A surf trip to Waiao

Me and some classmates went to Waiao to surf...

23 degrees 7am...in taipei...

We took the train to the east coast...

I brought honey beer...super good...

There we rented some boards...

 And shirts...
 A guy teaching some of us how to do...
 It was 27 degrees (C) in the water...
 Emerson was joking around...
 Super funny...
 So was Pablo...

Emerson taught Kuoping to do theGangnam style dance...

He did it ok...

Also Michel Jackson was imitated...

Time to surf...Turtle island in the background...

Our boards...
 After some hour surfing we ordered some food...
 We also ahd beer etc...
 Many people were far away...where the higher waves were...
 I should come here more often...practice makes perfect...
 Lunch box included chicken...
It is tiring to surf...very salyt water and burning sun...so we took many rests...non of us slept much last night since we had to go up early...

Waiao...I passed by many times...it was 2008 I came ehre the first time...

Emerson...surfer professional...

Running around...he had a wetsuit...I thought that was to warm...

It looked like it would be rain...whenever...

But we were lucky...it was sunny most of the time...

Kuoping in acton...
Time to surf the third time...

Pablo has been surfing before...in Bali...

He was pretty good...

Now his ready for action...

Last waves for today...

There were many foreigners at the beach, we even met some old classmates fomr NCTU here...
Time to go back...around 2pm...
Big boards...
Wai ao...not sure why they changed the text...on the sign...
It was crowded on the way back...especially when we came closer to taipei...
 We paid a short visit to the maid cafe just to check it out...its a japanese style cafe...
But we ended up at a BBQ allyoucaneat near taipei main station...
Alot of meat...
And dressing and salad...
We also got some korean shots...
It was ok...but I liked the ximen BBQ better...
 EVentually they also added prawns to the buffet...after the meal we all were pretty tired...we have some sleep to catch up on...


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