A trip to the banana city; Qishan

Originally I came here to joina a military run...as one I did in Beitou some decade ago...
...and some "famous" old street...
...and famous for the bananas...apparently...
...many other stores at the night market...
...and old street...
...and got some turmeric...for free...
...I also found some coffee...but not local...
...and they also had some other items...
...many banan stores in the city...pretty funny...
...some banana ice cream...
...my own icecream...was better (mashed banana and cream in freezer)...
...some other banana store...
...some young entrepreneurs openned another banan store...
...the stinky tofu was also "famous" I was told...
...but the banana was more fun...
...and banan beer...but this was from belium...which I had before...
...and some banana cake...it was ok...
...I tried some banana leaf tea...
...some fruit painting...
...some other banana store...
...later on I had some beef noodle...
...they also had some old train station that was not longer in use...but was made to transport bananas...
...more bananas...
...and some old street...
...the old house had some old photos...
...the old house had even more old streets inside...
...where I had some other "famous" dessert...
...but many walls were fake...which was interesting...


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