More pumpkin carvings
I did some more pumpkin carvings lately...

...some spiderman inspired pumkin...

...I gave away one pumpkin to a friend...

...just like some decade ago...a jack the pumpkin king glowing in the dark...
A night at the Techno creatives
I went to the techno creatives recently...

...intersting people were there...

...the usual pies...

...but no pie competition this year...

...someone borrowed my campera and took this pic...

...and this pic...

...later on some people went up on stage...

...and there was a video with some music...

...everyone had stickers, which gave them mojitos if they gathered together... friend Chells played some VR-game...

...some funny team...

...more entertainment...

...and some hourse mingeling...(some girl tried to ride it and fell)...

...some visitors also ate salad...

...I tried this beer...

...and the DJ entered the stage...

...and some rapper went up batteling...which the audience liked...--- friends refiled their mojitos...they thought it was strong...

...the battel continued...

...I got the feeling that they reheared before...

...this guy was funny thinking it was appropriation that some white dudes were rapping...

...reminded me a little of the movie 8 mile...

...some people thought it reminded them of this guy...

...Chells was later on heading to ireland...and asked if she could get a red hat too...

...later on more people started to dance on the dance floor.. funny guys in action...they are intersting fixing an AI company...

...more dancing... was entertaining...

...the bartender was funny...

...MR JR was dancing...

...the day after I had a hamburger with Chells...catching up on old times...
A lunch ar pardis
I went for an all you can eat in gothenburg recently...

...some middle east buffet...

...a lot of meat...

...and some carrot cake...

...I also met up with a coworker...who had a dessert at an italian restaurant...

...I had an italian beer there...the waiter was from brazil..pretty funny guy...
Random pre-halloween events at the westcoast
...autumn is here...the temp is notadays 5-15 degs...

...I got some pumpkins that I carved...

...first batch...1 traditional and one jack the pumpkin king...
Some friends meet-up and bike kitchen visit and food session
I went to the bike kitchen recently...
but berfore that I went to meet up my cousin and some local friends...

...having kebabpizza at Deniz pizzeria...

...Danne also showed up...

...he looked very cool...

...his glasses matched his helmet...

...he was headig for some mountainbike event...

...he even brought a bike to lilla bornö once:

...later on I went to the bikekitchen in Gamlestan and met Mr Edenforce there...he is so funny...

...joking around with me...while i repaired some of my bikes and fixed a bike for a friend...

...making some ginger, turmeric and honey drink...healthy some say...
Some october events including CITO alumni dinner
Summer is over...

...and I made a comparison between these drinks...I guess its mainly the sugar flavour that differs...

...I also had some vindaloo with funny people...

...and inspected the results of a storm passing by...

...joining a crayfish party... was interesting...

...some people bringing this ricewine...

...I brought some kavalan and indigenous spirit... friend Kasper was there...he is nice, smart and funny. He is also a great singer...and did some performance...

...they also had some nice dessert...

...some funny stories as usual...(and some "på spåret"-inspred competition...(which we eventually won)...

...funny students...joking around.

...students singing and cheering...

...and some advanced drinking...

...yep...they made it...

...bottom up...

...later on we supported in the clean up...

...chairs on the table...

...cleaned the floor...lets see if we can meet next year as well...
...2023 continues...
A chinese food event
I went for some chinese food recently...

...some mix food...

...with "mala"...makes the mouth num...

...including soup...

...and some potatoes...

...and squid...

...later we had some snax...

...and frozen mango...

...people from all around the world was an interesting event...
some garden art
I had some flower bulbs that I wanted to use recently...

...making shaped in the grass...

...hearts...words and symbols...
...let see next year if it works...
Some wedding party at Alingsås
I joined a wedding party recently...

...I also inpected some drinking glasses... seems like Helles are the beer versions of Riedel...

...leter on I went to Hol...

...near vårgårda... some kind of farm...

...Gotaleden will pass by here in the future...but it has not officially opened here yet...

...Yifang came by with some music...

...and some funny folkd were talking..

...I also got drink tickets...

...we had some falafel tasting dish...

...and fish...

...and some photo session...

...and some cake...

I made some low alcohol drink...and felt creative... was fun...and international...and convienent that I could cycle here...
Scatterd garden events
I tried a new beer recently... was hazy...I just tried a cup...since alcohol in recent studies are not that good for you...

...I also went to a meeting...where I had a sip of another local beer...

...and later inspected my own cider...which has beer too long in the fermentation process...(but I think I also had too much yeast inside)...

...I also spotted my neighnours making a new bridge...

...and that my Näs hops were gone...its really hard to make hops settle...but pratice makes perfect hopefully...

...I ender with some dumpstered was good...with a lof of cheese...
2 dines, a hotel visit and a new peanutbutter
I had some meals recently...

...a classic Vindaloo as I do on some fridays...

...and some fish at a danish bar...

...and later on I tried some Reese peanutbutter