Normal Wednesday...
I started this wednesday by holdaing a 30-40 minutes presentation about busines models, which I am critical to, since business models are so 2009...and still my GMBA program loves them so old school :S
I continued to the Patent office at school...

Boring enough, the meeting was held in I didnt understand that much...

I continued to the "Global village" market at school, where some countries (I assumed picked by school) had the chance to promote their country...many times I think this school is corrupted...since it often tend to be the same country that is represented...maybe it is the students from these countries who are in charge, and its culture in theri country to use power as it serves them...

Some "Guatemala dish". stasted like central american mix..."tomato, onion, cucumber etc", typical taco flavours...

Brazilian drink and bread with chesee inside...

Swedish "chokladbollar" and cinnamon buns...

The indians made some fried dew and exotic...

It was like 19 tents...and almot every tent reprsented a country. mostly central american countries.... and india, jordan, india and sweden, as I can recall...

I got the honor to pose with the "international service center lady" Amy Chen...she use to sent emails to the students at NCTU...
I was dressed by my friend Hani from Jordan...

After an evening class, I had a meeting in the lab...
I continued to A-mart and there after to...

...7-11 at north gate, where I got the slowest service ever...the staff jsut stod there doing nothing when i waited to pay...

I also took a beer and some was really windy today...I went back to the lab to print some documents after this...