Evening actitives in the summer
Swedish summer...cloudy...

But not much rain...yet...

Today was a day of climbing...

And some other near nature activities...

I also met some professional geocachers...omg...
Volvo ocean race and Soundspotting event
I went to see Volvo Ocean race yesterday...

I communicated with some barrier boat...

...and another old ship...

One of the participants...

Omg..Dongfeng...a chinese boat...

And the swedish dito...

The race was very short..

And after some hour it was over...

I later ate some garlic grass...

And some intersting cookie...

Later on I went sound spotting with some friends...

It seems old....
A trip up north (part II)
I saw a "merida bike" today...might have been done in germany, but the brand is from taiwan

...one among many...

I also went for a cache hunt...

Omg...can it be here?

I also spottet a Swedish celeb in the airport...

And passed my parents house...

...omg they havnt cut the grass...

I ended the evening by trying a local beer...
A short trip north
I went to the airport some days ago...

I really love airports...always have...

Later on I went fishing...

...omg...rain in the horizon...

And some time later I headed back to the airport...

...to visit a festival in northern sweden...

And the first wooden parking house in sweden...
Some rainy days passing by
The longest day of the year...and a walk in the area was made...

And some thunder storms...

Omg...some wierd sculptures in the forest was passed by...

And more thunder...I think these clouds will pass by here...

Luckily we found some tunnel...but not everyone were on time...but i think this runner enjoyed the rain...
A day in Norway
I went to Oslo yesterday...

Norway has Traffic tolls...so annoying...

They had some interesting bike stands...

And there was a competition from Trondheim to Oslo...many bikers arrived in the morning...

And also some kind of pride event...

They also had an "gAyTM"...pretty funny...

And some street performance...

And some festival at the harbor...

This is the Oslo fjord...

So many trash cans...i think there are 5 of them on this pic, can u see them all?

Many kids were runing in the water...it was above 20 degrees...last time i was here it was also very warm...

"Karl Johans gate"...the main street of oslo...

And a famous stone in the west of norway...wich looks like the Queens head in taiwan...

They have 2 red guys when u cant walk...

...but only one green...interesting...

I also visited a cat alley...it was the area for modern art and street art culture...

Omg...a strange swan...

And a Merida bike (from Taiwan, but they have a facotry in Germany)...I also saw some Giant bikes..

I also tried the Cinnamon Bun ice cream from Ben´n Jerrys´...

More bike arrivals from Trondheim...

And the Bicmac wasnt more expensive than Denmark and Sweden...

Omg...I also found an On the Run store...just like in Germany...
Midsummer 2015
The longest day of the year...or just about anyway...

The tradition gives us rain...

It was around 12 degrees in the evening...the day before mid summer...

Just picked up some ppl at the airport...

Mostly european arrivals from gothenburg...

Omg...by brother bough a big bottle of champange...

II passed by a swedish burger bar...

And some local mid summer celebrations...

With a pole in the middle...

...and rain clouds in the sky...

Some of the guests had traditional clothes

...while dancing traditional midsummer/christmas dances around the pole...

And some professional folklore dancers arrived...

Pretty nice national dress (from different provinces of sweden)...

And flowers in their head...

It was a swedish flag on the pole...

Omg...the national instrument of sweden "nyckelharpa"...

The others had also tradional instruments...

I figuered, when people get tattoos...they ofte dress so that they can expose their tattoo to others...a guy in finland had a tattoo on his upper leg, and wear short shorts the whole summer so that ppl could see it...

The band is set...

And the dancers arrived...

...and they started to dance some traditional dances...

From north to south of sweden...

Later on I made some dough..since its dragon boat festival...

I also tried to make rhybarb cordial..but it was hard to make it by pressing the fruit cold...

Kedar also dropped by...

He didnt stay for the dumplings but had some panncakes...
Almost the longest day of the year
In some day it will be the longest day of 2015...

I went for some sight seeing some day ago...while it was day..

And tried a lituanian beer...it was pretty bitter...

And I also inspected some deers...

And enjoyed some chinese food...

At this classical resturant...
A nice slize of sweden
I had a kebab pizza recently...

Omg...so good...
Northern Europe events
A black jesus? I was asked by some people from Singapore to guide them in the capital...

...I was then told that this was a popular site...

I also tried this beer...not sure if i treid it before...

...and this one...

I also looked for some geocache...in the evening...

Omg...more people from swithzerland...

...some people on the main square were walking backwards...

And more suiss people...

Omg..party party...some lituanian police were watching, but i guess they are peaceful people...

Time for another beer...

Our drunk russian friends are also departing...

And a hectic bus ride was waiting...many "nearly accident" events were happening...

Early morning in Klapeida...

Omg...we went to the wrong harbor there...not that good signs for where to go...

Klapeida looks almost like gothenburg...

...kiel, copenhagen, lubeck or or Karlshamn?

Bushy landscape near the baltic sea...

The terminal in klapeida felt like a german or swedish terminal...clean and with alot of information...

The morning fet like frankfurt...flat, alot of parking lots and clear sky...

Omg..."Karlshamn" it says on the truck...

Omg...DFDS has any lines...they sell this rout for 370:is SEK on the website but charged more than the double when we bought tickets in Klapeida...strange...

Some ferries...waiting for departure...

And the dinner...from the ferry...a littlbit tricky about what we could take...since they had different price setting...

And another shore at thelituanian baltic sea...

And Volvo Penta...cool...

I also had my beers that I bought in Klapeida...pretty cheap...and 1 litre whisky for 10 euro...not bad...(even though i never bought that bottle)...

Bai bai balti states...(which since january 2015 all use euro...pretty convenient)...

Voila! in Karlshamn...

Omg...the ferry on a poster..from Gothenburg...

And the entrance to Drösebo...an epic place...

At this house they sell icecream...I ran here last year...about the same time...

Karlshamn on the map...

And the time table how to get out of here...

Strange...they have 2 tracks at the train station..."trak 6" and "track 7"...

Omg...in the south west coast they also offer danish on the ticket vending machines...
Last day in Vilnius
I spent a night in vilnius...

Some super drunk russain was in my room and fell and was swearing alot in russian, pretty entertaining...

He later apologized...it was funny...

And the local market opened...on the pavement...

Some ppl said this was a famous black jesus...thus many ppl taking picture...

And many suiss people were here...maybe its a fotball game tonight?

Omg...the oldest university in eastern europe...

And the highest church in central vilnius...

...looking like this...

And the local lunch beer...

...and some local chicken...

And potatoes with meat...

and potato sausage...

And some apple pie...

What did johan drink today?

More suiss people...it was also a day of mixed rain and sun...but no pic of that...

I also visited this central hill...

It was like 700 years old castle...

...but resored in older times...

Charge to enter the castle...

The view was interesting...looked like some swedish ancient city...

Except the business district...
A day in Lithuania
People were dropping by the hostel in the friday night...

Some ppl went up around 9 on the saturday morning...as usual here in riga i started withmye "breakfastbeer"...some cheaplocal brand was included in the price...

Omg...its the thrids highesttower in europe...
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riga_Radio_and_TV_Tower (Ostankino Tower and Kiev TV tower are higher)...

Next stop was a small country road...

...heading here...

Some area with many crosses...

Super many, I guess its easy to make a city worth visit...most tourist came to this place, and some also to a national park nearby with a lake...

No praying...

...and no candles...

Just thousands and thousands of crosses...

By law ppl havetherighttoplace across here...

If they are under a certain size...made by "wood"...

Some second largest city in lithuania a norweigan guy i met onthe street told me...

And ofcourse a tourist shop where on can buy theirowncross toplace on the hill...

I had my M&M...

It was very warm---but luckily a little bit clouds for some minutes...

But inaverage this is the typical lithuanian landscape...

Omg...i later irrived to vilnius..where they had a map över sweden...with random villages such as "Horred" marked up...

This wasthe city of vilnius...

...after some minutes i found a cheap hostel...

And a nice inner city...

and the lithuanian flag...

And the swedish embassy in the very city center...

The swedish government owned hous has won some awards since they managed to restore the building...i can recall that sweden once surrounded thebaltic sea...and reach to ukraine...like poltava...

And Watsons exist here...but is called Drogas (as well as Telia and Tele2, and many other swedish companies)...

Vilnius has many churches...i guess they are pretty christian, just like in poland...

Some large building in the city center...

And the public bikes...

Omg....a cafe and convenient store in the city...but no gasoline, by statoil. the norweigan petrol station company...

And these werefamous I were told...some statues at a theatre...

Next stop was a local food resturant...

Cool local dresses...

I had a very nice beer...it wasnt stabilized..and tasted very fresh...like a taiwanese beer...

I also had some typical dish...like in poland but not that much soup inside...

In lithuania itsforbiddento sell alcohoic drinksin thesupermarket after 22.00, so I had to limit my local beer tasting to the non alcoholic ones...

This one tasted like a malt drink...

And this one was also pretty sweet...
Some random day in Riga
Days goes by in Riga...

The Aussie hostel I live in seems to attract many ppl...

THey had many beers, somce from australia as it seems...

And some interesting labels (sorry its warped, ill adjust it later)...

And this blurry one too...

Omg..they have scandinavian parties...i wonder what that means...

I also passed by the freedom statue...

And some poor guys who is guarding it...

Omg...manyswedish banks seems to be in balticum...

And some bus connected to the electrical grid...

And some "no camera" and "no shorts" cathedral..

It was a nice one...

"Pareizticigo Katedrale"

And some locker bridge...in some park...

Omg..anodhter swedish bank...

When having a typical latvian dish, they had fish on the table...living one...

And an interesting menu...

The second or third latvian beer i tried...

And some "Natioanl dish of latvia"...

This place reminded me of a red bridge in taiwan...

Many dutch people were here...i think there might be some important football game or something...

And some famous statue again...

Some police...

And another bus with the same pattern as on the swedish west coast...

Omg...the same stalin house as in warsaw...

And some cool space tower...

Riga is near a river with plenty of connections...

And some cool geocache...hint: "the tree and well covers will show the way"...

An old church again...

And another geocache...

For dinner i was Radler...

And some local beer...

The day ended with some pizza...
Towards Riga
Heading to Riga...

Omg...E20...also passing sweden, one of my favorite cycling routres...

Dammit...i didnt make it to Paldiski, a pitoresque suburb to Tallinn...

Interesting, they had the arrival and destination on all the routes...so it saying "talllnn -" on every route...

Omg..."st Petersburg..so cool..i wonder i they locals can enter russia that easy...

On the road towards riga from tallin,...

While arriving to Riga,this film was on my mind...

The center of balticum...Riga...close to russia...

In Riga i found XXXX, the beer brewery I visited in Brisbane,,since i visited a "aussie" hostel...

With a cool reception, and bar...it was very popular...

All ppl liing there got a bracelet...

Omg a nice church in Riga...

And heavy night life...

But the locals told me that only the"Old town" where we were at was safe...

They also had a cat hostel outside the hostel...

This was a local beer, that was included inthe hostel price...

Tasted a little bit salty..interesting..

Some "Old town hostel"...

I met some kids fomr germany...

We sat at the 2Smoking area":..

The toilet was beer barrels...

This was a place where the german kids recommendd in germany...

They were under aged...(for balticum), but tol me that in germany, if u are 14, and with your parents permission, u canget beer at a restaurant...

Also many ppl from holland was in riga tonight..

This 16 year old boy, didnt shave, so that he could buy beer...(18 is the age imit in riga, and the staff warned them that they might get fined if the police comes)...

I also met a guy smooking weed..having this interesting tattoo...
Tallin day 2
I wanted to go to a subub of Tallinn called Paldiski...but it was too far from the cty center...

Instead i went for some geocache hunt...

Many tourists at the spot...

Omg...an acient map of the baltic sea...with sweden as a big country" du to that they though the king of sweden was great"...i wa told...(maybe also becasue estonia belonged to sweden som long time ago...

Why had some swedis menu...

And some nice beer...

This was the dished of the lunch...

And many candles...
Welcome to Tallinn
I was leaving Finland today...

It feels that its the baltic sea...many cities are similar here...

Many chinese/asian people are travelling here right now...

Omg...the buses looks like in Gothenburg...

And a boat of this shape goes to Tallinn from Helsinki...

Tallinn is also like a Baltic city...with a wall like Visby in Sweden...

And nice historic old town with many people dressed up in acient dresses...

And this place looking like a kathedral in Moscow...

And the wall again...

Some people playing and singing some acient songs...

Nice houses...

And russian dolls...

And Putin...hmm...

Also stalin was on some dolls...but no hitler, i wonder why...as the history books recalls, they were both pushing the death of many people...

Omg...many people were on tha match boxes...interesting...

And after a while I tried some local food...

At this place...i was told that this place sells things cheaper that the other touristic places...

Some oxe rib, cabbage bread, local beer, soup etc...

It was at this interesting town hall...

Pretty old...

This wass the beers of the evening...i hope they are all form estone, since thats what is says on the can...
Helsinki visit part II
Days in finland is passing by...

I started my day 2 with a beer, I think swedes stereotype is that they drink more alcohol than swedes...

Omg...a sign in the tram that reminded me of taipei MRT...

And a visit to the local market was made...

And the old market/fish market...

It reminds me of the saluhallen in gothenburg...

Omg...a fish dish...typical finish?

It was nice..reminded me of the fish plate I had in sydney, but with less fat...

And some knäckebröd...

Omg...sugar cubes in paper...maybe a scandinavian thing...

Many birds were flying around there...

And some sign in the toilet that also looked asian...

And an intersting photoshot...

This house was also famous...

...and this stone curch...

seems to be christian...

With an interesting roof...

Stone walls....

Omg...u could pay with SEK at the toilet...

The entrance looked like a cave...

Omg...next destination was an island...

With a ferry...

"the world heritage list"...

Some fortress...

The skyline of helsinki...

And some monument from the wedish kind Gustav III i think...

This ship reminded me of a ship that I saw in hongkong some year ago...

The day was ended with a kebab...

A kebab pizza...but it wasnt the swedish kebabpizza flavour...too bad...

I also had a finish beer...it was nice...
A visit to Helsinki
I went to helsinki this morning...

I like the airport atmosphere...

Omg...finnairs bus has wifi...too bad it doesnt work...(atleast for me)...

Everything seems to be in finish and swedish here...

And the ice cream brand is named "Kingis"...

Omg...this is a famous sculpture...i was told...


I also tried this beer...(I hope its finish)...

...and this one...even if it sounds french... :S
National day in Sweden
Due to two events in 1523 and 1809, we celebrate sweden today...

It was a sunny and windy day...

No windsurfing...but some kite surfing...

And wild strawberries...
Windy and sunny days
Some windy days are passing by in Sweden...

Some times they are even Sunny and Windy...
Star Trek evening
I saw a star trek presentation yesrerday

Pretty interesting...

We learned about "identities" and "names":..

...and what star trek is all about...

We also went to Heaven 23...

I had a light danish beer...

Later on I also delivered a bike across the city...

And had a pick up at the local ariport...2015 continues...