A visit to Alingsås
Im waiting for harvesting time...

Today the temperature dropped some...from 20:ish to 15:ish...I hope it wont effect the potatoes etc...

What did johan eat today? Well, Tacos...

Watching the last warm day in april...

I later on made a hamburger...

And one more...figuring out what makes a good burger...

And after that I went fishing...

I didnt get anything...but I felt some fish on the hook...next time, luck might b on my side...

I had time to look for a geocahe later on...but without GPS, it was a hard one...
A visit to gothenburg
I paid a visit to Gothenburg yesterday.

My cousin had s confirmation event, as most people you do it ofr the gifts you get from family...

The church tries to make a fun thing out of it, and focus more on values, friendship and having a fun time...since things that is religion oriented might make people less interested...

My other cousins also did this at this church...

They also collected money for kids in Manilla...

It was a sunny nice day...

Later we had some nice food...

I assisted with the BBQ...

Omg, later on I saw some house giving away things on the street..."take what you want" the sign says...

I also god a new old bike from my friend Eberth...

Some things had to be adjusted, but thats ok...he has plenty of bikes, and experisnce in fixing them...

Everything set...I will evaluate and adust...

Later on I also passed by a geocache thats only for Premium members...it has become my new interest, to try to find these...it makes it harder...and more challenging...
Saturdays projects
Another summerday is passing by...

Cysling to some floor ball game...

But before that I bought some material for a milk table...

Some old classmates and locals particiapted in the floor ball...

You cannot bring nuts in here...that sign was new for me...

These are suppose to be used for the milk table...

Voila! After a while...it was done...

I also prepared more potatoes on the garden...

And did some sculptires...
Random events in Sweden...
Summer is approaching...

I joined some old classmates to Lineeterassen in gothenburg som day ago...

It was ok, to bad that the beer label wasnt showed on the menu...I accidentally ordered a beer I tasted before...

My friends had some salmon...it almost looked like a plate form Ikea...

I later on did some experiemnts at chalmers...

And joined Anders to Chalmers campus to check the cortege preparations...

Omg, alot of police cars...

I later went to the store to check equipment to fix a bike...

It was anders bike, which he bought in Taiwan some years ago...

The bike store had some cool bikes that reminded me of my Giant bike...

I also found a cache with a kopparberg paper in it...

Omg, nice flowers my friend has...

Later on I assister my father to pick up a traktor...

I also got time to inspect my potatoes...no visual progress yet...
Some cultivation and summer preparations
I made some preparations for the summer today...

Some old potatoes that have seen their best days were put under ground, hopefully I will get some local food here in some month...
Some monday events
Another easterholiday is passing by...

People were chillin out on the streets of gothenburg...

I hike in Partile was made...

And in Ömmern...

Its a lake thats rather high up...

I ended the day but making myself a burger...

...or two...I feel that I master burgers like I use to master pizza making...
Summer arrived to Sweden
Some summer car was used...

It was nice...I think it was 20-25 degrees today...

And some fishing...but no fish on the hook...

Later I continued with the fire...

Only in the west of sweden people have the habit to have easter fires...
Summer days in april
I did some hiking in the morning of this easter day...

And took some shortcut,, its always useful with GPS...

Later on it was easter lunch on the schedule...

And some fishing...

I hosted some ppl from the city nearby in the afternoon...

And did some garden work...

And had anuncle visiting...

So far the warmest day of the year, but tomorrow it will be warmer...global warmning is pretty good, far up north...keep on driving those, cars, scooters and trucks...and use coal power plants, the air is fresh here...and warm...
Garden events
Easter is appraching...

I made some fire today...

I was also reading some about the himalayas, and decidede to make some indian lunch...

And later on BBQ, some locals joined up...

I also prepared some nettle soup...

And BBQed some more...

Its pretty warm...atleast shorts weather...it will be 20 this weekend, i heard...
Some work in easter
Yesterday I concluded that the orange express from Gothenbrug goes all the way to Brobacka, and not only to Sjövik...

Thats interetsing...

I also caught some cache...

And visited one of the beggest forest areas in southern sweden...

Later on I got the opportunity to try Tommasi, which is an Amarone...very impressive...

I also made a burger...

It was ok...

Togetter with a Samuel Adams...

I ended they day by doing some garden work...
Some afternoon events in Västergötland
After some inspiration to hit to himalaya I made some curry food...

Curry pizza...

And make some garden work...

And with some neighbour pick some isolated cache...

I think the water is about 5 degrees....

The trip continued to some other island...

And the day ended by some swedish food...
Some coffee event
I visited a coffee event last night...

It was at gothia towers in gothenburg...

It was interesting, but some things that was told, contradict to previous facts...

We also got some coffee candies...

And the recepie...

My friend oskar works at volco...but he has a scania USI stick and proche cuff-links...so diversitive...

He seems to be busy...

Later we tried some local beer...

It was a nice evening in gothenburg...summer is approaching...
Some short event in the forrest...
I went to a loca forrest some day ago...

Hanging out in the woods...

And enjoyed some ice cream...
A weekend on the west coast
I spent a weekend on the west coast...

Joined up at some event...

The weather was cloudy...

At Lysekil I found an interesting device to measure the fuel tank...

And spent a night in Strömstad...

Many military people queued up in the morning...

And many yachts and boats, reminding me of New Zealand...

Some toilet had a paper showing the maintainance...but for "august" 2013...

A funny guy trying to climb a steep cliff...

Many norweigans were out...

Omg, so many guide books about the west coast...

I tried a new ice cream, White chocolae and strawberries...

Later we had some sea food...

It was nice...

But it was some nice view from Grebbestad, where they have a brewery...

Later on we analyzed some communication systems, and had 4-5 kinds in total...

Some boats a ground in north-west of Sotenäset...

This small island was there, because of Jarvik, where the vikings went to York, they are roud of this, (the name "jarvik" became "York" in english...

There are alot of research in renewable energy, now where they have "wave power farm", thats interesting...

Tired people taking a rest in the sun...
Random events in Sjövik
I went with some friend to Sjövik today...

It was interesting...

They have interesting people here...
A visit to gothenburg
I went to gothenburg today...

It was a rainy day...

I picked a trackable while cruising around in the city...

And enjoyed the view near Chalmers...

And checked out the mosque...

Oskar joined up for a short while in the rain...

We took a ferry over the river...

And there I met up with Eberth...

He often mentions this 600 grams burger that he wants to try...

It is interesting...

I also tried some nice Ale...

It was alot of meat...but I had bigger...

I also tried a beer from the middle-south of sweden...its my friends favorite...

They also had a pub quiz this evening...

with interesting questions...

Later we passed by the super market...

I wanted to juice...Eberth wanted beer...

Before I headed home, i finihshed the juice...
Some sight seeing in western sweden.
Today I went for some sight seeing...

I never beer at these places before...it was nice views...

And some logging...

...of different kind...

Until late night...
A short Härlanda visit
Yesterday afternoon I paid a quick visti to Härlanda in Gothenburg...

It was a bike event that I attended...and helped out at..

Some block there has many events this spring...and this time it was "bike day"...me and some other bike people attended to fix bikes...

My frinds blurry fixed gear bike...

This is Eberth...
Saturdays project
Finishing a geocashe hide...

And enjoying the rain...

I did some BBQ...

Not only local hotdog...but also mashed potato with cheese like I use to eat in taiwan...it was good...

And a classic BBQ dessert...
Mingling in Alingsås
I got a geocache function on the gps, thats interesting...

But i never used it...

But a GPS is by far easier than just map...

Shorts weather by day...frost and ice in the night...swedish spring...

Some drunk kids on a blur pic...

Some friend wanted to "do alingsås"...his wife is from the north of sweden so he insited on beer from the north...

I also made some corn bread...

A new sprots arena was built in the city...they had night training...

We also went to "relaxed bars"...the atmosphere is more interesting there...

I had the opportunity to try Eriksberg, taskted like an Ale...

The place had interesting interior design...it was a nice place...
A trip to some thousand year old civilization
A specal bus tour took some people around western part of sweden som day ago...

It was a sponsored EU project...

With experts in the area...

On a sunny april day...

This is Skara Cathedral, build in the 11th and 13th centry...

I promoted geocache for this event, and each stop had some geocache point...

The landscape was open fields and forrest...

It was an old road since some 1000 years ago...and the border between denmark, sweden and norway...

With alot of old graves, and landmarks...

Beleive it or not, but this trees at this ditch was an important border some 100 years ago...

And many windmills...

And some historical artefacts were found...

This factory is famous for making bags or vacuum cleaners...

And we also visited this old museum, I think I was here some 15 years ago...

Since I studied archeology some years ago, I felt extra involved in this exhibition...

Time to continue...

Omg, an old mosque...
Random observstions...
Its cheaper to buy bulk nuts...

Which is wierd....(129kr/kg)...

I guess people are lazy...and maybe stupid... (250g is 143kr/kg)...

I also observed some fruit beverage...looks interesting...

I also got introduced to some sportsdrink...that was interesting...

And some geocache hunting...

There are so many out there...but not that many travel bugs...
Burning wednesday
Its frost in the mornings nowadays...

But still shorts weather...

The day was also filled with fires...

And BBQ...

And a classic banana chocolate...

Some geocache hunt was also made...

I also supported some IR camera testing in the evening...
Random events on a Monday
Global warming?, Well, it feels like summer for sure...and as billion people have a careless consumption of fossil fuel, I cant do anything than welcome the end of cold days, and embrace tropical weather...(in the north)...

I assisted some people in changing tired of a car...

They had tire hotel...convenient for city people...

Later on I ran to the city library...to borrow a book...

Shorts weather from march...almost like in taiwan...