Ruin Academy on Swedish TV
My friend has a website for ruinpubs in Budapest:
Today the Ruin academy from Taipei was on swedish TV:

Its near Yang ming Shan National Park in Taipei...a place I passed by some times...

Where the finish guy Marco Casagrande was asked to fix a house...

He arranged a was pretty nice...the wood was forbidden to use, unless a typhoon wasted the trees...

And a huge dinner table...

Just as I will build, they had a part that was inspired by a temple...

The funny part was that they explained in danish...that the most leathal snake in taiwan kills withint 30 minutes, and theres no antidote...I never heard of this ever...on my hikes in taiwan...

The main guy of the Ruin Academy project was Mr Roan...I might pay him a visit when I have the chance regarding cooling systems for earthships...