Last day in Vilnius

I spent a night in vilnius...
Some super drunk russain was in my room and fell and was swearing alot in russian, pretty entertaining...
He later was funny...
And the local market opened...on the pavement...
Some ppl said this was a famous black jesus...thus many ppl taking picture...
And many suiss people were here...maybe its a fotball game tonight?
Omg...the oldest university in eastern europe...
And the highest church in central vilnius...
...looking like this...
And the local lunch beer...
...and some local chicken...
And potatoes with meat...
and potato sausage...
And some apple pie...
What did johan drink today?
More suiss was also a day of mixed rain and sun...but no pic of that...
I also visited this central hill...
It was like 700 years old castle...
...but resored in older times...
Charge to enter the castle...
The view was interesting...looked like some swedish ancient city...
Except the business district...


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