Gothenburg brewery run 2024

...I arranged a brewery run recently...
...and passed by Vega brewery to negotiate if they could be open; since they with short notice announced that they will be closed (this was a part of the planned route)...
...but 2 fat pig brewery was the first stop...
...and then we ran around to some other breweries...
...Stigbergets brewery at Ringön...
...Spike brwery...with some beer bus...
...and poppels brewery...
...passed by some 8 breweries....
...and I finally got soemthing to eat at Majornas Brewery...
...and spontanouely passed by Grano...with Mr KJ...
...the had the same art as KE and kind of KJ...
...we tried a Tiramisu... was ok...
...a lot of cream...
...and nice water... was a nice moon this evening...


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