A lunch with Mr Twetman and a visit to the CITO office
I had some local food recently...

...it was in hsinchu...

...I also joined some hash event...

...and there after headed to meet mr twetman...who met up at a restaurant near his work...

...a local taiwanese place...with some international interiors...

...omg..and some "high fiber" coke...

...we had some mexian dish...(taiwan style)...

...I had a larger portion than mr Twetman...

...this is where he worked...

...I went here on google street walk once...

...omg...some witch vehicle near a 7-11...but also; a geocache is hidden on this pic...

...I also went to visit the CITO (chalmers office) at NCTU...(NYCU)...

...they obviously werent in the administration building any longer...

...but the sign was still here...

...I was 100kg today...

...and the old office place in the library was empty...interesting...

...I had a yeguonaicha (coconut milk tea) at food court 1...

...passing the old DJ clud...where I still have the key...

...apparently the new chalmers office ins in food court 2, 3rd floor...

...in there somewhere...

...it suppose to be open monday and tuesday around lunch...so limited opening hours...

...but not even on these 2 hours it was open...

...in general one needs a card to enter the floor...but I just waited until random student opened for me...