Interesting presentation
I just experienced an interesting presentation...

It was an article presentation, where the speakers read the article for the audience...instead of analysing it...

Everyone were surfing on internet or doing something else...cuz it was hard to focus on the material...
It is common here that people are reading stuff when holding a presentaion, focusing on their paper, barely facing the audience...
November cleaning in the lab...
We were cleaning the lab last night...

Since me an pablo are asked to fix a GMBA brochure instead of cleaning the lab...barely anyone i cleaning (I more or less never see an asian cleaning the lab..., maybe its a culture thing)

We were cheating a little bit with the entertainment, since we played Christmas music already in november...(however 1st Advent passed last Sunday, so I guess it is ok...)
Helping TA in the lab
Last night I helped the TA with some work in the lab

It was fun, and the TA is very entertaining...
Almost 40 cases were printed and needed to be stampled...
Late night meeting...for business plan
I joined a business plan meeting last night...
However I had other things to do aswell, so I ran back and forth between my meet up, and in my opinion the meeting progress went slow, so doing some short visits was an efficient solution...

It was fun...late night meetings are sometimes interesting, depending on whos in the group and how stressy it is (depending on deadline)...
It was fun, anyway
Early morning meeting with advisor
I had an early morning meeting with my advisor last morning...
I asked my classmates to tell me when they go to him, cuz im bad in arranging advisor meeting...
I havnt picked a topic yet, but I have some alternatives...the only problem is that the advisor needs to approve it...
But my advisor is extremely open to suggestions...

Pablo and Henry joined up, who also are reconsidering their topics...
Super spicy burger at BK
I bought a hamburger at BK today...

It turned out to be super spicy...
Oh so healthy...I use to eat spicy food in sweden once in a while...
But this was like "teppanyaki" spicy...OMG
I got a 7-11-Open speaker...
I got a speaker for my computer...

It is the normal sticker collection that results in a gift...
I wanted earphones, but this can also be useful...I guess...(there are many gifts the have, they usually change the items every 2nd month or so...)
Meeting with the IP professor
We had a meeting with the IP professor today...

It was interesting...
It was for the purpose of a business competition.
We will c in which direction will will go...but many competitiors are using patents as a way to protect their product...however we might have a im not sure if we need a patent in our model...
Zero degrees on the water machine
Today I saw a new record on the water machine.

The previous "lowest degree C" was 3...but i found this one...on 0! I guess something was broken...
Maffia observation
Yesterday I think I saw maffia...
It was scooter kids with different colours on their helmets...

I tried to take a picture can barely see them on the other side of the street...
Saturday evening/night
Yesterday it was thanksgiving...its an North american tradition...
Since Taiwan is so full of american english teachers...there are many people celebrating that holiday here...

I just passed by my indian friends shoetly before I went to my friend Marks house...
they had alot of food...even though I didnt eat that much, since I was about to join a movie with the indians afterwards...

They even had Swiss exotic...

I knew most people there from before...there were many ABC´s...

We also playedfunny games, where u suppose to guess which person is on your card that u have on your head...I got "angry bird", I didnt know what it was since I dont use Iphone...but my friends were discussing that game yesterday, so by chance I figuered it out before my time was up (5 mins, and 20 questions).

After the thanks giving party I joined some friends wathcing a movie...they picked "the last samurai", I saw it some month ago...but since it is so good, I didnt mind watch it again...

We continued to 7-11 with other indians...discussing indian issues...

I also bought a chicken, andgot this interesting might break if i load it to heavy, but it is still convenient to have a light bag...
Strange email from Teacher...
I got a strange email from my FM teacher today, who red some report about my comany´s cost of debt for 2009...
I didnt really know what she ment...but she wondered why my company´s values were different form a thesis she red...
My values were from 2010!?! Hers were from 2009 as I understod...
Besides, in every report my values differ from other homepages values like reuters, bloomberg, google finance, yahoo finance etc...
But we have been consistent, with using our own calcualtions in those case´s...
After month of homework every thursday...fiinally we have one thursday without homework...and then she ends up, giving this assigment...wei shen me? (means "why" in chinese)...
We will c...I have to recheck the caclulations...
Aiyo...and argue with her...why did she give us an excel file?, where we could put in our data, so that it will calculate of us...? I assume my data are correct...
A nite in Taipei
We went to taipei last night...
Suppose to go to pasoul...

But first we ate burgers at Ximen...

The burgers at the gay district at ximen is always so awesome...and there is never any service sweet. no greedyness at all...and as usual, when there is no service charge, the service is more or less always better! Strange but true!

Its always interesting beeing a foreinger in Taiwan...ppl approach and mingle all the time...

They were super architect, and one drunk flirty girl...
When we came to Pasoul we found it was close...all clubs in taiwan are closing this autumn, probably to fix more emergency exits, since ppl died a while ago, when they only had one exit where there was a fire.

It was crowded at Babe18...

"are you gay" the girl asked me...when i didnt respond to her flirty attitude...I guess she expected me to act like a latino...who usually are rather quick in picking up girls here at this club, due to my observations...

This is my favoutie bartender...they had like 10 bartenders...but this guy was so professional.

We met Show, he is from Yilan...super funny guy, Cory was confused about if he was a boy or girl...Harry had to ask him 4 times...and at the end I think Cory was convinced, after an armwrestling trial...where Show won...

There were alot of people outside...some Tai people who had lived in Spain for a while hanged out with us...but they were a little strange...very aggressive to the girls...
We also passed by was funny...

We moved to McDonalds, and met a guy who said he never been outside taiwan in his 80 year old life...however, we found that he was born near Japan...he was retired, but worked with the government...and his english was awesome...he was a Taiwanese aboriginy...that is also very exotic...
He was from Taidong, my favourite city in exotic...
The city is full os interesting people in the night...just like us...
Nice eat out with friend.
I hanged out with some classmates some days ago...

It ws interesting, I also saw my teacher with family eating at the same place...The campus gets small, when the week comes to an end...
Normal Wednesday...
I started this wednesday by holdaing a 30-40 minutes presentation about busines models, which I am critical to, since business models are so 2009...and still my GMBA program loves them so old school :S
I continued to the Patent office at school...

Boring enough, the meeting was held in I didnt understand that much...

I continued to the "Global village" market at school, where some countries (I assumed picked by school) had the chance to promote their country...many times I think this school is corrupted...since it often tend to be the same country that is represented...maybe it is the students from these countries who are in charge, and its culture in theri country to use power as it serves them...

Some "Guatemala dish". stasted like central american mix..."tomato, onion, cucumber etc", typical taco flavours...

Brazilian drink and bread with chesee inside...

Swedish "chokladbollar" and cinnamon buns...

The indians made some fried dew and exotic...

It was like 19 tents...and almot every tent reprsented a country. mostly central american countries.... and india, jordan, india and sweden, as I can recall...

I got the honor to pose with the "international service center lady" Amy Chen...she use to sent emails to the students at NCTU...
I was dressed by my friend Hani from Jordan...

After an evening class, I had a meeting in the lab...
I continued to A-mart and there after to...

...7-11 at north gate, where I got the slowest service ever...the staff jsut stod there doing nothing when i waited to pay...

I also took a beer and some was really windy today...I went back to the lab to print some documents after this...
A big bag of M&M's
I have a big bag of M&M's...(named after the surnames of Forrest Mars, Sr., & Bruce Murrie)

Its far more than 1 kg...

I sorted out my favourites...the blue ones...
Its a nice snack when studying...
I bought tickets...
Today I bought tickets to Snoop dog...

It was more expensive than I expected...but anyway...

I also saw a parrot on the street...probably from exotic...

I spent most of my time in the lab...preparing case hand-ins, and 2 presentations for tomorrow...
Interesting case at my chinese class
My chinese teacher is a very nice lady...
To day she treated me some cake

Even if it was red bean, it was nice...

I also was reminded how slow queues can be :S...buying drinks at Costco...

It was a nice dinner, after supporting my classmate with a running session...he needs support...
Emergency invitation for sports day
It was raining today...

OMG...and all the puddles...

I joined the floor ball, with my room mate...
We also ate some salty pizza...
Then I went to lab...I need to find my harvard case...since there is a hand in next week :S
Aiyo...cannot find them...I might have to spend the weekend looking for them :(

We passed by NTHU where the new Gay club is promoting is very brave in TW to start a gay club...its not as open society as home...

They also had a orienteering check exotic, I almost felt like home where u see these in the bushes every now and then...

We later on went to a cabin where a famous violinist use to live in...

It was alot of foreigners there...
We ate hotpot...

And played cards...
Alot of french people that I knew, but alot of taiwanese people I never met interesting...

My friends never been to NTHU i showed them this place aswell...first time it wasnot thatmany people there...
PR Manager Gary is a new good friend
I met Gary las night. He is PR manager at Deluxe...I became his friend...OMG, amog binglang chewing boys and super drunk girl, this guy awesome...
The world is our classroom presentation
The professors of the GMBA program picked some people who made their internships outside Taiwan (mostly in USA for some reason), to present their time at the company, in a presenataion held at NCTU to today....

It was free snacks and food, but still not super many ppl signed up.
I slept a partof it since I had a strange headache recently...
I also slept in my lab for 1 hour after the event...(i only slept 4 hours last night)

We went to 7-11 to meet up some friends afterwards...

I put on the christmas decoration in the lab as well, since halloween is over, meaning that the new commercial Taiwanese event is Christmas...
Term paper week...
After my second midterm week, I both had a presentation and a late night meeting...

Even wednesday night was busy...

I also bought ticket to Buuren. It was tricky to find, but finally I found where to find it...

I also had presentation about a business plan.
Last night I had mid term preparation...
We finished before 4 am this time...that was good...
A classmate offered me rebbull whisky...I didntwant the redbull but drank it accidentally I had thus problem falling asleep later on :S
My acquaintance Allen held a presentation.
My acquaintance Allen held a presentation.

I knew him from before...he give aways free beer and cigarettes to the empoyees in his company. So luxy.
Promoting an event...
MY classmate was asked to plomote an event htat the program will have this week...

He gave away flyers to people in campus...
Interesting course...
"This course is about 3 times harder than a normal course", was what the teacher said in the first class of financial management...

And surely she puts an effort in achieving this statement...
Cost of debt, Cost of capital, Bottom-up Beta, Intercept and Risk free rate, Risk premium, regression analysis and WACC for a easy to calculate but so hard to find the right values...
But some times she makes it easier for us...or the people who possesses a smartphone...thanx!
Another type of movie theater
I have a new financial management assigment that takes most of my weekend again :S
I went downtown last night to eat a break...

I tried some deep fried was good, almost like brittish fish and chips.

We also passed by this interesting cinema, where u can bring your own food and watch more than 1 movie for a ticket...even though the movies are not super new...I missed the beginning, but saw the new "Conan the barbarian" was so-so...
McDonalds opened at NTHU
McDonalds opened at NTHU!

The queues were super long...

There are many stores in that foodcourt, but in this day, almost everyone ate McDonalds food...

However, they seem to be very greedy...since stores in campus are taxfree, making it cheaper for students, McDonalds stil charge full price on meals...meaning they earn more here than outside...aiyo...
Worst moron decision ever...
Do we have a moron in class?
Who suggested it? - the student
Who decided it? - the teacher?
Who approved it? - the program?
We could use smart phones when writing our Financial management exam. But not computers or open book...
Its a joke...

Are they AACSB accredited? Then AACSB is also a joke...cuz this program is...
Lab is leaking...
Its raining...and the lab is not in a 100% developed country building...

Water puddles on the exotic...a need for umbrellas inside?
Later nights in the lab
Its midterm week, meaning, the night becomes longer and longer...however I dont get so much sleep.

Once in a while we go to the store...and occasionally we buy a beer...thats exotic...
Sweden as a business model
We have miterms in writing business model in an entrepreunership class that I am taking now...

Some chalmers student presented scandinavian tourist trips as a busines was exotic...
Rainy days again
I remember last year, it was raining alot during end of november...

Its time for rainy days again...
Every day its raining...almost like in Gothenburg...Borås and other nice cities near the west coastof sweden...
Stupid or just a joke?
We have financial management midterm tomorrow...
Now, some day before the exam, the teacher seriously told the TA (teacher assistant) that we can use smart phones as calculators...

This university (NCTU) never ends to surprise me...
So inconsistent...
I will try to use my laptop tomorrow...since they can do almost the same ever with a laptop u cannot send sms and call I guess a smart phone is better...
Lab night...
Another night in the lab...

Its ok...we know how to prepare...its always the same...
Do recommended exercise...and hang on...
Its funny, the teacher (according to rumor) jsut accepted people to bring their smart phones to the exam...if that was in sweden, it means open book, since then u can as well bring a laptop with all E-books there is... will b interesting to c what happends...
Midterm week no 1
It si midterm week no 1, exceot for theE-commerce presentation that I have more or less every week, there will be entrepreneur ship business plan presentations...and opositions...
I also have midter on thursday in financial management and a midterm hand-in in retailng.

Some classmates recently invested in a calculator for seemed advanced...however it took a while for them to read the manual and really understand how to use it...
Normal day nowadays...
A normal day nowaday...

A meeting in the lab...taking all day...
Running in the dark...
I ran in the night today...
Pablo was training, and I chose to join, however I picked a different route...

I also had to go to the train station again, to complete some calculations...

It was really crowded at the station today...

After spending my whole day in the lab, except the running tour, I had to drink, it was almost 30 degrees my opinion...
Flip your number and get faster service...
I ate lunch at mosburger was hasty...

I fliped my number..and suddenly i was served amazing...
Weekend before midterm week starts...
Im suppose to study the whole weekend...

However I joined and enjoyed a Taiwanese wedding about noon time... it was so exotic...

It was a cultural experience, we ate chicken and some beans that will improve your memory...

An interesting thing is that many taiwanese people wanted to do "bottom up" (or "gan Bei") with me, meaning that i finished alot of wine bottles during the event...

However I joined and enjoyed a Taiwanese wedding about noon time... it was so exotic...

It was a cultural experience, we ate chicken and some beans that will improve your memory...

An interesting thing is that many taiwanese people wanted to do "bottom up" (or "gan Bei") with me, meaning that i finished alot of wine bottles during the event...

It means good luck to have red bean soup at the wedding...
They also had some corn balls, called something with "dumpling" in different colours, red colour increase your love, white increase your money...
I also had time to investigate Hsinchus trainstation...

We haqve to analyse the station from retailing might b a challenge...after writing things in the lab for a while i did some other stuff...

I finished the day at 7-11...ppl who didnt go out clubbing ended usual...

We haqve to analyse the station from retailing might b a challenge...after writing things in the lab for a while i did some other stuff...

I finished the day at 7-11...ppl who didnt go out clubbing ended usual...

The police asked the people to move, since they were to moisy, so later on when I passed by, they moved to the lake...
Class mates birthday dinner
A classamte had a birthday dinner, and i was invited in last minute...

We went to the beer house where the swedes often go...

I ordered sweet and sour was good...

Many first year students were there...

Afterwards we mingeled outside for a while...

We were there after spontaneous invited by Harry to help him move stuff...

They bought arla cheese from exotic, made in denmark...

We went to the beer house where the swedes often go...

I ordered sweet and sour was good...

Many first year students were there...

Afterwards we mingeled outside for a while...

We were there after spontaneous invited by Harry to help him move stuff...

They bought arla cheese from exotic, made in denmark...
Red bull try out in the lab...
We tried red bull in the lab today...some students did some research...

We tried with coke, vodka and was interesting...

We tried with coke, vodka and was interesting...
Japanese girl in morning class
Today we had presentation in the Cross cultural marketing class...we presented Argentina´s culture...

The teacher uncurraged us to bring people from the countries we presented...and some group brought a Japanese girl. Her english was not good, but they could ask her questions in chinese...
It was exotic...
Late night meeting again...
I had another late night meeting today...

We tried to spice it up by drinking baileys, beer and whisky...
A big difference between Taiwan and sweden is all the homework you get here...
Its a never ending story...
Tomorrow I have presentation
And assigments... aiyo...
Cake eating in the lab
Today I ate some cake leftovers in the lab...
It was nice...

I had alot of meetings...and I also swam with the swimming was fun... however, it feels like i need to improve myself...
It was nice...
Longest charge of cellphone time ever...
Today I went to charge my cell phone at 7-11...

But there was this lady before me who triedtoprint some paper with pictures...
But the copy machine was broken, si I waiterfor more thatn 10 mins...atleast it felt like it...

After a while they managed to get everything right...and there were still ppl ahead of me, who had been waiting an even longer time...
Emerson eats like me
My philippino classmate join me today by eating double meals.

One hamburger and one pasta with meat a soul mate...
"We need a white guy..."
It is a very racist society here in Taiwan (or asia)...They often require white guys...
We were asked to join a business competition, and the GMBA program staff wanted to have atleast one white guy in each team...

So funny, and rumor has it that the professors design the teams so that they will ahve white order to remain competitive on the asian businessplan funny...
A morning at the market
This morning I went to the market in Hsinchu downtown.

At 7 it was hectic hours, people, scooters and animals rushing around to the smell of fumes, fruit and meant/fish...

Me and some classmates in my retailing class were guided around.

They hd products from all over the world, even though it is subtropical climate here, alof of fruits were imprtet from USA etc...

It was not totally figuered out, how to dea with their trash at this mall...

Some people even got their food from the trash...

The meat market was gross, reminded me of a Vietnamese market...

They were also selling fish...
My teacher said the mall was like 200 years old...totally awesome. Strangely enough the market never became the city center, like in Europes cities...
I had birthday yesterday...
I didnt plan to do anything special, since I had school work etc to do.

We had photo shoot at school for a brochure we are doing...

I had mos burger breakfast...
I also went to the swimming pool...
I also ate some cakes and beer.

Its like a tradition, my brother and sister gave me a bailey bottle some year ago, my classmate gave me this last night...
Of course ppl congratulted me on facebook...
Thanx everyone who made my day,thanx for the gifts!
Presentation in the morning
I had presentation this morning...

It was about SAP, EAI and ERP systems...
Both me and my friend had experiencein this field from before so it was ok...
TOP LEVEL 2 test
Some really incom****nt professors at our program decided that the GMBA students should pass LEVEL 2 chinese test...
They claimed it was as hard as to distinguish "ni hao ma" which means "how are you", and "ma ni hao" which could mean, "I like money". Unfortunetelly this professor is know for not getting questionized and he says alot of stranghtins and miss informs people...

To pass Level 2, one needs to know atleast 1500 words...and many ppl I know failed the test...
It is so see if some program managers lives in a fantasy...or if i missunderstood something...
It is also impossible to take enough chinese courses with the schedule we have...
We will c what happends...
Late night meeting...
I had a meeting about Business models some nights ago. And everyone came up with suggestions.

Maybe its culture, of different education levels, but I reallly didnt understand some of the others ideas. We will vote later on today, im looking forward to understand their business plan.
A new guy came to the meeting, unfortunately he didnt get info about all the ideas, but he voted for the ones thathe heard about.