish...first one when joining me..

It was some 10 degrees in the air...probably the same in the water...

And an otter was spotted...also fishing...

We tried to get closer but it was fast up on a beach and continues out to deeper water...

So frank catched his second fish...also this one he let go back..."size does matter"...

Some photograhper passed by and took pics of us fishing...

To bad i didnt catch any fish...but according to frank i was very close...

...more bloody clouds at the west coast of sweden...
Book fair visit
I passed by some suburb to Gothenburg today....

...they had some event...

...performers etc...interesting...

But my main goal was the book fair...

I paid a visit to the donald duck stand ofcourse since i been a fan of Don Rosa comics since age 7...

I also did some celeb hunt for a friend....

And went to some seminars with another friend...

And passed by the food and drink this champange place...

I met some hunters....since i use to hunt when i was younger..i felt like home chilling with them...

Omg...i also had some mediterranean food

We ended up shring some plants...i didnt get all the plants with me though...maybe next year i will prepare for bringing more home...
Delayed trains and Crayfish event
Some rail reconstruction is happening...

So buses are replacing trains...and thus many delays happen...

...seems like the bus drivers dont realy know what to ppl are waiting for some person to take the command...

Sun is still rising late...

This is market development...when a red competitior is out ruling the old slow trains...the new red one is called mtr-express...

I also read that Taiwan had problems with some mosquito

I later on went all in on cheese and biscuits...

And watched some of all the lakes in sweden...I heard that sweden has most lakes per sqm in the world...but havnt had anyone to confirm...

later on I read that my old business idea that took me to the finals in venture cup (a ventilation system to cover smell) was mentioned in some article that I was analyzing...

...omg...a street party in gothenburg...nice beat...

My friends were hosting a crayfish party meanwhile...which I also passed by..

Mr Anders was entertaining...

He even gave me some shrimps...and crayfish...

The Taiwanese students who are currently studying at Chalmers were also performing...

...and the swedes wer performing...making the performers out number the ppl listening...

They served Tre Apor...same wine they have in taiwan...

I was told that I look like a chief by this the left..I guess my chinese style shirt made an impression...

At the end of the event I went all in on the potato was good...

I also helped ppl with the cleaning...try to promote recycling...

This guy was the victim of comparison...the editor of the asia magazine...the face on the paper was perfectly covered by the flash...

...but that didnt seem to bother...

This girl was very entusiastic...she seems nice...

These guys were working hard until the end...carrying stuff and throwing things away...

Mr Max in some up viewing pose...


...the guys wanted so have a "middle after party" at some near by appartment...but it never happened...

Instead they were hanging at the tram station...

...not sure if they continued to some place but it sounded like they were heading home...

Late nigth observation 1: Some tivoli attractions on the street...

Observation 2: A planet shining bright in the morning...I guess its venus...

Observation 3: A crayfish party hat...
A visit to the fair
Autumn is arriving...slowly slowly...

But its still shorts weather...

I paid a quick visit to some tourist spots on the west coast yesterday

Lobster season has started...

I also passed by my favorite stand at the book fair on gothenburg...since I collect Don Rosa comics...

The theme of this year seems to be hungary...I promoted Tokaj wine for some friends...

Omg...a spider in the early autumn night...

And a shiny moon at the gothenburg skyline...

The culural event at the night for exhibitors wasnt as good as last year...

Not much info nor food...

But I met some representatives of the Swedish Academy...high class...

And Eberth was mingeling around as usual...listening to poems...

I could also conclude that the plum season is not over might be as long as the apple season...
A weekend at the coast
I spent a weekend on the ocean...

With some interesting using cubans...

We got some sea weed...

And passed many boats...I guess they will soon be picked up from the sea...

The church of lysekil...

The sun of Grundsund...

Due to some donations they got a nice coastline...

It was the lobster fishing season...

I got some "delicato balls"...pretty nice...

The west boast of sweden, especially the north west has red/pink rocks...its interesting...

Another visit to anonther coastal city...

The second day it was not as windy as the first one...

Many houses near the coast line looks like this...

But the sunset looks pretty much the same from everywhere...

And the early mornings looks like this...
Scattered events
A cloudy evening...but a sunny morning...

Its been raining a little bit lately..

I had the chance to try some dumplings...pretty nice...

My friend turned out to be a piano expert...

I also found a strange tree...

And a pre autumn sunset...

Im also doing some research in some fields i passed by the library...

After some finished projects, I fixed some broken pants...

And harvested some potatoes..

Fried some mushrooms...(with soy sauce)...

I ended the event by picking some blackberries..
Gray sky
Gray sky today...

And some small showers...
Some fair preparations
Mushrooms getting dried...

...we will see how much muchrooms this year far so good...

I was also told that a glass would stand high temp changes...I guess the temp decrease was too fast though...

A friend did some microwave oven-water heating...

We had a pick up for some agricultural event...

Using an envirinmental friendly fuel for the vehicle...

Interesting fuel up..

And a stop by the salmon shop (norweigan salmon)...

Omg...a plastic green epic...

And crops for the nobel prize dinner...

The team was set to find some special plants that could be on a exhibition...

I guess all of these were "ecological":..

Later we used a military car to drive in the ocean...

It was bad I didnt bring my water skis...

Im not sure ho the car reactis to salty ocean water...

But its a brittish car...It should stand some sea water...

Interesting lunch...4 kinds of salmon...

This is the legend of swedish agricultrudal food...he made weeds eatable...and sells it to the top notch restaurants in sweden...

We continued our journey along the swedish south west coast...

I ended my stay by reuse old vegetables and fruit...alot of food in modern countes are wasted..."such a waste"...
Hang outs on the west coast
I was involved with a construction event recently...

It seems like it was with one of the oldest bridges in sweden...

I also made a visit to a nearby forest for some documentation and picking of the last summer mushrooms...

...and lingon berries...

I saw many of this kind...I wonder if it is eatable...

I also had some asian visitors, who wanted to try some fermented herring that they bought at a nearby supermarket...

But it wasnt that popular to it became a bate for fishing instead...(not even the fish wanted it)...
Weekend events
It was a hectic weekend...

Some arrangement for ppl in switzerland...

Omg...spring flowers...

A pass by at the airport...

And a trip on the water...

Sun is setting more south...we are heading to autumn...
Night events in gothenburg
Some canadian goose passing by a lake was recently observed...

The daily temp is just below could be considered as summer...but the sun sets around 20 nowadays...

I had to reach the local airport early...but i can still tell i really love airports... use to be sunny..but i was spotting clouds over the avenue of gothenburg...

I ended the evening with some intersting was a lager but tasted like an IPA...

Epic taste...cinnamonbun and coffee...
Evening events on the west coast (part XV!)
Sun sets almost at 20 nowadays...

At an evening run I pbserved a balloon man...

And alot of pears and apples...

Apparently the berry year of 2015 is not over yet...

Cloudy weather....with more rain it will more mushrooms too...

Omg...even alot of bue berries an dlingon berries (Cowberries)...

I also found a nice tree tunnel...on a random road...
Song of the week: Lost Frequencies feat. Janieck Devy - Reality
Or for u who dont have energy to press "repeat" all the time: