A trip on road 20 (part I)

For many years I have been waiting for road 20 to open in Taiwan...I planned to visit the road...
...finding a narrow street in Taipei..I wonder how cars even can get out from their parking spot...
...when people fuel up...they dont fuel up by themselves in Taiwan...there are some assistant nearby helping...and also sometimes put a board on teh windshield telling which fuel they are giving you...
...very foggy day...
...bug Buddhe status near Taizhong...
...and road 20...
...splitin up to the mountain....(passing road 3)...
...some huge temple...
...and white bags protecting mango...
...and some tunnel...
...road 29 met up...
...passing the city of taro...
...I had taro icecream...
...passing road 27...
...and a lot of fruit trees...
...and bunun area...
...and some other indigenous groups...such as Tsou...
...red clothes...
...100km mark on oad 20...
...altitude: 1000ish meters...
...and suddenly...road is closed...dammit...
...the road to east...
...a lot of rain...
...and indigenous places...
...I had millet wine icecream...
...some hikers managed to get in...the police claimed that one had to apply permit 30km away from here...(but at a local police station they said that this information is wrong...no permit needed)...
...many cars started to line up...since the raod might open tomorrow morning at 7 am...
....some locals 
...some local food...
...local banans...
...it was some kind of almond banana...
...indigenous people got free antenna to be able to watch indigenous TV...
...they also wanted to sell me some plum...
...a map of indigenous local groups...
...and some indigenous painting...
...and colours...
...a bowl...looking like an anime character (in Spirited Away)...
...more indigenous art...
....more cars lining up...
...I had some taro bun...
...and some rice in bamboo...
...it contained millet...
...the road was locked during night...
...I also found a swam egg...(or gose)...it was pretty big...
...some local bunun people eating...
...also some haloween art...
...they were selling pumpkin..
...the locals treated us dinner...
...some shrimps...(from ocean)...
...and some other local food...
...they wished to pose...one "seediq/Truku" and one Bunun guy...
...later they asked me to help with some fire thing...
...while they were bioling rice...
...dealing with something they called a "swedish torch"...
...after some youtube inspiraion I got some idea on how to use it...
...it toog like 15 minutes...
...pretty cool...
...one more pose...


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