A trip east (entering Taiwan during the Corona pandemic era)

I made a trip east recently...
...saying bai for some time to where i sleep in nights...
...passing skår in gothenburg...
...and 7-11 at landvetter airport...
...many people heading to many places...
...last swedish sunset for a while...
...omg...a woman praying outside the toilets....(but i was on the flight to turkey...almost all women on the flight were wearing jihab)...
...turkish airlines...
...I tried to see aurora...since its extra easy to spot...(however my seat was aiming ot the south mainly...but I did glance to north once in a while)...
 ...I had both beer and wine on the flight...
...turkish wine...
...turkish beer...
...some guy in front of me removed his facemask many times...many people saw the face mask as a decoration...so funny...especially since he kept sneazing...
...a leif mannerström look a like who also removed his mask a little...
...and a quick stop in Istanbul airport...with some complicated way to get wifi...and it was pretty slow...(but atleast for free (for 1 hour))...
...I had to be near some areas...or where there were barely any people to use it...
...I also passed by some interesting exhibition about the Ottoman empire...
...I also checked the johnnie walker...
...next flight..
...arrived to taipei...where everyone was tested for covied19 (PCT-test)...we all had to wait in some hall before the tests were done....
...we all got our names called out...
...these people in some super cover were treating us as if we were carrying some deadly virus or something...
...I was number 36...
...sometime they called  number out..and that person became nervous...
...some local QnA...
...the white people were checking some things..mostly about hotel arrangements..
..finally, after the people who did not test clearly negative were called out..we go the chance to continue...(3 people were asked to redo their test)..
...we had to buy SIM card if we didnt already have..(some there is a cell phone based reporring system)...it was pretty smooth and structured process...(since taiwan has been closed for quite some time...the staff were pretty skilled)...
....I was carrying many documents...I also had to re-register my new phone number...
...no tourists are allowed into taiwan during the corona times...luckily I got my golden card...(ready for pick-up)...
...luggage claim...almost empty...
..some cute dog were sniffing the few people here for drugs...
...out in the arrival hall...also totally empty...
..I was asked to walk to a taxi gathering place...pretty structured...
...covid-taxi...plastic in the front...
...some taiwanese buildings...
Until I arrived to my hotel..where I entered...they checked my passport number...and then I walked by myself to my room...I was actually walking freely on the street for some 20 meters...the gap between taxi and hotel...it smelled like taipei...not sure how to explain but south of Jing-An has the same smell...
...I got room 308...every room has a chair places outside for pickup (i get a line message once things are ready to be picked up (i am not allowed to open my door else))...
...I had water for some days...(even if im not a big fan of water in PET bottle (i heard it contains micro plastics :) )...
...and soap for some days...
...seems like a generic password...
...I also finished all the snax that was included in the hotel room...and some wine i took from the airplane..first day of the qarantine...
...first supper...some seafood soup and rice...
...else it is breakfast 8.30-9.00, lunch 12.00-12.30 and dinner 18.00-18.30...however I am allowed to get take-away (like uber eat)...some friends anounced they might send me something (i hoped for yilan beer, but its tricky if beer is accepted)...
...even the phone was covered in plastic...
...I need to check my temp twice per day...
...as well as doing PCR test 3rd day, 7th day, 10th day and last days...(I got 4 kits)...
(there are some systems "14+0+7", "10+4+7" and "7+7+7" which refers to how many days u live in hotel (1), and self qarantine(2)...and "hanging out nearby ur own area qarantine"(3)...
2022 continues like this for atleast 2 weeks...


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