A saturday trip in northern taipei...
I started the saturday by going to Tianmu...

For a aboriginal museum visit...

It was interesting...

MAny tribes...13 or more...

Especially on the east coast they have many tribes...

The aboriginals been here for 4000 years or more...

or 6000 years ago...in yilans museum I read about 15000 years ago...

They also ahd a 3D cinema...

Shamans, thats cool...then I visited the Amis museum in hualian, they told me that a wizzard lived near nanao, north of hualoan, I wanna meet that person...

Some handcrafts...

And colourful clothes...

Even in the taoilet that had information...but inchinese...about some tribes...

And some weapons...

This guy was the mail character in the (in taiwan) famous movies seediq bale...

He was a cool warrior...

It was not that big museum, 3 small floors...and 3-4 tribes were over represented...

The trip coninued to some mountain area...

Near the yangmingshan national park...

And this waterfall...

Some guy was fishing there...

And other just chilles on the cliffs...

Not sure why but they blocked the old path to the water fall...

It was not super big...maybe 10 meters high...

AFter this the trip continued south...

To Neihu and this burger bar...

Menu in english...so professional...

Some people were watching basketbal. Iran vs Taiwan...

I had some pepper soup...

And blue cheese salad...

And some burger..they all were the same size...but different flavours...

After this a visitto ximen was done...6 million taiwanes on a small area...half the city was chaotic when they have this annual firework...same as last year...ppl even block the stairway...

Some 20 minutes firework...

It was ok..

Dont remember why they had it...

But its nice thathtye have some events for the citizens....


And later chaotic in traffic...polluted...

And hours of waiting...

I wonder how many scooters taiwan has...

Next stop was ikea...

Wow so many kopparbergs cider...

Every where...

And lösgodis..so cool...but no chocolate :(

And no arabou milk chocolate..only this strawberry flavour...

On the taoliet another tai stood up on the chair...

Nextg stop the red house...

I had a passion fruit smoothie...

Many people walking here...its like europe...

And a visit to coldstone...

Some special ice cream..it was good...