Taipei trip 2/3

I went to Taipei last night...
It was my classmates birthdayparty at some nightmarket...(atr a mediterranean restaurant)

We arrivesd a little late, but they saved a table for us...(me and some other classmates from NCTU)

I had some egyptian cigars (it is like a spring roll)

Then I had a marocco burger (it is a pita bread)

It seemed like most of the other people were from Taipei ( we recognized some of them from some latino bars we visited some week ago)

Then we went to a bar where they brew their own beer. We had some beer with honey flavour.

It is a really soft flavour.

We ended up taking the last bus back to Hsinshu. Hui zi, a taiwanese girl, brought her cello, and played the song that the library plays when it is about to close., while waiting for the bus...


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