Last day in Danlin (march 2022)

Im hanging out with people who live by night...
...waking up at 11-12...hainvg some noodles for breakfast (Vuvu made)...she likes to see people eat...
...I also made coffee...
...later we also passed by a local 7-11...
...and went to a local competition (in Laiyi county)...
...people doing high jump...
...and running...
...different gender, different competitions...
...winner for the girls...
...and boys...
...and men...
...and the volley ball...
...many military was there promoting to join the armed forces...
...Danlin won the volley ball game...
...I had som local pastery...
...this was the name of the event......Undukai...
...they had a lot of indigenous stuff...
...and drinks... friends were mixing the drinks...
..."hello bitch"...
...I got an orange drink...
Gunai making the drink...
...some local orchestra...
...and some pizza bakery...
...omg...turtles... looked like professional pizza...
...I was seeking shade...
...we ordered half margeritha, half hawaii...
...then back to watch more competitions...
...the the tribe leaders were dressing up...for some final event...
...some shaman singing some spell...
...and some danc performance...
...and martial art performance...
...and local politicians...saying hello to the people...
...and some more soldiers performing...
...many people were laughing about their not sure why...
...strong wind...
...and some more people in traditional clothes...
...omg...later we found that people parked so that we couldnt leave...(but I found a small path for us to exit)...
...Geai also told me that his village unique..cus not many people know where the people in the tribe comes from..they had some Rukaii ancestors...and some shamans say they dont really belong here...he said they might be from a magical place called "Mu"...
Sunset over southern Taiwan...
Song of the evening:


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