Some last 2024 event

...i have plenty of candles... I tried to burn them up...
...I also recyceled refundable bottles...
...I got some 380ish sek...
...I also inspected my moms x-mas gift that the person who gave it to her finished it herself...such an interesting event... and my father wraped xmas gift for kids in Ukraine...
...I also got some x-mas gift from another friend...
...and found out that the LDS church worship Jehova...(it is the same as Jesus)...

Xmas 2024

...I went to some bingo event the 23rd of dec... was fun...
...I saw some cool spiderman santa decoration...
...the following day I have some x-mas food...
...making my own Jansons...
...omg 15.00...
..time for Donald Duck (swedish tradtition)...
...and some snax...
it was an interesting x-mas...

Table donation and a warhammer 40k experience

...I helped a friend to move recently...
...we donated plenty of furnitures to charity...
...and had some Indian food...
...I also inspected some religious painting...
...and some Warhammer 40k landscape...I love Diorama...
...maybe I will come back here an play...
...I need to get my figures ready too...
...I also saw some amazing violins...
2024 continues...

Bird feeding and some food with uncle

...I gave some food to the birds recently...
...mainly peanuts...
...and some peanut butter...yummy...
...sun sets pretty south nowadays...(almost the darkest day of the year)...
...later on I ate some food with my uncle..
...and did some meat dish with a was good...(even though we mainly ate the spices...and gave the meat to some animals)...

Indian event at the indians

I went to some indian friends recently...
...I made some Naan...
...fried...and also some light version of Rogan Josh... was good...locally produced Lamb...
...I also passed by a christmas was fun...

Darkest day of the year visible on

It is only 2 weeks left until we have the darkest day of the year.
On the website: you can check the weather forcast up to 2 weeks in advance; and in Alingsås it seems like the sun rise is 0853 while the sun set is 15.22 (winter time)...
The sun sets 15.20 from thr 13th to the 16th of dec. and the it starts to set later...
Sun rise will be later and later...but maybe around 8.55 at year end it will start to rise earlier again...

A Nepal photo event

...I went for a nepal photo event recently...
...eating some cinnamon bun...
...and was invited by some travel agency... see different trekking options in nepal...
And it reminded me of my trip there:
...Cinnamon bun, ginger bread and coffee...
...they were offereing many hikes...and it was fun to listen to...
...and also entertaining; when they showed how they dress at mount everest base camp; in different scenarios...
...I also tried some nice beer; reminding me of Le ble d'or...a Jul-öl

Archipelago, pizza and X-mas events

I was out in the archipelago recently... Vinga light house...
...I also passed by Lysekil...where I found beer form Laos...
...later I went to a pizzeria in Gothenburg...
...I had a pizza that tasted like meat sauce...
...I also had some nutella with bread...
...3 people in sweden weight 255 kilos...85 kilo each
...I also found a huge lighter at my friends place...
...and some street art...
...and after that I ended up at a glögg event...
...and painted an X-mas tree...

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